tencent cloud


Connecting to PostgreSQL

Last updated: 2020-07-10 11:19:36

    Operation Scenarios

    You can use the Serverless Framework component to create, deploy, and manage a Serverless DB instance easily and connect to and access the database through the SCF SDK. Based on the serverless services in the cloud, you can conveniently develop and rapidly deploy your business with "zero" configuration so as to implement it more easily.

    Currently, Serverless Framework supports connecting to and deploying two types of databases: PostgreSQL and NoSQL. This document describes how to use an SCF function to connect to a PostgreSQL database.


    You have installed Serverless Framework on at least the following versions; otherwise, please install it as instructed in Installing Serverless Framework.

    Framework Core: 1.67.3
    Plugin: 3.6.6
    SDK: 2.3.0
    Components: 2.30.1
    • Make sure that the current account has been associated with the QcloudPostgreSQLFullAccess policy. To learn more about the association, see Authorization Management.


    This document uses a function in the Node.js programming language as an example to describes how to use the Serverless Framework component to write and create a function and use it to access a PostgreSQL database. The configuration process is as follows:

    1. Configure identity information: configure the Tencent Cloud account information locally.
    2. Configure a VPC: use the Serverless Framework VPC component to create a VPC and subnet for communications between the function and the database.
    3. Configure Serverless DB: use the Serverless Framework PostgreSQL component to create a PostgreSQL instance to provide database services for the function project.
    4. Write business code: use the Serverless DB SDK to call the database. SCF allows you to directly call the Serverless DB SDK to connect to and manage a PostgreSQL database.
    5. Deploy and debug: use Serverless Framework to deploy the project in the cloud and test it in the SCF Console.
    6. Remove project: you can use Serverless Framework to remove the project.

    Configuring identity information

    1. Create a local directory to store code and dependent modules. This document uses the test-postgreSQL folder as an example.
    2. Create a .env file in test-postgreSQL and configure your Tencent Cloud SecretId, SecretKey, region, and AZ information in the following format in the file:
      # .env
      TENCENT_SECRET_ID=xxx  // `SecretId` of your account
      TENCENT_SECRET_KEY=xxx // `SecretKey` of your account
      # Region and AZ configuration
      REGION=ap-guangzhou // Resource deployment region, which refers to the region where the function and static webpage are deployed
      ZONE=ap-guangzhou-2 // Resource deployment AZ, which refers to the AZ where the database is deployed
      • If you don't have a Tencent Cloud account yet, please sign up first.
      • If you already have a Tencent Cloud account, please make sure that your account has been granted the AdministratorAccess permission. In addition, you can get SecretId and SecretKey in API Key Management.

    Configuring VPC

    1. Create a VPC folder in test-postgreSQL.
    2. Create a serverless.yml file in VPC and enter the following content to configure the VPC and subnet:
      org: fullstack
      app: fullstack-serverless-db
      stage: dev
      component: vpc # (required) name of the component. In that case, it's vpc.
      name: serverlessVpc # (required) name of your vpc component instance.
        region: ${env:REGION}
        zone: ${env:ZONE}
        vpcName: serverless
        subnetName: serverless

    Configuring Serverless DB

    1. Create a DB folder in test-postgreSQL.
    2. Create a serverless.yml file in DB and enter the following content to create and configure a PostgreSQL database:
      org: fullstack
      app: fullstack-serverless-db
      stage: dev
      component: postgresql
      name: fullstackDB
        region: ${env:REGION}
        zone: ${env:ZONE}
        dBInstanceName: ${name}
          vpcId: ${output:${stage}:${app}:serverlessVpc.vpcId}
          subnetId: ${output:${stage}:${app}:serverlessVpc.subnetId}
        extranetAccess: false

    Writing business code

    1. Create an api folder in test-postgreSQL to store the business logic code and relevant dependencies.
    2. Create an src folder in the api folder, enter it on the command line, and run the following command to install the PostgreSQL dependency package:
      npm install pg
    3. Create an index.js file in the src folder and enter the following sample code, so that you can use the Serverless DB SDK to create a connection pool and call the database through the function:
      'use strict';
      const { Pool } = require('pg');
      exports.main_handler = async (event, context, callback) => {
      let pgPool = new Pool({
           connectionString: process.env.PG_CONNECT_STRING,
      await pgPool.query(`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (
           ID serial NOT NULL,
           NAME           TEXT         NOT NULL,
           EMAIL          CHAR(50)     NOT NULL,
           SITE          CHAR(50)     NOT NULL
      const client = await pgPool.connect();
      const { rows } = await client.query({
         text: 'select * from users',
      await client.end();
      console.log('pgsql query result:',rows)
    4. Create a serverless.yml file in api and enter the following content to configure the Connection String of Serverless DB in the environment variables:
      org: fullstack
      app: fullstack-serverless-db
      stage: dev
      component: scf
      name: fullstack-serverless-db
        name: ${app}
          src: ./src
            - .env
        region: ${env:REGION}
        runtime: Nodejs10.15
        handler: index.main_handler
        timeout: 30
          vpcId: ${output:${stage}:${app}:serverlessVpc.vpcId}
          subnetId: ${output:${stage}:${app}:serverlessVpc.subnetId}
            PG_CONNECT_STRING: ${output:${stage}:${app}:fullstackDB.private.connectionString}

    Deploying and debugging

    1. Run the following command for deployment in the test-postgreSQL directory on the command line:
      sls deploy --all
      If the following result is returned, the deployment is successful:
      serverless ⚡ framework
      region:     ap-guangzhou
      zone:       ap-guangzhou-2
      vpcId:      vpc-0ncak84t
      vpcName:    serverless
      subnetId:   subnet-gi085his
      subnetName: serverless
      region:         ap-guangzhou
      zone:           ap-guangzhou-2
       subnetId: subnet-gi085his
       vpcId:    vpc-0ncak84t
      dBInstanceName: fullstackDB
      dBInstanceId:   postgres-0y2x3fd3
       connectionString: postgresql://tencentdb_0y2x3fd3:GD0U1(q~g7%3D6ySI@
       port:             5432
       user:             tencentdb_0y2x3fd3
       password:         GD0U1(q~g7=6ySI
       dbname:           tencentdb_0y2x3fd3
      FunctionName: fullstack-serverless-db
      Namespace:    default
      Runtime:      Nodejs10.15
      Handler:      index.main_handler
      MemorySize:   128
      25s › fullstack-serverless-db › Success
    2. After the deployment succeeds, you can view and debug the function in the SCF Console. For more information on the test steps, please see Cloud Test. The test success result is as shown below:

      You can also use Serverless Dashboard to monitor the deployed project in real time with ease.

    Removing project

    Run the following command in the test-postgreSQL directory to remove the project:

    sls remove --all

    If the following result is returned, the removal is successful:

    serverless ⚡ framework
    38s › tencent-fullstack › Success
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