tencent cloud


Project Development

Last updated: 2024-12-02 11:16:20


    This document uses deploying an Express website with the tencent-express component as an example to describe how to use Serverless Framework to develop, manage, deploy, and publish a project. You can see the demo here.
    Project development may involve the following branches:
    Branch Type
    It is used to deploy a production environment
    It is used for testing in a testing environment
    It is used for daily development
    It is used to add a new feature; for example, different developers can pull different feature branches from dev for development
    It is used to fix an urgent bug


    Project initialization

    1. Create an Express project as instructed in Deploying Express.js Application and modify the YML file content as follows:
    app: expressDemoApp # Application name, which is the component instance name by default
    stage: ${env:STAGE} # Parameter used to isolate the development environment, which is `dev` by default
    component: express # Name of the imported component, which is required. The `express-tencent` component is used in this example
    name: expressDemo # Name of the instance created by the component, which is required
    src: ./
    - .env
    region: ap-guangzhou
    runtime: Nodejs10.15
    functionName: ${name}-${stage}-${app} # Function name
    - http
    - https
    environment: release
    2. Configure the following content in the .env file in the project root directory:
    TENCENT_SECRET_ID=xxxxxxxxxx # `SecretId` of your account
    TENCENT_SECRET_KEY=xxxxxxxx # `SecretKey` of your account
    STAGE=prod # `STAGE` is the `prod` environment. You can also run `sls deploy --stage prod` to pass in the parameter
    3. After the deployment by running sls deploy succeeds, access the generated URL as shown below:
    4. Create a remote repository (sample), submit the project code to the remote master branch, and create testing and dev branches. In this way, the code of the three branches is on the same version (suppose it is v0).

    Development and testing


    In this stage, a feature module needs to be developed. Suppose two developers are needed: Tom and Jorge, who create feature1 and feature2 feature branches from dev (v0) for development, respectively.
    Tom starts developing feature1. In this example, a feature.html file is added, and "This is a new feature 1." is written in it.


    1. Add router configuration in the sls.js file:
    // Routes
    app.get(`/feature`, (req, res) => {
    res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'feature.html'))
    2. Add feature.html:
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <title>Serverless Component - Express.js</title>
    This is a new feature 1.
    3. Set a stage in the .env file so as to get an independent runtime and debugging environment during the development. For example, Tom configures the .env file in the project directory of serverless.yml as follows:
    4. After the deployment by running sls deploy succeeds, the following content will be returned:
    region: ap-guangzhou
    serviceId: service-xxxxxx
    subDomain: service-xxxxxx-123456789.gz.apigw.tencentcs.com
    environment: release
    url: https://service-xxxxxx-123456789.gz.apigw.tencentcs.com/release/
    functionName: express-demo-feature1
    runtime: Nodejs10.15
    namespace: default
    lastVersion: $LATEST
    traffic: 1
    Full details: https://serverless.cloud.tencent.com/instances/expressDemoApp%3Afeature1%3AexpressDemo
    10s » expressDemo » Success
    5. Access the generated URL (https://service-xxxxxx-123456789.gz.apigw.tencentcs.com/release/feature) as shown below:
    At this point, Tom has completed feature development and successfully tested the feature.
    Suppose Jorge has also completed feature development and successfully tested the feature. In this example, a feature.html file is added, and "This is a new feature 2." is written in it.

    Joint testing

    1. The two developers merge their feature branch code into the dev branch (conflicts may occur and need to be solved manually).
    2. Carry out joint testing in dev. The .env file is configured as follows in the joint testing environment:
    3. After running sls deploy to deploy the joint testing environment, access the URL (https://service-xxxxxx-123456789.gz.apigw.tencentcs.com/release/feature) as shown below:
    At this point, the joint testing is completed, and the development of the entire functionality is also completed.


    1. Merge the jointly tested dev branch into testing code to enter the testing stage.
    2. Configure the .env file in the testing environment as follows:
    3. After the deployment by running sls deploy succeeds, the testing personnel will carry out relevant tests until the features are stable in the testing.

    Release and launch

    After the test is passed, merge the testing code into the master branch and prepare for release and launch.
    Set the .env file in the production environment as follows:
    Run the deployment command:
    sls deploy
    At this point, a serverless-express project has been developed and published.
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