tencent cloud


API Category

Last updated: 2024-07-22 11:02:20

    Network Security APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    AddAndPublishNetworkFirewallPolicyDetail Creates a task to add and publish a network policy in the container network 20
    AddAndPublishNetworkFirewallPolicyYamlDetail Creates a task to configure and publish a YAML network policy in the container network 20
    AddNetworkFirewallPolicyDetail Creates a task to add a network policy in the container network 20
    AddNetworkFirewallPolicyYamlDetail Creates a task to add a YAML network policy in the container network 20
    CheckNetworkFirewallPolicyYaml Creates a task to check a YAML network policy in the container network 20
    ConfirmNetworkFirewallPolicy Creates a task to confirm a network policy in the container network 20
    CreateNetworkFirewallClusterRefresh Distributes a refresh task in the container network cluster 20
    CreateNetworkFirewallPolicyDiscover Creates a task to sync a network policy from the container network cluster 20
    CreateNetworkFirewallPublish Creates a task to publish a network policy in the container network 20
    CreateNetworkFirewallUndoPublish Creates a task to revoke a network policy in the container network 20
    DeleteNetworkFirewallPolicyDetail Creates a task to delete a network policy in the container network 20
    DescribeNetworkFirewallAuditRecord Queries the list of cluster policy audits 20
    DescribeNetworkFirewallClusterList Queries the list of clusters 20
    DescribeNetworkFirewallClusterRefreshStatus Queries the progress of the asset query task in the container network 20
    DescribeNetworkFirewallNamespaceLabelList Queries the list of cluster network namespace labels 20
    DescribeNetworkFirewallPodLabelsList Queries cluster network Pod labels 20
    DescribeNetworkFirewallPolicyDetail Views the details of a policy in the container network cluster 20
    DescribeNetworkFirewallPolicyDiscover Queries the progress of a network policy sync task in the container network 20
    DescribeNetworkFirewallPolicyList Queries the list of cluster network policies 20
    DescribeNetworkFirewallPolicyStatus Queries the execution status of a network policy in the container network 20
    DescribeNetworkFirewallPolicyYamlDetail Views the details of a YAML network policy in the container network cluster 20
    UpdateAndPublishNetworkFirewallPolicyDetail Creates a task to update and publish a network policy in the container network 20
    UpdateAndPublishNetworkFirewallPolicyYamlDetail Creates a task to update and publish a YAML network policy in the container network 20
    UpdateNetworkFirewallPolicyDetail Creates a task to update a network policy in the container network 20
    UpdateNetworkFirewallPolicyYamlDetail Creates a task to update a YAML network policy in the container network 20

    Cluster Security APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    CreateCheckComponent Installs the check component 20
    CreateClusterCheckTask Creates a cluster check task 20
    CreateRefreshTask Distributes a refresh task 20
    DescribeAffectedClusterCount Gets the number of affected clusters 20
    DescribeAffectedNodeList Queries affected node types 20
    DescribeAffectedWorkloadList Queries affected workload types 20
    DescribeCheckItemList Queries all check items 20
    DescribeRefreshTask Queries a refresh task 20
    DescribeRiskList Queries the list of risk items in a cluster 20
    DescribeTaskResultSummary Queries the overview of a check result 20
    DescribeUnfinishRefreshTask Queries the information of an unfinished asset refreshing task 20
    DescribeUserCluster Queries a cluster asset 20
    SetCheckMode Sets the check mode and automatic check 20
    DescribeClusterDetail Queries the details of a cluster 20
    DescribeClusterSummary Queries the overview of cluster assets 20

    Security Compliance APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    AddComplianceAssetPolicySetToWhitelist Ignores assets and check items 20
    AddCompliancePolicyAssetSetToWhitelist Ignores the specified check item IDs and asset IDs 20
    AddCompliancePolicyItemToWhitelist Ignores the specified check item IDs 20
    CreateComplianceTask Creates a compliance check task 20
    CreateExportComplianceStatusListJob Creates a task to export security compliance information 20
    DeleteComplianceAssetPolicySetFromWhitelist Removes assets and check items from the ignored list 20
    DeleteCompliancePolicyAssetSetFromWhitelist Removes check items and assets from the allowlist 20
    DeleteCompliancePolicyItemFromWhitelist Unignores check items 20
    DescribeComplianceAssetDetailInfo Queries the details of an asset 20
    DescribeComplianceAssetList Queries the list of assets of a certain type 20
    DescribeComplianceAssetPolicyItemList Queries the list of check items of an asset 20
    DescribeCompliancePeriodTaskList Queries the list of scheduled tasks 20
    DescribeCompliancePolicyItemAffectedAssetList Queries the list of assets affected by a check item 20
    DescribeCompliancePolicyItemAffectedSummary Queries the information affected by a check item 20
    DescribeComplianceScanFailedAssetList Queries the list of assets that failed the last check 20
    DescribeComplianceTaskAssetSummary Queries the aggregated information of the asset pass rate in the last task 20
    DescribeComplianceTaskPolicyItemSummaryList Queries the list of aggregated information of check items in the last task 20
    DescribeComplianceWhitelistItemList Queries the allowlist 20
    InitializeUserComplianceEnvironment Initializes the compliance baseline check environment 20
    ModifyCompliancePeriodTask Edits a scheduled task 20
    ScanComplianceAssets Checks the specified asset again 20
    ScanComplianceAssetsByPolicyItem Checks the specified asset again with the specified check item 20
    ScanCompliancePolicyItems Checks the specified check item again 20
    ScanComplianceScanFailedAssets Checks the assets that failed the last check again 20

    Runtime security - High-risk syscalls

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    CreateAbnormalProcessRulesExportJob Exports abnormal process rules 20
    DeleteRiskSyscallEvents Deletes a high-risk syscall event at runtime 20
    DeleteRiskSyscallWhiteLists Deletes an allowed high-risk syscall at runtime 20
    DescribeRiskSyscallEventsExport Exports the list of high-risk syscalls at runtime 20
    DescribeRiskSyscallNames Queries the list of names of high-risk syscalls at runtime 20
    DescribeRiskSyscallWhiteListDetail Queries the details of the allowlist of high-risk syscalls at runtime 20
    DescribeRiskSyscallWhiteLists Queries the allowlist of high-risk syscalls at runtime 20
    ModifyRiskSyscallStatus Changes the status of a high-risk syscall event 20
    DescribeRiskSyscallEvents Queries the list of high-risk syscalls at runtime 20

    Runtime Security - Reverse Shell APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    AddEditReverseShellWhiteList Adds or edits an allowed reverse shell 20
    DeleteReverseShellEvents Deletes a reverse shell event at runtime 20
    DeleteReverseShellWhiteLists Deletes an allowed reverse shell at runtime 20
    DescribeReverseShellDetail Queries the details of a reverse shell event at runtime 20
    DescribeReverseShellEventsExport Exports the list of reverse shells at runtime 20
    DescribeReverseShellWhiteListDetail Queries the details of the allowlist of reverse shells at runtime 20
    DescribeReverseShellWhiteLists Queries the allowlist of reverse shells at runtime 20
    ModifyReverseShellStatus Changes the status of a reverse shell event 20
    DescribeReverseShellEvents Queries the list of reverse shell events at runtime 20

    Runtime Security - Container Escape APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DeleteEscapeWhiteList Deletes an allowed escape 20
    CreateEscapeWhiteListExportJob Creates a task to export the allowlist of escapes 20
    CreateEscapeEventsExportJob Creates a task to asynchronously export escape events 20
    AddEscapeWhiteList Adds an allowed escape 20
    DescribeEscapeEventTendency Queries the trend of pending escape events 20
    DescribeEscapeEventsExport Exports the list of container escape events 20
    DescribeEscapeRuleInfo Queries the information of a container escape scan rule 20
    DescribeEscapeSafeState Queries the container escape security status 20
    DescribeEscapeWhiteList Queries the allowlist of escapes 20
    DescribeEscapeEventTypeSummary Queries the types of container escape events and the number of pending events 20
    ModifyEscapeEventStatus Changes the status of a container escape scan event 20
    ModifyEscapeRule Modifies the information of a container escape scan rule 20
    ModifyEscapeWhiteList Modifies an allowed escape 20
    DescribeEscapeEventDetail Queries the details of a container escape event 20
    DescribeEscapeEventInfo Queries the list of container escape events 20

    Runtime Security APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    AddEditAbnormalProcessRule Adds or edits an abnormal process policy 20
    DescribeAssetImageBindRuleInfo Queries the list of rules bound to images 20
    AddEditAccessControlRule Adds or edits an access control policy at runtime 20
    AddEditRiskSyscallWhiteList Adds or edits an allowed high-risk syscall at runtime 20
    CreateDefenceVulExportJob Creates a task to export vulnerabilities that can be prevented 20
    CreateEmergencyVulExportJob Creates a task to export emergency vulnerabilities 20
    CreateProcessEventsExportJob Creates a task to asynchronously export abnormal process events 20
    CreateRiskDnsEventExportJob Export malicious request events 20
    CreateSystemVulExportJob Creates a task to export system vulnerabilities 20
    CreateVulContainerExportJob Creates a task to export containers affected by vulnerabilities 20
    CreateVulImageExportJob Creates a task to export images affected by vulnerabilities 20
    CreateVulScanTask Creates a vulnerability scan task 20
    CreateWebVulExportJob Creates a task to export web vulnerabilities 20
    DeleteAbnormalProcessRules Deletes an abnormal process policy at runtime 20
    DeleteAccessControlRules Deletes an access control policy at runtime 20
    DescribeAbnormalProcessEventTendency Queries the trend of pending abnormal process events 20
    DescribeAbnormalProcessEventsExport Exports the list of abnormal process events at runtime 20
    DescribeAbnormalProcessLevelSummary Counts the number of pending abnormal process events at each severity level 20
    DescribeAbnormalProcessRuleDetail Queries the details of an abnormal process policy at runtime 20
    DescribeAbnormalProcessRules Queries the list of abnormal process policies at runtime 20
    DescribeAbnormalProcessRulesExport Exports the list of abnormal process policies at runtime 20
    DescribeAccessControlRuleDetail Queries the details of an access control policy at runtime 20
    DescribeAccessControlRules Queries the list of access control policies at runtime 20
    DescribeAccessControlRulesExport Exports the list of access control policies at runtime 20
    DescribeEmergencyVulList Queries the list of emergency vulnerabilities 20
    DescribeSupportDefenceVul Queries the list of vulnerabilities that can be prevented 20
    DescribeVulContainerList Queries the list of containers affected by vulnerabilities 20
    DescribeVulDetail Queries vulnerability details 20
    DescribeVulImageList Queries the list of images affected by vulnerabilities 20
    DescribeVulScanInfo Queries the information of a vulnerability scan task 20
    DescribeVulScanLocalImageList Queries the list of local images in a vulnerability scan task 20
    DescribeWebVulList Queries the list of web application vulnerabilities 20
    ModifyAbnormalProcessRuleStatus Changes the status of an abnormal process policy at runtime 20
    ModifyAbnormalProcessStatus Changes the status of an abnormal process event 20
    ModifyAccessControlRuleStatus Changes the status of an access control policy at runtime 20
    ModifyAccessControlStatus Changes the status of an access control event at runtime 20
    OpenTcssTrial Activates TCSS trial 20
    StopVulScanTask Stops a vulnerability scan task 20
    DescribeAccessControlEventsExport Exports the list of access control events at runtime 20
    DescribeAbnormalProcessDetail Queries the details of an abnormal process event at runtime 20
    DescribeAbnormalProcessEvents Queries the list of abnormal process events 20
    DescribeAccessControlDetail Queries the details of an access control event at runtime 20
    DescribeAccessControlEvents Queries the list of access control events at runtime 20
    DescribeRiskSyscallDetail Queries the details of a high-risk syscall event 20

    Image Security APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    AddAssetImageRegistryRegistryDetail Adds the details of an image repository 20
    AddEditImageAutoAuthorizedRule Adds or edits an automatic licensing rule for local images 20
    AddIgnoreVul Adds ignored vulnerabilities in a vulnerability scan 20
    CheckRepeatAssetImageRegistry Checks whether an image repository name is duplicated 20
    CreateAssetImageRegistryScanTask Creates an image scan task for an image repository 20
    CreateAssetImageRegistryScanTaskOneKey Creates a quick image scan task for an image repository 20
    CreateAssetImageScanTask Creates an image scan task 20
    CreateComponentExportJob Exports the list of components in a local image 20
    CreateImageExportJob Creates an image export task 20
    CreateOrModifyPostPayCores Creates or edits the upper limit for elastic billing 20
    CreateVulDefenceEventExportJob Creates an exploit prevention event export task 20
    CreateVulDefenceHostExportJob Creates a task to export servers with exploit prevention enabled 20
    CreateVulExportJob Exports the list of vulnerabilities in a local image 20
    DeleteIgnoreVul Unignores vulnerabilities in a vulnerability scan 20
    DescribeAssetAppServiceList Queries the list of application services 20
    DescribeAssetComponentList Queries the list of container components 20
    DescribeAssetDBServiceList Queries the list of database services 20
    DescribeAssetHostList Queries the list of servers 20
    DescribeAssetImageDetail Queries the information of an image 20
    DescribeAssetImageHostList Queries the servers associated with an image 20
    DescribeAssetImageList Queries the list of images 20
    DescribeAssetImageListExport Exports the list of images 20
    DescribeAssetImageRegistryAssetStatus Views the update progress of the assets in an image repository 20
    DescribeAssetImageRegistryDetail Queries the image repository details 20
    DescribeAssetImageRegistryList Queries the list of image repositories 20
    DescribeAssetImageRegistryListExport Exports the list of images for an image repository 20
    DescribeAssetImageRegistryRegistryDetail Views the details of an image repository 20
    DescribeAssetImageRegistryRegistryList Queries the list of image registries 20
    DescribeAssetImageRegistryRiskInfoList Queries the list of image high-risk behaviors of an image repository 20
    DescribeAssetImageRegistryRiskListExport Exports the list of sensitive data for an image repository 20
    DescribeAssetImageRegistryScanStatusOneKey Queries the quick image scanning status of an image repository 20
    DescribeAssetImageRegistrySummary Queries the image statistics of an image repository. 20
    DescribeAssetImageRegistryVirusList Queries the list of viruses and trojans in an image repository 20
    DescribeAssetImageRegistryVirusListExport Exports the list of trojan information for an image repository 20
    DescribeAssetImageRegistryVulList Queries the list of image vulnerabilities of an image repository 20
    DescribeAssetImageRegistryVulListExport Exports the list of vulnerabilities for an image repository 20
    DescribeAssetImageRiskList Queries the list of risks in an image 20
    DescribeAssetImageRiskListExport Exports the list of risks in an image 20
    DescribeAssetImageScanSetting Gets the image scan settings 20
    DescribeAssetImageScanStatus Queries the image scanning status 20
    DescribeAssetImageScanTask Queries the ID of a running quick image scan task 20
    DescribeAssetImageSimpleList Queries the brief information list of an image 20
    DescribeAssetImageVirusList Queries the list of viruses in an image 20
    DescribeAssetImageVirusListExport Exports the list of trojans in an image 20
    DescribeAssetImageVulList Queries the list of vulnerabilities in an image 20
    DescribeAssetImageVulListExport Exports the list of vulnerabilities in an image 20
    DescribeAssetPortList Queries the list of occupied ports 20
    DescribeAssetProcessList Queries the list of processes 20
    DescribeAssetWebServiceList Queries the list of web services 20
    DescribeAutoAuthorizedRuleHost Queries the servers licensed according to an automatic licensing rule 20
    DescribeContainerSecEventSummary Queries the overview of pending events 20
    DescribeImageAutoAuthorizedLogList Queries the list of automatic image licensing results 20
    DescribeImageAutoAuthorizedRule Queries an automatic licensing rule for local images 20
    DescribeImageAutoAuthorizedTaskList Queries the list of automatic image licensing tasks 20
    DescribeImageComponentList Queries the list of components in an local image 20
    DescribeImageRegistryNamespaceList Queries the list of namespaces for an image repository 20
    DescribeImageRegistryTimingScanTask Views a scheduled task of an image repository 20
    DescribeImageRiskSummary Queries the overview of local image risks 20
    DescribeImageRiskTendency Queries the trend of local image risks 20
    DescribeImageSimpleList Queries the list of all images 20
    DescribeNewestVul Queries the latest list of vulnerabilities 20
    DescribePostPayDetail Queries the pay-as-you-go billing details 20
    DescribeScanIgnoreVulList Queries the list of vulnerabilities ignored in a scan 20
    DescribeSecEventsTendency Queries the trend of security events at runtime 20
    DescribeSystemVulList Queries the list of system vulnerabilities 20
    DescribeValueAddedSrvInfo Queries the information of the required value-added service 20
    DescribeVulDefenceEventTendency Queries the trend of exploit prevention events 20
    DescribeVulIgnoreLocalImageList Queries the list of local images ignored in a vulnerability scan 20
    DescribeVulIgnoreRegistryImageList Queries the list of repository images ignored in a vulnerability scan 20
    DescribeVulImageSummary Queries the statistics of images affected by vulnerabilities 20
    DescribeVulLevelImageSummary Queries the numbers of images affected by emergency vulnerabilities at each severity level 20
    DescribeVulLevelSummary Queries the numbers of vulnerabilities at each severity level 20
    DescribeVulRegistryImageList Queries the list of repository images affected by vulnerabilities 20
    DescribeVulScanAuthorizedImageSummary Counts the number of licensed but not scanned images on the vulnerability scanning page 20
    DescribeVulTendency Queries the trend of vulnerabilities 20
    DescribeVulTopRanking Queries the list of top vulnerabilities 20
    ModifyAsset Refreshes server assets 20
    ModifyAssetImageRegistryScanStop Stops an image scan task for an image repository 20
    ModifyAssetImageRegistryScanStopOneKey Stops a quick image scan task for an image repository 20
    ModifyAssetImageScanStop Stops an image scan 20
    ModifyImageAuthorized Batch licenses images to be scanned (v2.0) 20
    ModifyVulDefenceEventStatus Changes the status of an exploit prevention event 20
    RemoveAssetImageRegistryRegistryDetail Deletes the details of an image repository 20
    RenewImageAuthorizeState Licenses an image to be scanned 20
    SwitchImageAutoAuthorizedRule Enables/Disables automatic licensing for local images 20
    SyncAssetImageRegistryAsset Refreshes the assets in an image repository 20
    UpdateAssetImageRegistryRegistryDetail Updates the details of an image repository 20
    UpdateImageRegistryTimingScanTask Updates a scheduled task for an image repository 20
    DescribeAssetHostDetail Queries the details of a server 20
    DescribeAssetSummary Queries the statistics of containers and images under an account 20
    DescribeContainerAssetSummary Queries the asset overview 20
    DescribeVulDefenceEventDetail Queries the details of an exploit prevention event 20
    DescribeVulSummary Queries the overview of vulnerability risks 20
    ModifyVulDefenceSetting Edits the exploit prevention settings 20
    DescribeAssetContainerDetail Queries the information of a container 20
    DescribeAssetContainerList Queries the list of containers 20
    DescribeVulDefenceEvent Queries the list of exploit prevention events 20
    DescribeVulDefenceHost Queries the list of servers with exploit prevention enabled 20
    DescribeVulDefencePlugin Queries the list of exploit prevention plugins 20
    DescribeVulDefenceSetting Queries the exploit prevention settings 20

    Alert Settings APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    AddEditWarningRules Adds or edits an alert policy 20
    DescribeWarningRules Gets the list of alert policies 20

    Advanced prevention - K8s API abnormal requests

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    CreateAccessControlsRuleExportJob Exports file tampering detection rules 20
    CreateK8sApiAbnormalEventExportJob Creates K8sApi abnormal event export jobs 20
    CreateK8sApiAbnormalRuleExportJob Creates K8sApi abnormal rule export jobs 20
    CreateK8sApiAbnormalRuleInfo Creates K8sApi abnormal event rules 20
    DeleteK8sApiAbnormalRule Deletes tK8sApi abnormal event rules 20
    DescribeAssetClusterList Queries the list of clusters 20
    DescribeK8sApiAbnormalEventInfo Querying details of a K8s API exception event 20
    DescribeK8sApiAbnormalEventList Queries the K8sApi abnormal event list 20
    DescribeK8sApiAbnormalRuleInfo Queries K8sApi abnormal request rule details 20
    DescribeK8sApiAbnormalRuleList Queries the K8sApi abnormal request rule list 20
    DescribeK8sApiAbnormalRuleScopeList Queries rules for K8s API exceptions. 20
    DescribeK8sApiAbnormalSummary Queries the statistics of K8sApi abnormal events 20
    DescribeK8sApiAbnormalTendency Queries the trend of K8sApi abnormal events 20
    ModifyK8sApiAbnormalEventStatus Modifies the status of K8sApi exception events 20
    ModifyK8sApiAbnormalRuleInfo Modifies the information of K8sApi abnormal rules 20
    ModifyK8sApiAbnormalRuleStatus Modifies the status of K8sApi abnormal event rules 20

    Asset Management APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    CreateAssetImageScanSetting Sets an image scan 20
    CreateAssetImageVirusExportJob Creates a task to export the list of trojans in a local image 20
    CreateHostExportJob Creates a task to export the list of servers 20
    DeleteMachine Uninstalls the agent 20
    DescribeABTestConfig Gets the current canary configuration of the user 20
    DescribeAgentDaemonSetCmd Queries parallel container installation commands 20
    DescribeAgentInstallCommand Queries agent installation commands 20
    DescribeAssetSyncLastTime Queries the last asset sync time 20
    DescribeExportJobDownloadURL Queries the URL to download the result of an exportation task. 20
    DescribeExportJobManageList Queries the export job management list. 20
    DescribeInspectionReport Queries check reports 20
    DescribePromotionActivity Queries promotions 20
    DescribeTcssSummary Queries the TCSS overview 20
    DescribeUnauthorizedCoresTendency Queries the trend of daily unlicensed cores 20
    ModifyContainerNetStatus Isolates a container 20

    Security Operations - Log Analysis APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    CreateSearchTemplate Adds a search template 20
    DeleteSearchTemplate Deletes a search template 20
    DescribeESAggregations Gets the aggregation result of the ES field 20
    DescribeESHits Gets the list of ES query files 20
    DescribeIndexList Gets the index list 20
    DescribeLogStorageStatistic Gets the statistics of the log search usage 20
    DescribePublicKey Gets the public key 20
    DescribeSearchExportList Exports the list of ES query files 20
    DescribeSearchLogs Gets historical search records 20
    DescribeSearchTemplates Gets the list of search templates 20
    DescribeSecLogAlertMsg Queries a security log alert message 20
    DescribeSecLogCleanSettingInfo Queries the settings of security log cleanup 20
    DescribeSecLogDeliveryClsOptions Queries the options of security log delivery to CLS 20
    DescribeSecLogDeliveryClsSetting Queries the settings of security log delivery to CLS 20
    DescribeSecLogDeliveryKafkaOptions Queries the options of security log delivery to Kafka 20
    DescribeSecLogDeliveryKafkaSetting Queries the settings of security log delivery to Kafka 20
    DescribeSecLogJoinTypeList Queries the list of security log access types 20
    DescribeSecLogKafkaUIN Queries the UIN of a Kafka security log 20
    ModifySecLogCleanSettingInfo Modifies the settings of security log cleanup 20
    ModifySecLogDeliveryClsSetting Updates the configuration of security log delivery to CLS 20
    ModifySecLogDeliveryKafkaSetting Updates the settings of security log delivery to Kafka 20
    ModifySecLogJoinState Changes the security log access status 20
    ModifySecLogKafkaUIN Modifies the UIN of a Kafka security log 20
    ResetSecLogTopicConfig Resets a security log topic 20
    DescribeSecLogJoinObjectList Queries the list of accessed security log objects 20
    ModifySecLogJoinObjects Modifies an accessed security log object 20

    Runtime Security - Trojan Call APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    CreateVirusScanAgain Performs another virus scan at runtime 20
    DescribeExportJobResult Queries the result of an export task 20
    DescribeVirusAutoIsolateSampleDetail Queries the details of an automatically isolated trojan sample 20
    DescribeVirusAutoIsolateSampleDownloadURL Queries the download URL of an automatically isolated trojan sample 20
    DescribeVirusAutoIsolateSampleList Queries the list of automatically isolated trojan samples 20
    DescribeVirusAutoIsolateSetting Queries the settings of automatic trojan isolation 20
    DescribeVirusEventTendency Queries the trend of trojan events 20
    DescribeVirusManualScanEstimateTimeout Queries the estimated timeout period of a quick trojan scan 20
    DescribeVirusSampleDownloadUrl Queries the download URL of a trojan sample 20
    DescribeVirusScanTaskStatus Queries the status of a virus scanning task at runtime 20
    DescribeVirusScanTimeoutSetting Queries the timeout settings of a file scan at runtime 20
    DescribeVirusSummary Queries the trojan overview at runtime 20
    ExportVirusList Exports the list of virus scanning events at runtime 20
    ModifyVirusAutoIsolateExampleSwitch Enables/Disables automatic trojan sample isolation 20
    ModifyVirusAutoIsolateSetting Modifies the settings of automatic trojan isolation 20
    ModifyVirusFileStatus Updates the status of a trojan file at runtime 20
    ModifyVirusScanTimeoutSetting Modifies the timeout settings of a file scan at runtime 20
    StopVirusScanTask Stops a trojan scan task at runtime 20
    DescribeVirusMonitorSetting Queries the real-time monitoring settings of virus scanning at runtime 20
    DescribeVirusScanSetting Queries virus scanning settings at runtime 20
    ModifyVirusMonitorSetting Updates the real-time monitoring settings of virus scanning at runtime 20
    ModifyVirusScanSetting Updates virus scanning settings at runtime 20
    DescribeVirusList Queries the list of virus scanning events at runtime 20
    DescribeVirusTaskList Queries the list of virus scanning tasks at runtime 20
    CreateVirusScanTask Performs a quick virus scan at runtime 20
    DescribeVirusDetail Queries the information of a trojan file at runtime 20

    Billing APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DescribeImageAuthorizedInfo Queries the image licensing information 20
    DescribeSecLogVasInfo Queries the information of the security log product 20
    DescribeProVersionInfo Checks whether the Pro Edition needs to be purchased 20
    DescribePurchaseStateInfo Checks whether TCSS is purchased 20
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