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Tencent Container Security Service
Last updated: 2024-01-23 15:35:06
Last updated: 2024-01-23 15:35:06

How do I protect the container security?

TCSS can quickly scan images and image repositories for various problems, including vulnerabilities, trojans, viruses, and sensitive information, to help you protect image security. It provides security features such as container escape, process allowlist/blocklist, and file access control to protect the container runtime security. It also offers security operations logs to assist you in visualizing container security.

How do I monitor the container health?

You can use the security operations feature of TCSS to visualize the container security information, and then leverage features such as security policy to improve the security operations quality and efficiency.

Does TCSS conflict with other security products?

No. Traditional server security products take effect only for the operating system layer and cannot identify security problems in containers. Traditional firewalls are mainly designed for the north-south traffic business model and cannot manage massive and complicated container environments at a fine granularity.

How often is the vulnerability library of TCSS updated?

TCSS gets vulnerability information from official sources in real time and updates the vulnerability library at a fixed time every day.

Can I use TCSS across regions?


Can I deploy TCSS offline or across platforms?

Yes. For more information, see Hybrid Cloud Installation Guide.

What is the relationship between an image and a container?

An image is a read-only file that contains the environment and code necessary for a program to run. It is the basis for container running. Containers depend on images when they are started or created. Different containers can be created from different images or from the same image based on different parameters.
A container is a running instance created from an image. Each container can be enabled, started, stopped, or deleted. Containers are isolated from each other to secure application operations.
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