tencent cloud


Quickly Deploying a Function Template

Last updated: 2024-12-02 10:48:10


    This document describes how to use Serverless Cloud Framework to quickly create, configure, and deploy an Serverless Cloud Function (SCF) application on Tencent Cloud.


    You have installed Serverless Cloud Framework 1.67.2 or later. For more information, see Installing Serverless Cloud Framework.
    You have signed up for a Tencent Cloud account as instructed in Signing Up.
    If your account is a Tencent Cloud sub-account, first get the authorization from the root account as instructed in Account and Permission Configuration.


    Quick deployment

    In an empty folder directory, run the following command:
    Next, initialize the project as prompted. Select the scf-starter template for the application and select the runtime you want to use (Node.js is used as an example here):
    serverless-cloud-framework: No Serverless project is detected. Do you want to create a project? Yes
    serverless-cloud-framework: Select the Serverless application you want to create: scf-starter - quickly deploys an SCF function
    react-starter - quickly deploys a React.js application
    restful-api - quickly deploys a RESTful API to use Python + API Gateway
    ❯ scf-starter - quickly deploys an SCF function
    vue-starter - quickly deploys a basic Vue.js application
    website-starter - quickly deploys a static website
    eggjs-starter - quickly deploys a basic Egg.js application
    express-starter - quickly deploys a basic Express.js application
    serverless-cloud-framework: Select the runtime of the application: scf-nodejs - quickly deploys an SCF function in Node.js
    scf-golang - quickly deploys an SCF function in Go
    ❯ scf-nodejs - quickly deploys an SCF function in Node.js
    scf-php - quickly deploys an SCF function in PHP
    scf-python - quickly deploys an SCF function in Python
    serverless-cloud-framework: Enter the project name: demo
    serverless-cloud-framework: Installing the scf-nodejs application...
    scf-nodejs › Created
    The demo project has been successfully created!
    Click Deploy Now to quickly deploy the initialized project to the SCF console:
    serverless-cloud-framework: Do you want to deploy the project in the cloud now? Yes
    Click the link below to log in:
    Logged in successfully!
    Action: "deploy" - Stage: "dev" - App: "scfApp" - Name: "scf-nodejs"
    bucket: sls-cloudfunction-ap-guangzhou-code
    object: /scf_component_******-**********.zip
    description: This is a function in scfApp application
    functionName: scf-nodejs-dev-scfApp
    handler: index.main_handler
    lastVersion: $LATEST
    memorySize: 128
    namespace: default
    runtime: Nodejs10.15
    sourceCodeDownloadUrl: https://sls-app-code-prod-**********.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/***
    NeedCreate: true
    apiId: api-********
    apiName: index
    authType: NONE
    businessType: NORMAL
    created: true
    isBase64Encoded: false
    method: GET
    path: /
    created: true
    environment: release
    protocols: http
    serviceId: service-********
    serviceName: serverless
    subDomain: service-********-**********.gz.apigw.tencentcs.com
    - http://service-********-**********.gz.apigw.tencentcs.com/release/
    type: event
    SCF console: https://serverless.cloud.tencent.com/apps/scfApp/scf-nodejs/dev
    184s »scf-nodejs» Execution succeeded.
    After deployment, complete the remote invocation of the function by running the following command:
    scf invoke --inputs function=helloworld
    scf is short for serverless-cloud-framework.

    Viewing the Deployment Information

    To view the application deployment statuses and resources again, go to the directory that is successfully deployed and run the following command:
    cd demo # Enter the project directory. Please change to your actual project's directory name here
    scf info

    Viewing the directory structure

    In the directory of the initialized project, you can see the most basic structure of a serverless function project:
    ├── serverless.yml # Configuration file
    ├—— index.js # Entry function
    └── .env # Environment variable file
    The serverless.yml configuration file implements the quick configuration of the basic function information. All the configuration items supported by the SCF console can be configured in the .yml file. For more information, see SCF Configuration Information.
    index.js is the entry function of the project, which is the helloworld template here.
    The .env file stores user login authentication information. You can also configure other environment variables in it.


    In the local project directory, you can modify the function template and configuration file and then redeploy the project by running the following command:
    scf deploy
    To view the detailed information during removal, you can add the --debug parameter.

    Continuous development

    After the deployment is completed, Serverless Cloud Framework allows you to run different commands to implement capabilities such as continuous development and grayscale release for the project. You can also use this component in conjunction with other components to manage the deployment of multi-component applications.
    For more information, see Application Management and List of Supported Commands.


    Question 1: What should I do if the wizard does not pop up by default after I enter serverless-cloud-framework .
    Solution: Add the SERVERLESS_PLATFORM_VENDOR=tencent configuration to the .env file.
    Question 2: What should I do if the deployment is very slow in an overseas network after I enter sls deploy ?
    Solution: Add the GLOBAL_ACCELERATOR_NA=true configuration to the .env file to accelerate the overseas network.
    Question 3: What should I do if a network error occurs during deployment after I enter scf deploy ?
    Solution: Add the following proxy configurations to the .env file.
    HTTP_PROXY= # Replace "12345" with your proxy port
    HTTPS_PROXY= # Replace "12345" with your proxy port
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