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Tencent Container Security Service
Troubleshooting for Cluster Access
Last updated: 2024-08-13 17:15:21
Troubleshooting for Cluster Access
Last updated: 2024-08-13 17:15:21
After the cluster is accessed, the system will create a namespace named tcss in the cluster. In the tcss namespace, the system will install a Job-type workload named init-tcss-agent and a Deployment-type workload named tcss-asset. In the kube-system namespace, the system will install a DaemonSet-type workload named yunjing-agent. Ensure that all three workloads are running properly.

Troubleshooting Using the Console

Job Workload

Check whether the Pod named init-tcss-agent in the Job workload is running properly.
1. Log in to the TKE console. In the left sidebar, click Clusters.
2. On the clusters page, click Target Cluster Name, select Workload > Job, and search for init-tcss-agent.

3. Click Target Namespace to enter the details page. If the status shows Succeeded, it indicates that the Pod named init-tcss-agent is running properly.

DaemonSet Workload

Check whether the Pod named yunjing-agent in the DaemonSet workload is running properly.
1. Log in to the TKE console. In the left sidebar, click Clusters.
2. On the clusters page, click Target Cluster Name, select Workload > DaemonSet, and search for yunjing-agent.

3. Click Target Namespace to enter the details page. If the status shows Running, it indicates that the Pod named yunjing-agent is running properly.

Deployment Workload

Check whether the Pod named tcss-asset in the Deployment workload is running properly.
1. Log in to the TKE console. In the left sidebar, click Clusters.
2. On the cluster page, click Target Cluster Name, select Workload > Deployment, and search for tcss-asset.

3. Click Target Namespace to enter the details page. If the status shows Running, it indicates that the Pod named tcss-asset is running properly.

Troubleshooting Using the Command Line

Job Workload

1. Check if the Job is successfully created by running the command: kubectl get jobs -n tcss.

2. Check if the Job is successfully deployed by running the command: kubectl get pods -n tcss | grep init-tcss-agent.

DaemonSet Workload

1. Check if the DaemonSet is successfully created by running the command: kubectl get daemonset -A -l k8s-app=yunjing-agent.

2. Check if the DaemonSet is successfully deployed by running the command: kubectl get pods -A -l k8s-app=yunjing-agent.

Deployment Workload

1. Check if the Deployment is successfully created by running the command: kubectl get deployment -n tcss.

2. Check if the Deployment is successfully deployed by running the command: kubectl get pods -n tcss | grep tcss-asset.

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