tencent cloud


VPC Component

Last updated: 2024-12-02 10:48:10

    Operation Scenarios

    Tencent Cloud VPC component supports configuring serverless.yml to quickly create VPCs and subnets with specified names and output VPCID and SubnetID in order to facilitate the configuration of network information required by other components.



    Install the latest version of Serverless Framework through npm:
    $ npm install -g serverless


    Create a vpcDemo directory and create a serverless.yml file in it.
    $ mkdir vpcDemo && cd vpcDemo
    $ touch serverless.yml
    Configure serverless.yml as follows:
    # serverless.yml
    org: orgDemo # Organization information, which is optional. The default value is the `appid` of your Tencent Cloud account.
    app: appDemo # VPC application name, which is optional.
    stage: dev # Information for identifying environment, which is optional. The default value is `dev`.
    component: vpc # Name of the imported component, which is required. The `tencent-vpc` component is used in this example
    name: vpcDemo # Name of the instance created by this component, which is required.
    region: ap-guangzhou
    zone: ap-guangzhou-2
    vpcName: serverless
    subnetName: serverless


    Run sls deploy to deploy:
    $ sls deploy
    serverless ⚡ framework
    Action: "deploy" - Stage: "dev" - App: "appDemo" - Instance: "vpcDemo"
    region: ap-guangzhou
    zone: ap-guangzhou-2
    vpcId: vpc-xxxxxxxx
    vpcName: serverless
    subnetId: subnet-xxxxxxxx
    subnetName: serverless
    3s › vpcDemo › Success
    sls is short for the serverless command.

    Information viewing

    Run sls info to view the information of successful deployment:
    $ sls info
    serverless ⚡ framework
    Status: active
    Last Action: deploy (5 minutes ago)
    Deployments: 2
    region: ap-guangzhou
    zone: ap-guangzhou-2
    vpcId: vpc-xxxxxxx
    vpcName: serverless
    subnetId: subnet-xxxxxxx
    subnetName: serverless
    vpcDemo › Info successfully loaded


    You can run the following commands to remove the deployed VPC:
    $ sls remove
    serverless ⚡ framework
    Action: "remove" - Stage: "dev" - App: "appDemo" - Instance: "vpcDemo"
    6s › vpcDemo › Success

    Account configuration (optional)

    Currently, you can scan a QR code to log in to the CLI by default. If you want to configure persistent environment variables/key information, you can also create a local .env file:
    $ touch .env # Tencent Cloud configuration information
    Configure Tencent Cloud's SecretId and SecretKey information in the .env file and save it:
    # .env
    If you don't have a Tencent Cloud account yet, please sign up first.
    If you already have a Tencent Cloud account, you can get SecretId and SecretKey in API Key Management.
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