tencent cloud


Quickly Deploying Native WordPress Application

Last updated: 2024-12-17 16:03:46
    Tencent Cloud Serverless Framework provides a new deployment method for WordPress based on the serverless architecture. By using the Serverless Framework WordPress component, you can quickly deploy a WordPress project in just a few steps.

    Architecture Overview

    This component mainly creates the following resources for you:
    It implements the access layer of Serverless WordPress to run WordPress
    API Gateway
    It is the ingress of WordPress and implements RESTful APIs
    It is the serverless storage warehouse for WordPress
    TDSQL-C Serverless
    You can create a TDSQL-C for MySQL serverless database to implement a pay-as-you-go and automatically scalable database service
    It is used to connect SCF, CFS, and TDSQL-C Serverless over the private network to ensure network isolation


    Support for native WordPress framework With the Serverless WordPress component, you can directly deploy native WordPress projects without having to make any modifications, which is non-intrusive to the framework and supports subsequent version upgrade.
    Reduced costs From the access layer to compute layer to storage layer, everything uses serverless resources to truly implement pay-as-you-go billing and auto scaling, greatly reducing the costs.
    Easy deployment With the Serverless WordPress component, you can quickly complete WordPress application deployment by using just a few lines of configuration in a YAML file, greatly lowering the deployment threshold.

    Deployment Steps

    You can deploy Serverless WordPress on the command line or in the console in the following steps:


    You have activated SCF.
    You have activated CFS.
    (Optional) You have prepared a custom domain name.

    Deployment in console

    Currently, only four regions are supported: Beijing, Guangzhou, Nanjing, and Shanghai.
    1. Log in to the SAC console and click Create Application.
    2. Enter the application name as prompted, select Application Template > WordPress Application, and click Create to create an application.
    3. On the serverless application page, click Access Application to access your WordPress project. You can also configure a custom domain name on the application details page.

    Deployment on command line

    Currently, only four AZs are supported: ap-guangzhou-4, ap-shanghai-2, ap-beijing-3, and ap-nanjing-1.
    1. Create the wordpress-demo folder locally and download the application from the WordPress official website into it.
    2. In the folder, create the serverless.yml configuration file and complete application configuration as follows (for more information on the configuration, please see the configuration document):
    app: wordpress
    stage: dev
    component: wordpress
    name: wordpressDemo
    region: ap-shanghai # Project region
    zone: ap-shanghai-2
    src: # Project path, which should be your WordPress path
    src: ./wordpress
    - .env
    apigw: # API Gateway configuration
    customDomains: # (Optional) Bind a custom domain name
    - domain: abc.com # The custom domain name to be bound
    certId: abcdefg # Unique certificate ID of the custom domain name to be bound
    customMap: true # Whether the path is custom
    - path: /
    environment: release
    protocols: # Type of the protocol of the custom domain name to be bound, which is the same as that of the frontend service protocol
    - http
    - https
    After you complete the above configuration, your project structure will be as follows:
    ├── wordpress # WordPress source file
    ├── serverless.yml # Configuration file
    └── .env # Environment variable file
    3. In the root directory, run sls deploy to complete the deployment. Below is an example:
    $ sls deploy
    serverless ⚡framework
    Action: "deploy" - Stage: "dev" - App: "appDemo" - Instance: "wordpressDemo"
    region: ap-shanghai
    zone: ap-shanghai-2
    created: true
    url: https://service-xxxxx.sh.apigw.tencentcs.com/release/
    4. After the deployment succeeds, click the URL output in the apigw part, configure the account and password as prompted, and you can start using your WordPress application.


    What should I do if deployment failed due to permission problems?

    Check whether the root account/sub-account has the following permissions:
    Check roles: SCF_QcsRole, SLS_QcsRole, and CODING_QcsRole.
    Check permissions:
    SCF_QcsRole must have the CFSFullAccess permission.
    CODING_QCSRole must have the QcloudSLSFullAccess, QcloudSSLFullAccess, and QcloudAccessForCODINGRole permissions.
    For a sub-account, you also need to check the following permissions: The account should have permissions to use SLS, SCF, CFS, TDSQL-C, and CODING.

    After a custom domain name was bound, the error message {"message":"There is no api match env_mapping '\\/'"} was reported. What should I do?

    Modify the custom mapping in the API Gateway console as shown below:

    How do I modify php.ini to change the limit on the size of uploaded files?

    1. Modify the layer code. Move the php.ini file in the etc folder to the etc/php.d folder. You can also directly use the package provided by Tencent Cloud. When packaging and uploading the layer again, pay attention to the hierarchy in the package and compress only files in the parent directory; otherwise, function initialization will fail:
    2. Modify the bootstrap code of the wp-server-xxx function as follows:
    export PATH="/opt/bin:$PATH"
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    export PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR=/opt/etc/php.d
    php -d extension_dir=/opt/lib/php/modules/ sl_handler.php 1>&2

    How do I troubleshoot the "event too large" error?

    Currently, you can only upload an event of up to 6 MB in size for a function. Larger files cannot be uploaded.
    Currently, Base64 encoding by API Gateway will increase your code size by 1.5 times. Therefore, we recommend you upload a file below 3.5 MB in size.

    How do I modify files in the WordPress root directory?

    Currently, such files are mounted to CFS and cannot be modified directly. We recommend you install the File Manager plugin to manage files in the root directory.
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