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Tencent Container Security Service
Data Types
Last updated: 2024-12-06 15:49:15
Data Types
Last updated: 2024-12-06 15:49:15


Canary project configuration

Used by actions: DescribeABTestConfig.

Name Type Description
ProjectName String Canary project name
Status Boolean Valid values: true (in canary upgrade); false (not in canary upgrade).


Container runtime security - Sub-policy information

Used by actions: AddEditAbnormalProcessRule, DescribeAbnormalProcessDetail, DescribeAbnormalProcessRuleDetail.

Name Type Required Description
RuleMode String Yes Policy mode. RULE_MODE_RELEASE: Allow.
ProcessPath String Yes Process path
RuleId String No Sub-policy ID
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
RuleLevel String No Severity. Valid values: HIGH (high); MIDDLE (medium); LOW (low).
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Description of the abnormal container process event at runtime

Used by actions: DescribeAbnormalProcessDetail.

Name Type Description
Description String Event rule
Solution String Solution
Remark String Event remarks
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
MatchRule AbnormalProcessChildRuleInfo Details of the hit rule
RuleName String Name of the hit rule. Valid values: PROXY_TOOL (proxy); TRANSFER_CONTROL (lateral movement); ATTACK_CMD (malicious command); REVERSE_SHELL (reverse shell); FILELESS (fileless execution); RISK_CMD (high-risk command); ABNORMAL_CHILD_PROC (unusual start found in the child process of the sensitive service); USER_DEFINED_RULE (custom rule).
RuleId String ID of the hit rule
OperationTime String Last processing time of the event
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
GroupName String Name of the hit policy. Valid values: SYSTEM_DEFINED_RULE (preset policy); name of the custom policy.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Container runtime security - Information of the abnormal process

Used by actions: DescribeAbnormalProcessEvents.

Name Type Description
ProcessPath String Process directory
EventType String Event type. MALICE_PROCESS_START: Malicious process startup.
MatchRuleName String Name of the hit rule. Valid values: PROXY_TOOL (proxy); TRANSFER_CONTROL (lateral movement); ATTACK_CMD (malicious command); REVERSE_SHELL (reverse shell); FILELESS (fileless execution); RISK_CMD (high-risk command); ABNORMAL_CHILD_PROC (unusual start found in the child process of the sensitive service); USER_DEFINED_RULE (custom rule).
FoundTime Timestamp Generation time
ContainerName String Container name
ImageName String Image name
Behavior String Action execution result. BEHAVIOR_NONE: None.
Status String Status. EVENT_UNDEAL: Pending.
EVENT_DEALED: Processed.
Id String Unique event ID
ImageId String Image ID, which is used for redirect.
ContainerId String Container ID, which is used for redirect.
Solution String Event solution
Description String Event description
MatchRuleId String Hit policy ID
MatchAction String Action of the hit rule:
MatchProcessPath String Information of the process that hits the rule
RuleExist Boolean Whether the rule exists
EventCount Integer Number of events
LatestFoundTime Timestamp Last generation time
RuleId String Rule group ID
MatchGroupName String Name of the hit policy. Valid values: SYSTEM_DEFINED_RULE (preset policy); name of the custom policy.
MatchRuleLevel String Level of the hit rule. Valid values: HIGH (high); MIDDLE (medium); LOW (low).
ContainerNetStatus String Network status
NORMAL: Not isolated.
ISOLATED: Isolated.
ISOLATING: Isolating.
ISOLATE_FAILED: Isolation failed.
RESTORING: Recovering.
RESTORE_FAILED: Recovery failed.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ContainerNetSubStatus String Sub-status of the container
"AGENT_OFFLINE" // The agent is offline.
"NODE_DESTROYED" // The node is terminated.
"CONTAINER_EXITED" // The container exited.
"CONTAINER_DESTROYED" // The container was terminated.
"SHARED_HOST" // The container shares the network with the server.
"RESOURCE_LIMIT" // The number of resources to be isolated exceeds the limit.
"UNKNOW" // The reason is unknown.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ContainerIsolateOperationSrc String Container isolation operation source
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ContainerStatus String Container status
RUNNING: Running.
PAUSED: Paused.
STOPPED: Stopped.
CREATED: Created.
DESTROYED: Terminated.
RESTARTING: Restarting.
REMOVING: Removing.
ClusterID String Cluster ID
NodeType String Node type. Values: NORMAL (general node), SUPER (super node).
PodName String Pod name
PodIP String Pod IP
NodeUniqueID String Cluster ID
PublicIP String Node public IP
NodeName String Node name
NodeID String Node ID
HostID String uuid
HostIP String Private IP of the node
ClusterName String Cluster name


Trend of pending abnormal process events

Used by actions: DescribeAbnormalProcessEventTendency.

Name Type Description
Date Date Date
ProxyToolEventCount Integer Number of pending proxy events
TransferControlEventCount Integer Number of pending lateral movement events
AttackCmdEventCount Integer Number of pending malicious command events
ReverseShellEventCount Integer Number of pending reverse shell events
FilelessEventCount Integer Number of pending fileless execution events
RiskCmdEventCount Integer Number of pending high-risk command events
AbnormalChildProcessEventCount Integer Number of pending events of unusual startups found in the child process of the sensitive service
UserDefinedRuleEventCount Integer Number of pending custom rule events


Runtime security - Abnormal process detection policy

Used by actions: AddEditAbnormalProcessRule, DescribeAbnormalProcessRuleDetail.

Name Type Required Description
IsEnable Boolean Yes Valid values: true (enabled); false (disabled).
ImageIds Array of String Yes IDs of associated images. An empty array indicates all images.
ChildRules Array of AbnormalProcessChildRuleInfo Yes Array of sub-policies of the user policy
RuleName String Yes Policy name
RuleId String No Policy ID
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
SystemChildRules Array of AbnormalProcessSystemChildRuleInfo No Array of sub-policies of the preset policy
IsDefault Boolean No Whether it is the default preset policy


Information of the sub-policy of the preset policy for abnormal processes

Used by actions: AddEditAbnormalProcessRule, DescribeAbnormalProcessRuleDetail.

Name Type Required Description
RuleId String Yes Sub-policy ID
IsEnable Boolean Yes Sub-policy status. Valid values: true (enabled); false (disabled).
RuleMode String Yes Policy mode. RULE_MODE_RELEASE: Allow.
RuleType String Yes Behavior type detected by the sub-policy
TRANSFER_CONTROL: Lateral movement.
ATTACK_CMD: Malicious command.
REVERSE_SHELL: Reverse shell.
FILELESS: Fileless execution.
RISK_CMD: High-risk command.
ABNORMAL_CHILD_PROC: Unusual start found in the child process of the sensitive service.
RuleLevel String No Severity. Valid values: HIGH (high); MIDDLE (medium); LOW (low).
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Container runtime security - Information of the access control sub-policy

Used by actions: AddEditAccessControlRule, DescribeAccessControlDetail, DescribeAccessControlRuleDetail.

Name Type Required Description
RuleMode String Yes Policy mode. RULE_MODE_RELEASE: Allow.
ProcessPath String Yes Process path
TargetFilePath String Yes Accessed file path, which is valid only for access control.
RuleId String No Sub-policy ID
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Description of the container access control event at runtime

Used by actions: DescribeAccessControlDetail.

Name Type Description
Description String Event rule
Solution String Solution
Remark String Event remarks
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
MatchRule AccessControlChildRuleInfo Details of the hit rule
RuleName String Name of the hit rule
RuleId String ID of the hit rule
OperationTime String Last processing time of the event
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Container runtime security - Information of the access control event

Used by actions: DescribeAccessControlEvents.

Name Type Description
ProcessName String Process name
MatchRuleName String Name of the hit rule
FoundTime Timestamp Generation time
ContainerName String Container name
ImageName String Image name
Behavior String Action execution result. BEHAVIOR_NONE: None.
Status String Status. 0: Pending. EVENT_UNDEAL: Pending.
EVENT_DEALED: Processed.
Id String Unique event ID
FileName String Filename
EventType String Event type. FILE_ABNORMAL_READ: Abnormal file read.
ImageId String Image ID, which is used for redirect.
ContainerId String Container ID, which is used for redirect.
Solution String Event solution
Description String Event description
MatchRuleId String Hit policy ID
MatchAction String Action of the hit rule:
MatchProcessPath String Information of the process that hits the rule
MatchFilePath String Information of the file that hits the rule
FilePath String File path containing the name
RuleExist Boolean Whether the rule exists
EventCount Integer Number of events
LatestFoundTime String Last generation time
RuleId String Rule group ID
ContainerNetStatus String Network status
NORMAL: Not isolated.
ISOLATED: Isolated.
ISOLATING: Isolating.
ISOLATE_FAILED: Isolation failed.
RESTORING: Recovering.
RESTORE_FAILED: Recovery failed.
ContainerNetSubStatus String Sub-status of the container
"AGENT_OFFLINE" // The agent is offline.
"NODE_DESTROYED" // The node is terminated.
"CONTAINER_EXITED" // The container exited.
"CONTAINER_DESTROYED" // The container was terminated.
"SHARED_HOST" // The container shares the network with the server.
"RESOURCE_LIMIT" // The number of resources to be isolated exceeds the limit.
"UNKNOW" // The reason is unknown.
ContainerIsolateOperationSrc String Container isolation operation source
ContainerStatus String Container status
RUNNING: Running.
PAUSED: Paused.
STOPPED: Stopped.
CREATED: Created.
DESTROYED: Terminated.
RESTARTING: Restarting.
REMOVING: Removing.
NodeName String Node name: For super nodes, the node_id is displayed.
PodName String Pod name
PodIP String Pod IP
NodeType String Node type. Values: NORMAL (general node), SUPER (super node).
ClusterID String Cluster ID
NodeUniqueID String Node unique ID. It's used for super nodes.
PublicIP String Node public IP
NodeID String Node ID
HostID String uuid
HostIP String Private IP of the node
ClusterName String Cluster name


Container runtime - Access control policy information

Used by actions: AddEditAccessControlRule, DescribeAccessControlRuleDetail.

Name Type Required Description
IsEnable Boolean Yes Switch. Valid values: true (on); false (off).
ImageIds Array of String Yes IDs of associated images. An empty array indicates all images.
ChildRules Array of AccessControlChildRuleInfo Yes Array of sub-policies of the user policy
RuleName String Yes Policy name
RuleId String No Policy ID
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
SystemChildRules Array of AccessControlSystemChildRuleInfo No Array of sub-policies of the preset policy
IsDefault Boolean No Whether it is the default preset policy


Container runtime security - Information of the sub-policy of the preset access control policy

Used by actions: AddEditAccessControlRule, DescribeAccessControlRuleDetail.

Name Type Required Description
RuleId String Yes Sub-policy ID
RuleMode String Yes Policy mode. RULE_MODE_RELEASE: Allow.
IsEnable Boolean Yes Sub-policy status. Valid values: true (enabled); false (disabled).
RuleType String Yes Intrusion behavior type detected by the sub-policy
CHANGE_CRONTAB: Tampering with the scheduled task.
CHANGE_SYS_BIN: Tampering with the system program.
CHANGE_USRCFG: Tampering with user configuration.


Structure of the affected node type

Used by actions: DescribeAffectedNodeList.

Name Type Required Description
ClusterId String Yes Cluster ID
ClusterName String Yes Cluster name
InstanceId String Yes Instance ID
PrivateIpAddresses String Yes Private IP
InstanceRole String Yes Node role, such as Master and Work.
ClusterVersion String Yes K8s version
ContainerRuntime String Yes Runtime component. Valid values: docker, containerd.
Region String Yes Region
VerifyInfo String Yes Verification information of the check result
NodeName String Yes Node name


Affected workload item in the cluster security check

Used by actions: DescribeAffectedWorkloadList.

Name Type Required Description
ClusterId String Yes Cluster ID
ClusterName String Yes Cluster name
WorkloadName String Yes Workload name
WorkloadType String Yes Workload type
Region String Yes Region
VerifyInfo String Yes Verification information of the check result


List of clusters

Used by actions: DescribeAssetClusterList.

Name Type Description
ClusterID String Cluster ID
ClusterName String Cluster name
Status String Cluster status
CSR_DEL: Deleted
BindRuleName String Bound rule name
ClusterType String Cluster type:
CT_TKE: TKE cluster
CT_USER_CREATE: External cluster
CT_TKE_SERVERLESS: TKE Serverless cluster
ClusterVersion String Cluster version
MemLimit Integer MEM usage
CpuLimit Integer cpu


Key-value pair filter for conditional filtering queries, such as filter ID, name, and status
If more than one filter exists, the logical relationship between these filters is AND.
If multiple values exist in one filter, the logical relationship between these values is OR.

Used by actions: AddEditImageAutoAuthorizedRule, CreateAssetImageRegistryScanTask, CreateAssetImageScanTask, CreateAssetImageVirusExportJob, CreateComponentExportJob, CreateHostExportJob, CreateProcessEventsExportJob, CreateVulExportJob, DescribeAssetAppServiceList, DescribeAssetComponentList, DescribeAssetContainerList, DescribeAssetDBServiceList, DescribeAssetHostList, DescribeAssetImageHostList, DescribeAssetImageList, DescribeAssetImageListExport, DescribeAssetImageRegistryList, DescribeAssetImageRegistryListExport, DescribeAssetImageRegistryRegistryList, DescribeAssetImageRegistryRiskInfoList, DescribeAssetImageRegistryRiskListExport, DescribeAssetImageRegistrySummary, DescribeAssetImageRegistryVirusList, DescribeAssetImageRegistryVirusListExport, DescribeAssetImageRegistryVulList, DescribeAssetImageRegistryVulListExport, DescribeAssetImageRiskList, DescribeAssetImageRiskListExport, DescribeAssetImageSimpleList, DescribeAssetImageVirusList, DescribeAssetImageVirusListExport, DescribeAssetImageVulList, DescribeAssetImageVulListExport, DescribeAssetPortList, DescribeAssetProcessList, DescribeAssetWebServiceList, DescribeImageAutoAuthorizedLogList, DescribeImageAutoAuthorizedTaskList, DescribeImageComponentList, DescribeImageRegistryNamespaceList, DescribeVulRegistryImageList, ModifyAssetImageRegistryScanStop, ModifyAssetImageScanStop, ModifyImageAuthorized.

Name Type Required Description
Name String Yes Filter name
Values Array of String Yes One or more filter values
ExactMatch Boolean No Whether to use fuzzy query


Brief information of the image

Used by actions: DescribeAssetImageSimpleList.

Name Type Description
ImageID String Image ID
ImageName String Image name
ContainerCnt Integer Number of associated containers
ScanTime String Last scan time
Size Integer Image size


Result of the automatic image licensing

Used by actions: DescribeImageAutoAuthorizedLogList.

Name Type Description
ImageId String Image ID
ImageName String Image name
AuthorizedTime String Licensing time
Status String Licensing result. Valid values: SUCCESS (success); REACH_LIMIT (reaching the upper limit on licenses); LICENSE_INSUFFICIENT (insufficient licenses).
IsAuthorized Integer Whether it is licensed. Valid values: 1 (yes); 0 (no).


List of servers licensed based on the automatic image licensing rule

Used by actions: DescribeAutoAuthorizedRuleHost.

Name Type Description
HostID String Server ID
HostIP String Server IP, which is the private IP
HostName String Server name
ImageCnt Integer Number of images
ContainerCnt Integer Number of containers
PublicIp String Public IP
InstanceID String Server instance ID
MachineType String Server source. Valid values: CVM, ECM, LH, BM, Other. The first four values indicate Tencent Cloud instances, while the last one indicates non-Tencent Cloud instances.
DockerVersion String Docker version
Status String Agent status


Optional information of the security log Kafka

Used by actions: DescribeSecLogDeliveryKafkaOptions.

Name Type Required Description
InstanceID String No Instance ID
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
InstanceName String No Instance name
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
TopicList Array of CKafkaTopicInfo No Topic list
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
RouteList Array of CkafkaRouteInfo No Route list
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
KafkaVersion String No Kafka version number
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


CKafka topic information

Used by actions: DescribeSecLogDeliveryKafkaOptions.

Name Type Required Description
TopicID String Yes Topic ID
TopicName String Yes Topic name


CKafka route details

Used by actions: DescribeSecLogDeliveryKafkaOptions.

Name Type Required Description
RouteID Integer No Route ID
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Domain String No Domain name
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
DomainPort Integer No Domain port
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Vip String No VIP
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
VipType Integer No VIP type
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
AccessType Integer No Access type
// 0: PLAINTEXT (plaintext method, which does not carry user information and is supported for legacy versions and Community Edition)
// 1: SASL_PLAINTEXT (plaintext method, which authenticates the login through SASL before data start and is supported only for Community Edition)
// 2: SSL (SSL-encrypted communication, which does not carry user information and is supported for legacy versions and Community Edition)
// 3: SASL_SSL (SSL-encrypted communication, which authenticates the login through SASL before data start and is supported only for Community Edition)
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


CLS logset information

Used by actions: DescribeSecLogDeliveryClsOptions.

Name Type Required Description
LogsetID String Yes Logset ID
LogsetName String No Logset name
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
TopicList Array of ClsTopicInfo No List of CLS topics
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


CLS topic information

Used by actions: DescribeSecLogDeliveryClsOptions.

Name Type Required Description
TopicID String No Topic ID
TopicName String No Topic name


Details of a cluster security check item

Used by actions: DescribeCheckItemList, DescribeRiskList.

Name Type Description
CheckItemId Integer Unique ID of the check item
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Name String Name of the risk item
ItemDetail String Detailed description of the check item
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
RiskLevel String Severity. Valid values: Serious (critical); High (high); Middle (medium); Hint (prompt).
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
RiskTarget String Check target and risky target. Valid values: Runc, Kubelet, Containerd, Pods.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
RiskType String Risk type. Valid values: CVERisk (vulnerability risk); ConfigRisk (configuration risk).
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
RiskAttribute String Risk type of the check item. Valid values: PrivilegePromotion (privilege escalation); RefuseService (service rejected); DirectoryEscape (directory traversal); UnauthorizedAccess (unauthorized access); PrivilegeAndAccessControl (permissions, privileges, and access controls); SensitiveInfoLeak (sensitive data leakage).
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
RiskProperty String Risk characteristic and tag. Valid values: ExistEXP (an EXP exists); ExistPOC (a POC exists); NoNeedReboot (restart not required); ServerRestart (service restart); RemoteInfoLeak (remote information leakage); RemoteRefuseService (remote denial of service); RemoteExploit (remote exploit); RemoteExecute (remote execution).
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
CVENumber String CVE No.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
DiscoverTime String Disclosure time
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Solution String Solution
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
CVSS String CVSS information, which is used for drawing.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
CVSSScore String CVSS score
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
RelateLink String Reference link
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
AffectedType String Affected type. Valid values: Node, Workload.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
AffectedVersion String Affected version information
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
IgnoredAssetNum Integer Number of ignored assets
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
IsIgnored Boolean Whether to ignore the check item
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
RiskAssessment String Impact assessment
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Input parameters for a cluster check task

Used by actions: CreateClusterCheckTask.

Name Type Required Description
ClusterId String Yes ID of the specified cluster to be scanned
ClusterRegion String Yes Cluster region
NodeIp String No IP of the specified node to be scanned
WorkloadName String No Name of the specified workload to be scanned


Input parameters for CreateCheckComponent, which are used to batch install defenders.

Used by actions: CreateCheckComponent.

Name Type Required Description
ClusterId String Yes ID of the cluster for which to install the component
ClusterRegion String Yes Cluster region


Custom parameters of the cluster

Used by actions: DescribeAgentDaemonSetCmd.

Name Type Required Description
Name String Yes Parameter name
Values Array of String Yes Parameter value


Response parameters structure of the cluster asset

Used by actions: DescribeUserCluster.

Name Type Description
ClusterId String Cluster ID
ClusterName String Cluster name
ClusterVersion String Cluster version
ClusterOs String Cluster OS
ClusterType String Cluster type
ClusterNodeNum Integer Number of nodes in the cluster
Region String Cluster region
DefenderStatus String Status of the monitoring component. Valid values: Defender_Uninstall, Defender_Normal, Defender_Error, Defender_Installing.
ClusterStatus String Cluster status
ClusterCheckMode String Cluster check mode. Valid values: Cluster_Normal, Cluster_Actived.
ClusterAutoCheck Boolean Whether automatic and regular check is enabled
DefenderErrorReason String Cause of the failure to deploy the defender. When it is UserDaemonSetNotReady, UnreadyNodeNum is changed to "The defenders on N nodes are ready". If it is another value, the error message is directly displayed.
UnreadyNodeNum Integer Number of nodes where the defender is not ready
SeriousRiskCount Integer Number of critical check items
HighRiskCount Integer Number of high-risk check items
MiddleRiskCount Integer Number of medium-risk check items
HintRiskCount Integer Number of prompt-risk check items
CheckFailReason String Check failure cause
CheckStatus String Check status. Valid values: Task_Running, NoRisk, HasRisk, Uncheck, Task_Error.
TaskCreateTime String Task creation time and check time


A risk item is a check item with an issue found in the check, with certain information of the check result.

Used by actions: DescribeRiskList.

Name Type Description
CheckItem ClusterCheckItem Check item information
VerifyInfo String Verification information
ErrorMessage String Event description and check error message
AffectedClusterCount Integer Number of affected clusters
AffectedNodeCount Integer Number of affected nodes


Information of the asset affected by the check item

Used by actions: DescribeCompliancePolicyItemAffectedAssetList.

Name Type Description
CustomerAssetId Integer Unique ID of the customer asset
AssetName String Asset name
AssetType String Asset type
CheckStatus String Check status

CHECK_INIT: To be checked.



CHECK_FAILED: Check failed.
NodeName String Node name
LastCheckTime String Last check time in the format of "YYYY-MM-DD HH:m::SS"

It is "0000-00-00 00:00:00" if no check has been performed.
CheckResult String Check result. Valid values:


HostIP String Server IP
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ImageTag String Image tag
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
VerifyInfo String Verification information of the check item
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
InstanceId String Instance ID
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Asset details

Used by actions: DescribeComplianceAssetDetailInfo.

Name Type Description
CustomerAssetId Integer Customer asset ID
AssetType String Asset type
AssetName String Asset name
NodeName String Node name of the asset
HostName String Server name of the asset
HostIP String Server IP of the asset
CheckStatus String Check status
CHECK_INIT: To be checked.
CHECK_FAILED: Check failed.
PassedPolicyItemCount Integer Number of check items that the asset passed
FailedPolicyItemCount Integer Number of check items that the asset failed
LastCheckTime Timestamp Last check time
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
CheckResult String Check result. Valid values:
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
AssetStatus String Asset status
AssetCreateTime Timestamp Asset creation time
ASSET_PAUSED: Suspended.


Asset information

Used by actions: DescribeComplianceAssetList.

Name Type Description
CustomerAssetId Integer Customer asset ID
AssetType String Asset type
AssetName String Asset name
ImageTag String This field is the image tag when the asset is an image.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
HostIP String Server IP of the asset
NodeName String Node name of the asset
CheckStatus String Check status

CHECK_INIT: To be checked.



CHECK_FAILED: Check failed.
PassedPolicyItemCount Integer Number of check items that the asset passed
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
FailedPolicyItemCount Integer Number of check items that the asset failed
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
LastCheckTime Timestamp Last check time
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
CheckResult String Check result. Valid values:
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
InstanceId String Node instance ID
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Information of a check item

Used by actions: DescribeComplianceAssetPolicyItemList.

Name Type Description
CustomerPolicyItemId Integer Unique ID of the customer check item
BasePolicyItemId Integer Original ID of the check item
Name String Check item name
Category String Category of the check item
BenchmarkStandardId Integer Compliance standard ID
BenchmarkStandardName String Compliance standard name
RiskLevel String Severity
CheckStatus String Check status
CHECK_INIT: To be checked.
CHECK_FAILED: Check failed.
CheckResult String Check result
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
WhitelistId Integer Allowed item ID of the check item. If it exists and is not 0, the check item is ignored.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
FixSuggestion String Handling suggestion
LastCheckTime String Last check time
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
VerifyInfo String Verification information
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


List of asset IDs and check item IDs

Used by actions: AddComplianceAssetPolicySetToWhitelist.

Name Type Required Description
CustomerAssetItemId Integer Yes Asset ID
CustomerPolicyItemIdSet Array of Integer No List of IDs of check items to be ignored in the specified asset. If it is empty, it indicates all.


Asset overview

Used by actions: DescribeComplianceTaskAssetSummary.

Name Type Description
AssetType String Asset type
IsCustomerFirstCheck Boolean Whether it is the first check. This parameter is used together with CheckStatus.
CheckStatus String Check status

CHECK_UNINIT: Feature not enabled.

CHECK_INIT: To be checked.



CHECK_FAILED: Check failed.
CheckProgress Float Check progress. Value range: 0-100. This field is valid only if the check is running.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
PassedPolicyItemCount Integer Number of check items that the asset passed
FailedPolicyItemCount Integer Number of check items that the asset failed
FailedCriticalPolicyItemCount Integer Number of critical check items that the asset failed
FailedHighRiskPolicyItemCount Integer Number of high-risk check items that the asset failed
FailedMediumRiskPolicyItemCount Integer Number of medium-risk check items that the asset failed
FailedLowRiskPolicyItemCount Integer Number of low-risk check items that the asset failed
NoticePolicyItemCount Integer Number of prompt check items of the asset
PassedAssetCount Integer Number of assets that passed the check
FailedAssetCount Integer Number of assets that failed the check
AssetPassedRate Float Asset compliance rate. Value range: 0-100.
ScanFailedAssetCount Integer Number of assets that failed the check
CheckCostTime Float Last check duration in seconds
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
LastCheckTime Timestamp Last check time
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
PeriodRule CompliancePeriodTaskRule Scheduled check rule
OpenPolicyItemCount Integer Total number of enabled check items
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
IgnoredPolicyItemCount Integer Total number of ignored check items
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Information of a compliance standard

Used by actions: DescribeCompliancePeriodTaskList.

Name Type Description
StandardId Integer Compliance standard ID
Name String Compliance standard name
PolicyItemCount Integer Number of items contained in the compliance standard
Enabled Boolean Whether to enable the standard
Description String Description of the standard


Whether to enable the compliance standard

Used by actions: ModifyCompliancePeriodTask.

Name Type Required Description
StandardId Integer Yes Compliance standard ID
Enable Boolean Yes Whether to enable the compliance standard


Container asset details

Used by actions: DescribeComplianceAssetDetailInfo.

Name Type Description
ContainerId String Container ID on the server
PodName String Pod name of the container
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Key-value pair filter for conditional filtering queries, such as filter ID, name, and status. If more than one filter exists, the logical relationship between these filters is AND. If multiple values exist in one filter, the logical relationship between these values is OR.

Used by actions: DescribeAffectedNodeList, DescribeAffectedWorkloadList, DescribeCheckItemList, DescribeComplianceAssetList, DescribeComplianceAssetPolicyItemList, DescribeCompliancePolicyItemAffectedAssetList, DescribeComplianceScanFailedAssetList, DescribeComplianceTaskPolicyItemSummaryList, DescribeComplianceWhitelistItemList, DescribeNetworkFirewallAuditRecord, DescribeNetworkFirewallClusterList, DescribeNetworkFirewallNamespaceLabelList, DescribeNetworkFirewallPodLabelsList, DescribeNetworkFirewallPolicyList, DescribeRiskList, DescribeUserCluster.

Name Type Required Description
Name String Yes Filter name
Values Array of String Yes One or more filter values
ExactMatch Boolean No Whether to use fuzzy query. Default value: true.


Server asset details

Used by actions: DescribeComplianceAssetDetailInfo.

Name Type Description
DockerVersion String Docker version on the server
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
K8SVersion String K8s version on the server
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Image asset details

Used by actions: DescribeComplianceAssetDetailInfo.

Name Type Description
ImageId String Image ID on the server
ImageName String Image name
ImageTag String Image tag
Repository String Path of the remote repository of the image
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


K8s asset details

Used by actions: DescribeComplianceAssetDetailInfo.

Name Type Description
ClusterName String K8s cluster name
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ClusterVersion String K8s cluster version
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Information of a scheduled task of the compliance baseline check

Used by actions: DescribeCompliancePeriodTaskList.

Name Type Description
PeriodTaskId Integer Scheduled task ID
AssetType String Asset type
ASSET_K8S: K8s asset.
LastTriggerTime Timestamp Last trigger time
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
TotalPolicyItemCount Integer Total number of check items
PeriodRule CompliancePeriodTaskRule Cycle settings
BenchmarkStandardSet Array of ComplianceBenchmarkStandard List of compliance standards


Cycle of a scheduled task

Used by actions: DescribeCompliancePeriodTaskList, DescribeComplianceTaskAssetSummary, ModifyCompliancePeriodTask.

Name Type Required Description
Frequency Integer Yes Execution frequency (days). Valid values: 1, 3, 7.
ExecutionTime String Yes Execution time in the format of "HH:mm:SS"
Enable Boolean No Whether to enable
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


List of check item IDs and asset IDs

Used by actions: DeleteCompliancePolicyAssetSetFromWhitelist.

Name Type Required Description
CustomerPolicyItemId Integer Yes Check item ID
CustomerAssetItemIdSet Array of Integer No List of IDs of assets to be ignored in the specified check item. If it is empty, it indicates all.


Aggregated information of a check item

Used by actions: DescribeCompliancePolicyItemAffectedSummary, DescribeComplianceTaskPolicyItemSummaryList.

Name Type Description
CustomerPolicyItemId Integer Unique ID of the customer check item
BasePolicyItemId Integer Original ID of the check item
Name String Check item name
Category String Category of the check item, which is an enumerated string.
BenchmarkStandardName String Compliance standard
AssetType String Asset type of the check item
LastCheckTime Timestamp Last check time
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
CheckStatus String Check status

CHECK_INIT: To be checked.



CHECK_FAILED: Check failed.
CheckResult String Check result. Valid values: RESULT_PASSED: Passed.

Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
PassedAssetCount Integer Number of assets that passed the check
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
FailedAssetCount Integer Number of assets that failed the check
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
WhitelistId Integer Allowed item ID of the check item. If it exists and is not 0, the check item is ignored.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
FixSuggestion String Handling suggestion
BenchmarkStandardId Integer Compliance standard ID
ApplicableVersion String TCSS editions that support this check item
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.


Information of the asset that failed the check

Used by actions: DescribeComplianceScanFailedAssetList.

Name Type Description
CustomerAssetId Integer Customer asset ID
AssetType String Asset type
CheckStatus String Check status
CHECK_INIT: To be checked.
CHECK_FAILED: Check failed.
AssetName String Asset name
FailureReason String Cause of the asset check failure
Suggestion String Suggestion for handling the check failure
CheckTime Timestamp Check time


Allowed item

Used by actions: DescribeComplianceWhitelistItemList.

Name Type Description
WhitelistItemId Integer Allowed item ID
CustomerPolicyItemId Integer ID of the customer check item
Name String Check item name
StandardName String Compliance standard name
StandardId Integer Compliance standard ID
AffectedAssetCount Integer Number of assets affected by the check item
LastUpdateTime Timestamp Last update time
InsertTime Timestamp Allowed time


Container component information

Used by actions: DescribeAssetComponentList.

Name Type Description
Name String Name
Version String Version


Component information

Used by actions: DescribeAssetImageRegistryVulList.

Name Type Description
Version String Component version information
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
FixedVersion String Fixed version
Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Path String Path
Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Type String Type
Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Name String Add-on name
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


List of containers

Used by actions: DescribeAssetContainerList.

Name Type Description
ContainerID String Container ID
ContainerName String Container name
Status String Container status
CreateTime String Creation time
RunAs String Operator
Cmd String Command line
CPUUsage Integer CPU utilization * 1000
RamUsage Integer Memory usage in KB
ImageName String Image name
ImageID String Image ID
POD String Image ID
HostID String Server ID
HostIP String Server IP
UpdateTime String Update time
HostName String Server name
PublicIp String Public IP
NetStatus String Network status
NORMAL: Not isolated.
ISOLATED: Isolated.
ISOLATING: Isolating.
ISOLATE_FAILED: Isolation failed.
RESTORING: Recovering.
RESTORE_FAILED: Recovery failed.
NetSubStatus String Sub-status of the network
IsolateSource String Isolation source
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
IsolateTime String Isolation time
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
NodeID String Super node ID
PodIP String Pod IP
PodName String Pod name
NodeType String Node type. Valid values: NORMAL (general node), SUPER (super node)
NodeUniqueID String UID of the super node
PodCpu Integer Number of CPU cores used by the pod
PodMem Integer Memory specification of the Pod
ClusterName String
ClusterID String
PodUid String


Container mount information

Used by actions: DescribeAssetContainerDetail.

Name Type Description
Type String Mount type: bind.
Source String Host path
Destination String Path in the container
Mode String Mode
RW Boolean Read/Write permission
Propagation String Propagation type
Name String Name
Driver String Driver


Container network information

Used by actions: DescribeAssetContainerDetail.

Name Type Description
EndpointID String Endpoint ID
Mode String Mode: bridge.
Name String Network name
NetworkID String Network ID
Gateway String Gateway
Ipv4 String IPv4 address
Ipv6 String IPv6 address
MAC String MAC address


List of emergency vulnerabilities

Used by actions: DescribeEmergencyVulList.

Name Type Description
Name String Vulnerability name
Tags Array of String Vulnerability tag
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
CVSSV3Score Float CVSS V3 score
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Level String Risk level
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
CVEID String CVE No.
Category String Vulnerability type
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
SubmitTime String Vulnerability disclosure time
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
LatestFoundTime String Last discovery time
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Status String Emergency vulnerability risk information. Valid values: NOT_SCAN (not scanned); SCANNING (scanning); SCANNED_NOT_RISK (scanned and at no risk); SCANNED_RISK (scanned and at risk).
ID Integer Vulnerability ID
PocID String POC ID
DefenceStatus String Defense status. Valid values: NO_DEFENDED, DEFENDED.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
DefenceScope String Scope of servers with exploit prevention enabled. Valid values: MANUAL (specified servers); ALL (all servers).
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
DefenceHostCount Integer Number of servers with exploit prevention enabled
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
DefendedCount Integer Number of attacks defended against
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Description of the container escape event at runtime

Used by actions: DescribeEscapeEventDetail.

Name Type Description
Description String Event rule
Solution String Solution
Remark String Event remarks
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
OperationTime String Last processing time of the event
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


List of container escape events

Used by actions: DescribeEscapeEventInfo.

Name Type Description
EventType String Event type.
ESCAPE_CGROUPS: Cgroup escape.
ESCAPE_DOCKER_API: Docker API access escape.
ESCAPE_VUL_OCCURRED: Vulnerability exploit.
MOUNT_SENSITIVE_PTAH: Sensitive path mount.
PRIVILEGE_CONTAINER_START: Privileged container.
PRIVILEGE: Program privilege escalation escape.
ContainerName String Container name
ImageName String Image name
Status String Status. Valid values: EVENT_UNDEAL (pending); EVENT_DEALED (processed); EVENT_INGNORE (ignored).
EventId String Unique event ID
NodeName String Node name
PodName String Pod (instance) name
FoundTime Timestamp Generation time
EventName String Event name
Host file access escape
Syscall escape
Mount namespace escape
Program privilege escalation escape
Privileged container startup escape
Sensitive path mount
ImageId String Image ID, which is used for redirect.
ContainerId String Container ID, which is used for redirect.
Solution String Event solution
Description String Event description
EventCount Integer Number of events
LatestFoundTime Timestamp Last generation time
NodeIP String Node IP
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
HostID String Server IP
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ContainerNetStatus String Network status
NORMAL: Not isolated.
ISOLATED: Isolated.
ISOLATING: Isolating.
ISOLATE_FAILED: Isolation failed.
RESTORING: Recovering.
RESTORE_FAILED: Recovery failed.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ContainerNetSubStatus String Sub-status of the container
"AGENT_OFFLINE" // The agent is offline.
"NODE_DESTROYED" // The node is terminated.
"CONTAINER_EXITED" // The container exited.
"CONTAINER_DESTROYED" // The container was terminated.
"SHARED_HOST" // The container shares the network with the server.
"RESOURCE_LIMIT" // The number of resources to be isolated exceeds the limit.
"UNKNOW" // The reason is unknown.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ContainerIsolateOperationSrc String Container isolation operation source
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ContainerStatus String Container status
RUNNING: Running.
PAUSED: Paused.
STOPPED: Stopped.
CREATED: Created.
DESTROYED: Terminated.
RESTARTING: Restarting.
REMOVING: Removing.
ClusterID String ID of the cluster where the node resides
NodeType String Node type. Values: NORMAL (general node), SUPER (super node).
PodIP String Pod IP
NodeUniqueID String Unique node ID
PublicIP String Node public IP
NodeID String Node ID
HostIP String Private IP of the node
ClusterName String Cluster name


Trend of pending escape events

Used by actions: DescribeEscapeEventTendency.

Name Type Description
RiskContainerEventCount Integer Total number of pending containers at risk
ProcessPrivilegeEventCount Integer Total number of pending program privilege escalation events
ContainerEscapeEventCount Integer Total number of pending container escape events
Date Date Date


Enablement/Disablement of the container escape scan policy

Used by actions: DescribeEscapeRuleInfo.

Name Type Description
Type String Rule type
ESCAPE_HOST_ACESS_FILE: Host file access escape.
ESCAPE_MOUNT_NAMESPACE: Mount namespace escape.
ESCAPE_PRIVILEDGE: Program privilege escalation escape.
ESCAPE_PRIVILEDGE_CONTAINER_START: Privileged container startup escape.
ESCAPE_MOUNT_SENSITIVE_PTAH: Sensitive path mount.
ESCAPE_SYSCALL: Syscall escape.
Name String Rule name
Host file access escape
Syscall escape
Mount namespace escape
Program privilege escalation escape
Privileged container startup escape
Sensitive path mount
IsEnable Boolean Whether to enable. Valid values: false (no); true (yes).
Group String Rule group. Valid values: RISK_CONTAINER (container in risk); PROCESS_PRIVILEGE (program privilege escalation); CONTAINER_ESCAPE (container escape).


Enablement/Disablement of the container escape scan policy

Used by actions: ModifyEscapeRule.

Name Type Required Description
Type String Yes Rule type
ESCAPE_HOST_ACESS_FILE: Host file access escape.
ESCAPE_MOUNT_NAMESPACE: Mount namespace escape.
ESCAPE_PRIVILEDGE: Program privilege escalation escape.
ESCAPE_PRIVILEDGE_CONTAINER_START: Privileged container startup escape.
ESCAPE_MOUNT_SENSITIVE_PTAH: Sensitive path mount.
ESCAPE_SYSCALL: Syscall escape.
IsEnable Boolean Yes Whether to enable. Valid values: false (no); true (yes).


Escape allowlist

Used by actions: DescribeEscapeWhiteList.

Name Type Description
ImageID String Image ID
ImageName String Image name
ID Integer Allowed item ID
HostCount Integer Number of associated servers
ContainerCount Integer Number of associated containers
EventType Array of String Allowed event type
InsertTime String Creation time
UpdateTime String Update time
ImageSize Integer Image size


Export job details

Used by actions: DescribeExportJobManageList.

Name Type Description
JobID String Job ID
JobName String Job name
Source String Source
ExportStatus String Export status
ExportProgress Integer Export progress
FailureMsg String Reason for failure
Timeout String Timeout threshold
InsertTime String Insertion time


Container runtime security - File attribute information

Used by actions: DescribeAccessControlDetail.

Name Type Description
FileName String Filename
FileType String File type
FileSize Integer File size in bytes
FilePath String File path
FileCreateTime Timestamp File creation time
LatestTamperedFileMTime Timestamp Time when the file is last tampered with
NewFile String Content of the new file
FileDiff String Differences between old and new files


List of server IDs

Used by actions: DescribeAssetHostList.

Name Type Description
HostID String Server ID
HostIP String Server IP, which is the private IP
HostName String Server name
Group String Project
DockerVersion String Docker version
DockerFileSystemDriver String Docker file system type
ImageCnt Integer Number of images
ContainerCnt Integer Number of containers
Status String Agent status
IsContainerd Boolean Whether it is Containerd
MachineType String Server source. Valid values: CVM, ECM, LH, BM, Other. The first four values indicate Tencent Cloud instances, while the last one indicates non-Tencent Cloud instances.
PublicIp String Public IP
Uuid String Server UUID
InstanceID String Server instance ID
RegionID Integer Region ID
Project ProjectInfo Project
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
Tags Array of TagInfo Tags
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
ClusterID String Cluster ID
ClusterName String
ClusterAccessedStatus String


Information of the automatic image licensing task

Used by actions: DescribeImageAutoAuthorizedTaskList.

Name Type Description
TaskId Integer Task ID
Type String Licensing method. Valid values: AUTO (automatic licensing); MANUAL (manual licensing).
AuthorizedDate Date Task date
Source String Image source. Valid values: LOCAL (local image); REGISTRY (repository image).
LastAuthorizedTime String Last licensing time
SuccessCount Integer Number of images automatically licensed successfully
FailCount Integer Number of images failed to be automatically licensed
LatestFailCode String Error code for the last task. Valid values: REACH_LIMIT (reaching the upper limit on licenses); LICENSE_INSUFFICIENT (insufficient licenses).


Information of a component in the image

Used by actions: DescribeImageComponentList.

Name Type Description
Name String Component name
Version String Component version
Path String Component path
Type String Component type
VulCount Integer Number of component vulnerabilities
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ImageID String Image ID
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


List of images associated with servers

Used by actions: DescribeAssetImageHostList.

Name Type Description
ImageID String Image ID
HostID String Server ID


Basic image information

Used by actions: CreateAssetImageRegistryScanTask, CreateAssetImageRegistryScanTaskOneKey, DescribeAssetImageRegistryRiskInfoList, DescribeAssetImageRegistryRiskListExport, DescribeAssetImageRegistryScanStatusOneKey, DescribeAssetImageRegistryVirusList, DescribeAssetImageRegistryVirusListExport, DescribeAssetImageRegistryVulList, DescribeAssetImageRegistryVulListExport, DescribeImageRegistryTimingScanTask, ModifyAssetImageRegistryScanStop, ModifyAssetImageRegistryScanStopOneKey, UpdateImageRegistryTimingScanTask.

Name Type Required Description
InstanceName String Yes Instance name
Namespace String Yes Namespace
ImageName String Yes Image name
ImageTag String Yes Image tag
Force String Yes Forced scan
ImageDigest String No Image ID
RegistryType String No Repository type
ImageRepoAddress String No Image repository address
InstanceId String No Instance ID


Basic image information

Used by actions: DescribeAssetImageRegistryScanStatusOneKey.

Name Type Description
ImageId String Image ID
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
RegistryType String Repository type
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ImageRepoAddress String Image repository address
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
InstanceId String Instance ID
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
InstanceName String Instance name
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Namespace String Namespace
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ImageName String Repository name
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ImageTag String Image tag
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ScanStatus String Image scanning status
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
CveProgress Integer CVE scanning progress of the image
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
RiskProgress Integer Sensitive data scanning progress of the image
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
VirusProgress Integer Trojan scanning progress of the image
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


List of image repositories

Used by actions: DescribeAssetImageRegistryList.

Name Type Description
ImageDigest String Image digest
ImageRepoAddress String Image repository address
RegistryType String Repository type
ImageName String Image name
ImageTag String Image tag
ImageSize Integer Image size
ScanTime String Last scan time
ScanStatus String Scanning status
VulCnt Integer Number of vulnerabilities
VirusCnt Integer Number of viruses and trojans
RiskCnt Integer Number of risky behaviors
IsTrustImage Boolean Whether it is a trusted image
OsName String Image system
ScanVirusError String Trojan scan error
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ScanVulError String Vulnerability scan error
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
InstanceId String Instance ID
InstanceName String Instance name
Namespace String Namespace
ScanRiskError String High-risk scan error
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ScanVirusProgress Integer Sensitive data scanning progress
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ScanVulProgress Integer Trojan scanning progress
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ScanRiskProgress Integer Vulnerability scanning progress
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ScanRemainTime Integer Remaining scan time in seconds
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
CveStatus String CVE scanning status
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
RiskStatus String High-risk scanning status
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
VirusStatus String Trojan scanning status
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Progress Integer Overall progress
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
IsAuthorized Integer Licensing status
RegistryRegion String Repository region
Id Integer List of IDs
ImageId String Image ID
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ImageCreateTime Timestamp ISO8601 Image creation time
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
IsLatestImage Boolean Whether it is the latest image tag
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Used by actions: DescribeAssetImageRegistryRegistryList.

Name Type Description
RegistryId Integer
Name String
RegistryType String
Url String
NetType String
RegistryRegion String
RegistryVersion String
ConnectMsg String
ConnDetectType String
ConnDetectHostCount Integer
ConnDetectDetail Array of RegistryConnDetectResult
InstanceID String
LatestSyncTime String
SyncStatus String
SyncFailReason String
SyncSolution String
SyncMessage String


Information of a high-risk behavior in the image

Used by actions: DescribeAssetImageRegistryRiskInfoList.

Name Type Description
Behavior Integer High-risk behavior
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Type Integer Type
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Level String Risk level
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Desc String Description
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
InstructionContent String Solution
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Image risk details

Used by actions: DescribeAssetImageRiskList.

Name Type Description
Behavior Integer Behavior
Type Integer Type
Level Integer Level
Desc String Details
InstructionContent String Solution


Trend information of security events at runtime

Used by actions: DescribeImageRiskTendency.

Name Type Description
ImageRiskSet Array of RunTimeTendencyInfo List of trends
ImageRiskType String Risk type:
IRT_MALWARE_VIRUS: Virus and trojan.
IRT_RISK: Sensitive data.


List of images

Used by actions: DescribeImageSimpleList.

Name Type Description
ImageID String Image ID
ImageName String Image name
Size Integer Image size
ImageType String Type
ContainerCnt Integer Number of associated containers


Information of a virus in the image

Used by actions: DescribeAssetImageRegistryVirusList.

Name Type Description
Path String Path
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
RiskLevel String Risk level
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Category String Category
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
VirusName String Virus name
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Tags Array of String Tag
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Desc String Description
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Solution String Solution
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
FileType String File type
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
FileName String File path
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
FileMd5 String MD5 checksum of the file
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
FileSize Integer Size
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
FirstScanTime String First discovery time
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
LatestScanTime String Last scan time
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Information of a virus in the image

Used by actions: DescribeAssetImageVirusList.

Name Type Description
Path String Path
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
RiskLevel Integer Risk level
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
VirusName String Virus name
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Tags Array of String Tag
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Desc String Description
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Solution String Fix suggestion
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Size Integer Size
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
FirstScanTime String First discovery time
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
LatestScanTime String Last scan time
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Md5 String MD5 checksum of the file
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
FileName String Filename
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
CheckPlatform Array of String Check platform
1: Tencent Cloud Security Engine.
2: tav.
3: binaryAi.
4: Unusual behavior.
5: Threat intelligence.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Information of a vulnerability in the image

Used by actions: DescribeAssetImageRegistryVulList.

Name Type Description
CVEID String Vulnerability ID
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Name String Vulnerability name
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Components Array of ComponentsInfo Component information
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Category String Category
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
CategoryType String Category 2
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Level String Risk level
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Des String Description
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
OfficialSolution String Solution
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Reference String Reference
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
DefenseSolution String Defense solution
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
SubmitTime String Submission time
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
CvssScore String CVSS score
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
CvssVector String CVSS information
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
IsSuggest String Whether fix is suggested
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
FixedVersions String Number of the fixed version
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Tag Array of String Vulnerability tag. Valid values: CanBeFixed, DynamicLevelPoc, DynamicLevelExp.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Component String Component name
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Version String Component version
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Information of the runtime rule bound to the image

Used by actions: DescribeAssetImageBindRuleInfo.

Name Type Description
ImageId String Image ID
ImageName String Image name
ContainerCnt Integer Number of associated containers
RuleId String Bound rule ID
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
RuleName String Rule name
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ImageSize Integer Image size
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ScanTime String Last scan time
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


List of image IDs

Used by actions: DescribeAssetImageList.

Name Type Description
ImageID String Image ID
ImageName String Image name
CreateTime String Creation time
Size Integer Image size
HostCnt Integer Number of servers
ContainerCnt Integer Number of containers
ScanTime String Scan time
VulCnt Integer Number of vulnerabilities
VirusCnt Integer Number of viruses
RiskCnt Integer Number of sensitive data items
IsTrustImage Boolean Whether it is a trusted image
OsName String Image system
AgentError String Image scan error in the agent
ScanError String Image scan error on the backend
ScanStatus String Scanning status
ScanVirusError String Trojan scan error message
ScanVulError String Vulnerability scan error message
ScanRiskError String Risk scan error message
IsSuggest Integer Whether the image is of high priority. Valid values: 0 (no); others (yes).
IsAuthorized Integer Whether it is licensed. Valid values: 1 (yes); 0 (no).
ComponentCnt Integer Number of components


Vulnerability in the image

Used by actions: DescribeAssetImageVulList.

Name Type Description
CVEID String Vulnerability ID
Name String Vulnerability name
Component String Component
Version String Version
Category String Category
CategoryType String Category 2
Level Integer Risk level
Des String Description
OfficialSolution String Solution
Reference String Reference
DefenseSolution String Defense solution
SubmitTime String Submission time
CVSSV3Score Float CVSS V3 score
CVSSV3Desc String CVSS V3 description
IsSuggest Boolean Whether it is of high priority. Valid values: true (yes); false (no).
FixedVersions String Number of the fixed version
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Tag Array of String Vulnerability tag. Valid values: CanBeFixed, DynamicLevelPoc, DynamicLevelExp.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


K8sApi api abnormal event details

Used by actions: DescribeK8sApiAbnormalEventInfo.

Name Type Description
MatchRuleName String Hit rule name
MatchRuleType String Hit rule type
RiskLevel String Alarm level
ClusterID String Cluster ID
ClusterName String Cluster name
ClusterRunningStatus String Cluster running status
FirstCreateTime String First creation time
LastCreateTime String Last creation time
AlarmCount Integer Number of alarms
Status String Status
EVENT_DEL: Deleted
EVENT_ADD_WHITE: Added to an allowlist
ClusterMasterIP String The master IP of a cluster
K8sVersion String K8s version
RunningComponent Array of String Runtime component
Desc String Description
Suggestion String Suggestion
Info String Request information
MatchRuleID String Rule ID
HighLightFields Array of String An array of highlighted fields
MatchRule K8sApiAbnormalRuleScopeInfo Hit rule


Items in the K8sApi abnormal event list

Used by actions: DescribeK8sApiAbnormalEventList.

Name Type Description
ID Integer Event ID
MatchRuleType String Hit rule type
RiskLevel String Threat level
ClusterID String Cluster ID
ClusterName String Cluster name
ClusterRunningStatus String Cluster running status
FirstCreateTime String First creation time
LastCreateTime String Last creation time
AlarmCount Integer Number of alarms
Status String Status
RuleType String Rule type
Desc String Description
Suggestion String Solution
RuleName String Rule name
MatchRule K8sApiAbnormalRuleScopeInfo Hit rule


K8sApi abnormal request rule details

Used by actions: CreateK8sApiAbnormalRuleInfo, DescribeK8sApiAbnormalRuleInfo, ModifyK8sApiAbnormalRuleInfo.

Name Type Required Description
RuleName String Yes Rule name
Status Boolean Yes Status
RuleInfoList Array of K8sApiAbnormalRuleScopeInfo Yes Rule information list
EffectClusterIDSet Array of String Yes Effective cluster IDSet
RuleType String Yes Rule type
RT_SYSTEM: System rules
RT_USER: User-defined rules
EffectAllCluster Boolean Yes Whether all clusters are effective
RuleID String No Rule ID


Items in the list of K8sApi abnormal request rules

Used by actions: DescribeK8sApiAbnormalRuleList.

Name Type Description
RuleID String Rule ID
RuleName String Rule name
RuleType String Rule type
RT_SYSTEM System rules
RT_USER User defined
EffectClusterCount Integer Total number of affected clusters
UpdateTime String Update time
OprUin String Edit account
Status Boolean Status


Configuration range of K8sApi abnormal event rules

Used by actions: CreateK8sApiAbnormalRuleInfo, DescribeK8sApiAbnormalEventInfo, DescribeK8sApiAbnormalEventList, DescribeK8sApiAbnormalRuleInfo, DescribeK8sApiAbnormalRuleScopeList, ModifyK8sApiAbnormalRuleInfo.

Name Type Required Description
Scope String Yes Range
System event:
ANONYMOUS_ACCESS: Anonymous access
ABNORMAL_UA_REQ: Abnormal UA request
ANONYMOUS_ABNORMAL_PERMISSION: Abnormal changes on permissions of an anonymous user
GET_CREDENTIALS: Credential information acquisition
MOUNT_SENSITIVE_PATH: Sensitive path mounting
COMMAND_RUN: Command execution
PRIVILEGE_CONTAINER: Privilege container
EXCEPTION_CRONTAB_TASK: Aabnormal scheduled task
STATICS_POD: Static pod creation
ABNORMAL_CREATE_POD: Abnormal pod creation
USER_DEFINED: User defined
Action String Yes Action (RULE_MODE_ALERT: Alarm RULE_MODE_RELEASE: Release)
RiskLevel String No Threat level: "HIGH": High-risk level; "MIDDLE": Middle-risk level; "LOW": Low-risk level; "NOTICE": Notice level
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
Status Boolean No Switch status (true: On; false: Off): applicable to system rules.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
IsDelete Boolean No Whether to delete: applicable to custom rule input parameters.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.


Items in the list of K8sApi abnormal request trends

Used by actions: DescribeK8sApiAbnormalTendency.

Name Type Description
Date String Date
ExceptionUARequestCount Integer The number of abnormal UA request events
AnonymousUserRightCount Integer The number of anonymous user permission events
CredentialInformationObtainCount Integer The number of credential information acquisition events
SensitiveDataMountCount Integer The number of sensitive data mounting events
CmdExecCount Integer The number of command execution events
AbnormalScheduledTaskCount Integer The number of abnormal scheduled task events
StaticsPodCreateCount Integer The number of static pods created
DoubtfulContainerCreateCount Integer The number of suspicious containers created
UserDefinedRuleCount Integer The number of custom rule events
AnonymousAccessCount Integer The number of anonymous access events
PrivilegeContainerCount Integer The number of privilege container events


Input parameters for adding and unignoring vulnerabilities in the scan

Used by actions: AddIgnoreVul, DeleteIgnoreVul.

Name Type Required Description
PocID String Yes POC ID
ImageIDs Array of String No IDs of images to be ignored. If it is not specified, it indicates to ignore all.
ImageType String No When there is an image
Image type. Valid values: LOCAL (local image); REGISTRY (repository image).


The structure returned by the audit of the network cluster asset

Used by actions: DescribeNetworkFirewallAuditRecord.

Name Type Description
ClusterId String Cluster ID
ClusterName String Cluster name
Region String Cluster region
Action String Action
Operation String Operator
NetworkPolicyName String Policy name
OperationTime String Operation time
AppId Integer Operator appid
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Uin String Operator UIN
PolicyId Integer The policy ID.
Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Response parameters structure of the network cluster asset

Used by actions: DescribeNetworkFirewallClusterList.

Name Type Description
ClusterId String Cluster ID
ClusterName String Cluster name
ClusterVersion String Cluster version
ClusterOs String Cluster OS
ClusterType String Cluster type
Region String Cluster region
NetworkPolicyPlugin String Cluster network plugin
ClusterStatus String Cluster status
TotalRuleCount Integer Total number of policies
EnableRuleCount Integer Number of enabled policies
NetworkPolicyPluginStatus String Status of the cluster network plugin. Valid values: Running (normal); Error (abnormal).
NetworkPolicyPluginError String Error message of the cluster network plugin
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ClusterNetworkSettings String Cluster network plugin
Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Response parameters structure of the network space label

Used by actions: DescribeNetworkFirewallNamespaceLabelList.

Name Type Description
Labels String Network space label
Name String Network space name


Response parameters structure of the network cluster Pod

Used by actions: DescribeNetworkFirewallPodLabelsList.

Name Type Description
PodName String Pod name
Namespace String Pod space
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Labels String Pod label
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
WorkloadKind String Pod type
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Custom rule of the network cluster policy

Used by actions: AddAndPublishNetworkFirewallPolicyDetail, AddNetworkFirewallPolicyDetail, DescribeNetworkFirewallPolicyDetail, UpdateAndPublishNetworkFirewallPolicyDetail, UpdateNetworkFirewallPolicyDetail.

Name Type Required Description
Direction String Yes Network policy direction. Valid values: FROM, TO.
Ports Array of NetworkPorts No Network policy port
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Peer Array of NetworkPeer No Network policy object

PublishedNoConfirm: Enabled and to be confirmed.

PublishedConfirmed: Enabled and confirmed.

unPublishing: Disabled.

Publishing: Enabled.

unPublishEdit: To be enabled.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Custom rule of the network cluster policy

Used by actions: AddAndPublishNetworkFirewallPolicyDetail, AddNetworkFirewallPolicyDetail, DescribeNetworkFirewallPolicyDetail, UpdateAndPublishNetworkFirewallPolicyDetail, UpdateNetworkFirewallPolicyDetail.

Name Type Required Description
PeerType String Yes Object type:

Namespace: NamespaceSelector, which indicates that NamespaceSelector has a value.

Pod type: PodSelector, which indicates that both NamespaceSelector and PodSelector have values.

IP type: IPBlock, which indicates that only IPBlock has a value.
NamespaceSelector String No Namespace selector
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
PodSelector String No Pod selector
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
IPBlock String No IP selector
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Response parameters structure of the network cluster policy

Used by actions: DescribeNetworkFirewallPolicyList.

Name Type Description
Name String Network policy name
Description String Network policy description
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
PublishStatus String Publishing status:

PublishedNoConfirm: Enabled and to be confirmed.

PublishedConfirmed: Enabled and confirmed.

unPublishing: Disabled.

Publishing: Enabled.

unPublishEdit: To be enabled.
PolicySourceType String Policy type:

System: Synched from the cluster.

Manual: Added manually.
Namespace String Policy space
PolicyCreateTime String Policy creation date
NetworkPolicyPlugin String Policy type

kube-router: KubeRouter

cilium: Cilium
PublishResult String Policy publishing result
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
FromPolicyRule Integer Inbound rule

1: Allow all.

2: Reject all.

3: Custom.
ToPolicyRule Integer Inbound rule

1: Allow all.

2: Reject all.

3: Custom.
PodSelector String Object
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Id Integer Network policy ID


Port of the custom rule of the network cluster policy

Used by actions: AddAndPublishNetworkFirewallPolicyDetail, AddNetworkFirewallPolicyDetail, DescribeNetworkFirewallPolicyDetail, UpdateAndPublishNetworkFirewallPolicyDetail, UpdateNetworkFirewallPolicyDetail.

Name Type Required Description
Protocol String No Protocol of the network policy
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Port String No Port of the network policy
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


List of ports

Used by actions: DescribeAssetPortList.

Name Type Description
Type String Type
PublicIP String Public IP
PublicPort Integer Server port
ContainerPort Integer Container port
ContainerPID Integer Container PID
ContainerName String Container name
HostID String Server ID
HostIP String Server IP
ProcessName String Process name
ListenContainer String Monitored address in the container
ListenHost String Monitored address outside the container
RunAs String Operating account
HostName String Server name
PublicIp String Public IP
NodeID String Node ID
PodIP String Pod IP
PodName String Pod name
NodeType String Node type.
NodeUniqueID String UID of the super node


Runtime security - Basic process information

Used by actions: DescribeAbnormalProcessDetail, DescribeAccessControlDetail, DescribeEscapeEventDetail, DescribeReverseShellDetail, DescribeRiskSyscallDetail.

Name Type Description
ProcessStartUser String Process initiator
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ProcessUserGroup String Process user group
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ProcessPath String Process path
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ProcessParam String Process command line parameter
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Runtime security details - Basic process information

Used by actions: DescribeAbnormalProcessDetail, DescribeReverseShellDetail, DescribeRiskSyscallDetail.

Name Type Description
ProcessName String Process name
ProcessId Integer Process PID
ProcessStartUser String Process initiator
ProcessUserGroup String Process user group
ProcessPath String Process path
ProcessParam String Process command line parameter


Runtime security details - Process information

Used by actions: DescribeAbnormalProcessDetail, DescribeAccessControlDetail, DescribeEscapeEventDetail, DescribeReverseShellDetail, DescribeRiskSyscallDetail.

Name Type Description
ProcessName String Process name
ProcessAuthority String Process permission
ProcessId Integer Process PID
ProcessStartUser String Process initiator
ProcessUserGroup String Process user group
ProcessPath String Process path
ProcessTree String Process tree
ProcessMd5 String Process MD5
ProcessParam String Process command line parameter


List of processes

Used by actions: DescribeAssetProcessList.

Name Type Description
StartTime String Process start time
RunAs String Operator
CmdLine String Command line parameter
Exe String Exe path
PID Integer Server PID
ContainerPID Integer Container PID
ContainerName String Container name
HostID String Server ID
HostIP String Server IP
ProcessName String Process name
HostName String Server name
PublicIp String Public IP
NodeID String Node ID
PodIP String Pod IP
PodName String Pod name
NodeType String Node type.
NodeUniqueID String UID of the super node


The project to which the host belongs

Used by actions: DescribeAssetHostDetail, DescribeAssetHostList.

Name Type Description
ProjectName String Project name
ProjectID Integer Project ID


Promotion content

Used by actions: DescribePromotionActivity.

Name Type Description
MonthNum Integer Number of months
CoresCountLimit Integer Minimum number of cores
ProfessionalDiscount Integer Discount on the Pro Edition
ImageAuthorizationNum Integer Number of free images


RASP information of vulnerability defense plugin

Used by actions: DescribeVulDefenceEventDetail.

Name Type Description
Name String RASP name
Value String RASP description


Region information

Used by actions: DescribeSecLogDeliveryClsOptions, DescribeSecLogDeliveryKafkaOptions.

Name Type Description
Region String Region identifier
RegionName String Region name


Used by actions: DescribeAssetImageRegistryRegistryList.

Name Type Description
Quuid String
Uuid String
ConnDetectStatus String
ConnDetectMessage String
Solution String
FailReason String


Description of the container reverse shell event at runtime

Used by actions: DescribeReverseShellDetail.

Name Type Description
Description String Description
Solution String Solution
Remark String Event remarks
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
DstAddress String Destination address
OperationTime String Last processing time of the event
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Container runtime security - Information of the reverse shell

Used by actions: DescribeReverseShellEvents.

Name Type Description
ProcessName String Process name
ProcessPath String Process path
ImageId String Image ID
ContainerId String Container ID
ImageName String Image name
ContainerName String Container name
FoundTime String Generation time
Solution String Event solution
Description String Event description
Status String Status. EVENT_UNDEAL: Pending.
EVENT_DEALED: Processed.
EventId String Event ID
Remark String Remarks
PProcessName String Parent process name
EventCount Integer Number of events
LatestFoundTime String Last generation time
DstAddress String Destination address
ContainerNetStatus String Network status
NORMAL: Not isolated.
ISOLATED: Isolated.
ISOLATING: Isolating.
ISOLATE_FAILED: Isolation failed.
RESTORING: Recovering.
RESTORE_FAILED: Recovery failed.
ContainerNetSubStatus String Sub-status of the container
"AGENT_OFFLINE" // The agent is offline.
"NODE_DESTROYED" // The node is terminated.
"CONTAINER_EXITED" // The container exited.
"CONTAINER_DESTROYED" // The container was terminated.
"SHARED_HOST" // The container shares the network with the server.
"RESOURCE_LIMIT" // The number of resources to be isolated exceeds the limit.
"UNKNOW" // The reason is unknown.
ContainerIsolateOperationSrc String Container isolation operation source
ContainerStatus String Container status
RUNNING: Running.
PAUSED: Paused.
STOPPED: Stopped.
CREATED: Created.
DESTROYED: Terminated.
RESTARTING: Restarting.
REMOVING: Removing.


Information of an allowed reverse shell

Used by actions: DescribeReverseShellWhiteLists.

Name Type Description
Id String Allowed item ID
ImageCount Integer Number of images
ProcessName String Connection process name
DstIp String Destination address IP
CreateTime Timestamp Creation time
UpdateTime Timestamp Update time
DstPort String Target port
IsGlobal Boolean Whether it is allowed globally. true: Yes.
ImageIds Array of String Array of image IDs. An empty array indicates all.


Information of an allowed reverse shell

Used by actions: AddEditReverseShellWhiteList, DescribeReverseShellWhiteListDetail.

Name Type Required Description
DstIp String Yes Target IP
DstPort String Yes Target port
ProcessName String Yes Target process
ImageIds Array of String Yes Array of image IDs. An empty array indicates all.
Id String No Allowed item ID, which is empty if the item is newly created.


Description of the high-risk container syscall event at runtime

Used by actions: DescribeRiskSyscallDetail.

Name Type Description
Description String Description
Solution String Solution
Remark String Event remarks
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
SyscallName String Syscall name
OperationTime String Last processing time of the event
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Container runtime security - Information of the high-risk syscall

Used by actions: DescribeRiskSyscallEvents.

Name Type Description
ProcessName String Process name
ProcessPath String Process path
ImageId String Image ID
ContainerId String Container ID
ImageName String Image name
ContainerName String Container name
FoundTime String Generation time
Solution String Event solution
Description String Event description
SyscallName String Syscall name
Status String Status. EVENT_UNDEAL: Pending.
EVENT_DEALED: Processed.
EventId String Event ID
NodeName String Node name
PodName String Pod (instance) name
Remark String Remarks
RuleExist Boolean Whether the system monitoring rule name exists
EventCount Integer Number of events
LatestFoundTime String Last generation time
ContainerNetStatus String Network status
NORMAL: Not isolated.
ISOLATED: Isolated.
ISOLATING: Isolating.
ISOLATE_FAILED: Isolation failed.
RESTORING: Recovering.
RESTORE_FAILED: Recovery failed.
ContainerNetSubStatus String Sub-status of the container
"AGENT_OFFLINE" // The agent is offline.
"NODE_DESTROYED" // The node is terminated.
"CONTAINER_EXITED" // The container exited.
"CONTAINER_DESTROYED" // The container was terminated.
"SHARED_HOST" // The container shares the network with the server.
"RESOURCE_LIMIT" // The number of resources to be isolated exceeds the limit.
"UNKNOW" // The reason is unknown.
ContainerIsolateOperationSrc String Container isolation operation source
ContainerStatus String Container status
RUNNING: Running.
PAUSED: Paused.
STOPPED: Stopped.
CREATED: Created.
DESTROYED: Terminated.
RESTARTING: Restarting.
REMOVING: Removing.
NodeType String Node type. Values: NORMAL (general node), SUPER (super node).
ClusterID String Cluster ID
PodIP String Pod IP
NodeUniqueID String Unique node ID
PublicIP String Node public IP
NodeID String Node ID
HostID String uuid
HostIP String Private IP of the node
ClusterName String Cluster name


Information of the allowlist of high-risk syscalls

Used by actions: DescribeRiskSyscallWhiteLists.

Name Type Description
Id String Allowed item ID
ImageCount Integer Number of images
ProcessPath String Connection process path
SyscallNames Array of String List of syscall names
CreateTime Timestamp Creation time
UpdateTime Timestamp Update time
IsGlobal Boolean Whether it is allowed globally. true: Yes.
ImageIds Array of String Array of image IDs


Information of the allowlist of high-risk syscalls

Used by actions: AddEditRiskSyscallWhiteList, DescribeRiskSyscallWhiteListDetail.

Name Type Required Description
ImageIds Array of String Yes Array of image IDs. An empty array indicates all.
SyscallNames Array of String No Syscall name. The DescribeRiskSyscallNames API can be called to get the list of enumerated values.
ProcessPath String No Target process
Id String No Allowed item ID, which is empty if the item is newly created.


Runtime security - Basic policy information

Used by actions: DescribeAbnormalProcessRules, DescribeAccessControlRules.

Name Type Description
IsDefault Boolean Valid values: true (default policy); false (custom policy).
EffectImageCount Integer Number of associated images
RuleId String Policy ID
UpdateTime String Policy update time, which can be empty.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
RuleName String Policy name
EditUserName String Name of the editing user
IsEnable Boolean Valid values: true (enable the policy); false (disable the policy).


Runtime security - Basic event information

Used by actions: DescribeAbnormalProcessDetail, DescribeAccessControlDetail, DescribeEscapeEventDetail, DescribeReverseShellDetail, DescribeRiskSyscallDetail.

Name Type Description
EventId String Unique event ID
FoundTime Timestamp Event discovery time
ContainerId String Container ID
ContainerName String Container name
ImageId String Image ID
ImageName String Image name
NodeName String Node name
Status String Status. EVENT_UNDEAL: Pending.
EVENT_DEALED: Processed.
EventName String Event name:
Host file access escape
Syscall escape
Mount namespace escape
Program privilege escalation escape
Privileged container startup escape
Sensitive path mount
Malicious process startup
File tampering
EventType String Event type
ESCAPE_HOST_ACESS_FILE: Host file access escape.
ESCAPE_MOUNT_NAMESPACE: Mount namespace escape.
ESCAPE_PRIVILEDGE: Program privilege escalation escape.
ESCAPE_PRIVILEDGE_CONTAINER_START: Privileged container startup escape.
ESCAPE_MOUNT_SENSITIVE_PTAH: Sensitive path mount.
ESCAPE_SYSCALL: Syscall escape.
EventCount Integer Number of events
LatestFoundTime String Last generation time
HostIP String Private IP
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ClientIP String Public IP
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ContainerNetStatus String Network status
NORMAL: Not isolated.
ISOLATED: Isolated.
ISOLATING: Isolating.
ISOLATE_FAILED: Isolation failed.
RESTORING: Recovering.
RESTORE_FAILED: Recovery failed.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ContainerNetSubStatus String Sub-status of the container
"AGENT_OFFLINE" // The agent is offline.
"NODE_DESTROYED" // The node is terminated.
"CONTAINER_EXITED" // The container exited.
"CONTAINER_DESTROYED" // The container was terminated.
"SHARED_HOST" // The container shares the network with the server.
"RESOURCE_LIMIT" // The number of resources to be isolated exceeds the limit.
"UNKNOW" // The reason is unknown.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ContainerIsolateOperationSrc String Container isolation operation source
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
NodeID String Node ID
NodeType String Node type. Valid values: NORMAL (general node), SUPER (super node)
NodeSubNetID String Node subnet ID
NodeSubNetName String Node subnet name
NodeSubNetCIDR String Subnet IP range
PodName String Pod name
PodIP String Pod IP
PodStatus String Pod status
ClusterID String Cluster ID
ClusterName String Cluster name
NodeUniqueID String Unique node ID
HostID String uuid
Namespace String
WorkloadType String


Key-value pair filter for conditional filtering queries, such as filter ID, name, and status
If more than one filter exists, the logical relationship between these filters is AND.
If multiple values exist in one filter, the logical relationship between these values is OR.

Used by actions: CreateAbnormalProcessRulesExportJob, CreateAccessControlsRuleExportJob, CreateDefenceVulExportJob, CreateEmergencyVulExportJob, CreateEscapeEventsExportJob, CreateEscapeWhiteListExportJob, CreateImageExportJob, CreateK8sApiAbnormalEventExportJob, CreateK8sApiAbnormalRuleExportJob, CreateRiskDnsEventExportJob, CreateSystemVulExportJob, CreateVulContainerExportJob, CreateVulDefenceEventExportJob, CreateVulDefenceHostExportJob, CreateVulImageExportJob, CreateWebVulExportJob, DescribeAbnormalProcessEvents, DescribeAbnormalProcessEventsExport, DescribeAbnormalProcessRules, DescribeAbnormalProcessRulesExport, DescribeAccessControlEvents, DescribeAccessControlEventsExport, DescribeAccessControlRules, DescribeAccessControlRulesExport, DescribeAssetClusterList, DescribeAssetImageBindRuleInfo, DescribeEmergencyVulList, DescribeEscapeEventInfo, DescribeEscapeEventsExport, DescribeEscapeWhiteList, DescribeExportJobManageList, DescribeImageSimpleList, DescribeK8sApiAbnormalEventList, DescribeK8sApiAbnormalRuleList, DescribeK8sApiAbnormalRuleScopeList, DescribeReverseShellEvents, DescribeReverseShellEventsExport, DescribeReverseShellWhiteLists, DescribeRiskSyscallEvents, DescribeRiskSyscallEventsExport, DescribeRiskSyscallWhiteLists, DescribeScanIgnoreVulList, DescribeSecLogJoinObjectList, DescribeSupportDefenceVul, DescribeSystemVulList, DescribeVirusAutoIsolateSampleList, DescribeVirusList, DescribeVirusTaskList, DescribeVulContainerList, DescribeVulDefenceEvent, DescribeVulDefenceHost, DescribeVulDefencePlugin, DescribeVulImageList, DescribeVulScanLocalImageList, DescribeVulSummary, DescribeWebVulList, ExportVirusList.

Name Type Required Description
Name String Yes Filter name
Values Array of String Yes One or more filter values
ExactMatch Boolean No Whether to use fuzzy query


Runtime risk information

Used by actions: DescribeImageRiskSummary.

Name Type Description
Cnt Integer Number
Level String Risk level:
CRITICAL: Critical.
HIGH: High.
MEDIUM: Medium.
LOW: Low.


Runtime trend information

Used by actions: DescribeImageRiskTendency, DescribeSecEventsTendency, DescribeVulTendency.

Name Type Description
CurTime Date The time of the day
Cnt Integer Current quantity


Scan for ignored vulnerabilities

Used by actions: DescribeScanIgnoreVulList.

Name Type Description
VulName String Vulnerability name
CVEID String Vulnerability CVE ID
PocID String POC ID
RegistryImageCount Integer Number of ignored repository images
UpdateTime String Update time
IsIgnoreAll Integer Whether to ignore all images. Valid values: 0 (no); 1 (yes).
LocalImageCount Integer Number of ignored local images


Quick search template

Used by actions: CreateSearchTemplate, DescribeSearchTemplates.

Name Type Required Description
Name String Yes Search name
LogType String Yes Search index type
Condition String Yes Search statement
TimeRange String Yes Time range
Query String Yes Converted search statement content
Flag String Yes Search method. Valid values: standard (search in the search box); simple (search by filter).
DisplayData String Yes Displayed data
Id Integer No Rule ID


Security log alert message

Used by actions: DescribeSecLogAlertMsg.

Name Type Description
MsgType String Alert type
MsgValue String Alert value
State Boolean Status. Valid values: 0 (disabled); 1 (enabled).


Security log - Settings of delivery to CLS

Used by actions: DescribeSecLogDeliveryClsSetting, ModifySecLogDeliveryClsSetting.

Name Type Required Description
LogType String Yes Log type
State Boolean Yes Delivery status. Valid values: true (enabled); false (disabled).
Region String Yes Region
LogSet String Yes Logset
TopicID String Yes Topic ID
LogSetName String No Logset name
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
TopicName String No Topic name
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Settings of security log delivery to Kafka

Used by actions: DescribeSecLogDeliveryKafkaSetting, ModifySecLogDeliveryKafkaSetting.

Name Type Required Description
LogType String Yes Log type
TopicID String Yes Topic ID
TopicName String Yes Topic name
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
State Boolean Yes Delivery status. Valid values: false (disabled); true (enabled).


Security log access details

Used by actions: DescribeSecLogJoinTypeList.

Name Type Description
Count Integer Number of connected general nodes
SuperNodeCount Integer Number of connected super nodes
IsJoined Boolean Whether it is accessed. Valid values: true (accessed); false (not accessed).
LogType String Log type (
Container bash: "container_bash"
Container startup: "container_launch"
K8s API: "k8s_api"


Details of the accessed security log object

Used by actions: DescribeSecLogJoinObjectList.

Name Type Description
HostID String Server ID
HostName String Server name
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
HostIP String Server IP
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
HostStatus String Server status
ClusterID String Cluster ID
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ClusterName String Cluster name
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
PublicIP String Public IP
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
JoinState Boolean Access status. Valid values: true (accessed); false (not accessed).
ClusterVersion String Cluster version
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ClusterMainAddress String Master node address of the cluster


Trend information of security events at runtime

Used by actions: DescribeSecEventsTendency.

Name Type Description
EventSet Array of RunTimeTendencyInfo List of trends
EventType String Event type:
ET_ESCAPE: Container escape
ET_REVERSE_SHELL: Reverse shell
ET_RISK_SYSCALL: High-risk system calls
ET_ABNORMAL_PROCESS: Abnormal process
ET_ACCESS_CONTROL: File tampering
ET_VIRUS: Trojan event
ET_MALICIOUS_CONNECTION: Malicious connection event


Information list of TCSS

Used by actions: DescribeAssetAppServiceList, DescribeAssetDBServiceList, DescribeAssetWebServiceList.

Name Type Description
ServiceID String Service ID
HostID String Server ID
HostIP String Server IP
ContainerName String Container name
Type String Service name, such as nginx and redis
Version String Version
RunAs String Account
Listen Array of String Listened port
Config String Configuration
ProcessCnt Integer Number of associated processes
AccessLog String Access log
ErrorLog String Error log
DataPath String Data directory
WebRoot String Web directory
Pids Array of Integer ID of the associated process
MainType String Service type. Valid values: app, web, db.
Exe String Execution file
Parameter String Service command line parameter
ContainerId String Container ID
HostName String Server name
PublicIp String Public IP
NodeID String Node ID
PodIP String Pod IP
PodName String Pod name
NodeType String Node type.
NodeUniqueID String UID of the super node


Pay-as-you-go billing details

Used by actions: DescribePostPayDetail.

Name Type Description
PayTime String Deduction time
CoresCnt Integer Number of billed cores


Vulnerability that can be prevented

Used by actions: DescribeSupportDefenceVul.

Name Type Description
PocID String POC ID
Name String Vulnerability name
Tags Array of String Vulnerability tag
CVSSV3Score Float Vulnerability CVSS
Level String Vulnerability severity
CVEID String Vulnerability CVE ID
SubmitTime String Vulnerability disclosure time


Host tag information

Used by actions: DescribeAssetHostDetail, DescribeAssetHostList.

Name Type Description
TagKey String Tag key
TagValue String Tag value


Trend of unlicensed cores

Used by actions: DescribeUnauthorizedCoresTendency.

Name Type Description
DateTime String Date
CoresCount Integer Number of unlicensed cores


Information of the automatically isolated trojan sample

Used by actions: DescribeVirusAutoIsolateSampleList.

Name Type Description
MD5 String MD5 checksum of the file
VirusName String Virus name
ModifyTime Timestamp ISO8601 Last edit time
AutoIsolateSwitch Boolean Automatic isolation switch. Valid values: true (on); false (off).


List of trojans at runtime

Used by actions: DescribeVirusList.

Name Type Description
FileName String Filename
FilePath String File path
VirusName String Virus name
CreateTime String Creation time
ModifyTime String Update time
ContainerName String Container name
ContainerId String Container ID
ContainerStatus String Container status
RUNNING: Running.
PAUSED: Paused.
STOPPED: Stopped.
CREATED: Created.
DESTROYED: Terminated.
RESTARTING: Restarting.
REMOVING: Removing.
ImageName String Image name
ImageId String Image ID
Status String DEAL_NONE: Pending.
DEAL_DEL: Deleted.
DEAL_ISOLATE_FAILED: Isolation failed.
DEAL_RECOVER_FAILED: Recovery failed.
Id String Event ID
HarmDescribe String Event description
SuggestScheme String Solution
SubStatus String Sub-status of the failure:
FILE_NOT_FOUND: The file does not exist.
FILE_ABNORMAL: The file is abnormal.
FILE_ABNORMAL_DEAL_RECOVER: The file is abnormal when recovered.
BACKUP_FILE_NOT_FOUND: The backup file does not exist.
CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND_DEAL_ISOLATE: The container does not exist during isolation.
CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND_DEAL_RECOVER: The container does not exist during recovery.
TIMEOUT: Timed out.
TOO_MANY: Too many tasks.
OFFLINE: Offline.
INTERNAL: Internal service error.
VALIDATION: Invalid parameter.
ContainerNetStatus String Network status
NORMAL: Not isolated.
ISOLATED: Isolated.
ISOLATING: Isolating.
ISOLATE_FAILED: Isolation failed.
RESTORING: Recovering.
RESTORE_FAILED: Recovery failed.
ContainerNetSubStatus String Sub-status of the container
"AGENT_OFFLINE" // The agent is offline.
"NODE_DESTROYED" // The node is terminated.
"CONTAINER_EXITED" // The container exited.
"CONTAINER_DESTROYED" // The container was terminated.
"SHARED_HOST" // The container shares the network with the server.
"RESOURCE_LIMIT" // The number of resources to be isolated exceeds the limit.
"UNKNOW" // The reason is unknown.
ContainerIsolateOperationSrc String Container isolation operation source
MD5 String MD5 checksum
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
RiskLevel String Risk level. Valid values: RISK_CRITICAL, RISK_HIGH, RISK_MEDIUM, RISK_LOW, RISK_NOTICE.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
CheckPlatform Array of String Check platform
1: Tencent Cloud Security Engine.
2: tav.
3: binaryAi.
4: Unusual behavior.
5: Threat intelligence.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
NodeID String Node ID.
NodeName String Node name
PodIP String Pod IP
PodName String Pod (instance) name
ClusterID String ID of the cluster where the node resides
NodeType String Node type. Values: NORMAL (general node), SUPER (super node).
PublicIP String Public IP of the node
InnerIP String Node private IP
NodeUniqueID String UID of the node
HostID String ID for the general node
ClusterName String Cluster name


List of containers in the virus scanning task at runtime

Used by actions: DescribeVirusTaskList.

Name Type Description
ContainerName String Container name
ContainerId String Container ID
ImageName String Image name
ImageId String Image ID
HostName String Node name
HostIp String Private IP of the node
Status String Scanning status:
WAIT: Pending scanning.
FAILED: Failed.
SCANNING: Scanning.
CANCELING: Canceling.
CANCELED: Canceled.
CANCEL_FAILED: Failed to cancel.
StartTime String Check start time
EndTime String Check end time
RiskCnt Integer Number of risks
Id String Event ID
ErrorMsg String Cause:
SEND_SUCCESSED: Task submitted.
SCAN_WAIT: Waiting to scan...
OFFLINE: Offline.
SEND_FAILED: Failed to deploy.
TIMEOUT: Timed out.
LOW_AGENT_VERSION: The Agent version is too old.
AGENT_NOT_FOUND: The image's agent doesn't exist.
TOO_MANY: Too many tasks.
VALIDATION: Invalid parameter.
INTERNAL: Internal service error.
MISC: Other errors.
UNAUTH: The image is not assigned with a license.
NodeType String Node type. Values: NORMAL (general node), SUPER (super node).
PublicIP String Public IP of the node
NodeID String Node ID


Trojan trend details

Used by actions: DescribeVirusEventTendency.

Name Type Description
Date Date Date
PendingEventCount Integer Total number of pending events
RiskContainerCount Integer Total number of containers at risk
EventCount Integer Total number of events
IsolateEventCount Integer Total number of isolated events


Information of the component affected by the vulnerability

Used by actions: DescribeVulDetail.

Name Type Description
Name String Component name
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Version Array of String Component version
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
FixedVersion Array of String Fixed component version
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Information of the container affected by the vulnerability

Used by actions: DescribeVulContainerList.

Name Type Description
HostIP String Private IP
ContainerID String Container ID
ContainerName String Container name
PodName String Pod name
PodIP String Pod IP
HostName String Server name
HostID String Server ID
PublicIP String Public IP
ClusterID String Cluster ID
ClusterName String Cluster name
NodeType String Node type. Values: NORMAL (general node), SUPER (super node).
NodeUniqueID String UID of a super node
NodeID String ID of a super node
NodeName String Super node name


Information of the component affected by the vulnerability

Used by actions: DescribeVulImageList, DescribeVulRegistryImageList.

Name Type Description
Name String Component name
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Version String Component version
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
FixedVersion String Fixed component version
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Path String Component path
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Information of the image affected by the vulnerability

Used by actions: DescribeVulImageList.

Name Type Description
ImageID String Image ID
ImageName String Image name
HostCount Integer Number of associated servers
ContainerCount Integer Number of associated containers
ComponentList Array of VulAffectedImageComponentInfo List of components


This API is used to query the list of repository images affected by a specific vulnerability.

Used by actions: DescribeVulRegistryImageList.

Name Type Description
ImageID String Image ID
ImageName String Image name
ImageTag String Image tag
Namespace String Image namespace
ImageRepoAddress String Image address
ComponentList Array of VulAffectedImageComponentInfo List of components
IsLatestImage Boolean Whether it is the latest image tag
ImageAssetId Integer Internal image asset ID


Exploit prevention event details

Used by actions: DescribeVulDefenceEvent.

Name Type Description
CVEID String Vulnerability CVE ID
VulName String Vulnerability name
PocID String POC ID
EventType String Intrusion status
SourceIP String Attacker IP
City String Region of the attacker IP
EventCount Integer Number of events
ContainerID String Container ID
ContainerName String Container name
ImageID String Image ID
ImageName String Image name
Status String Processing status
EventID Integer Event ID
CreateTime String First discovery time
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ContainerNetStatus String Isolation status
NORMAL: Not isolated.
ISOLATED: Isolated.
ISOLATING: Isolating.
ISOLATE_FAILED: Isolation failed.
RESTORING: Recovering.
RESTORE_FAILED: Recovery failed.
MergeTime String Last discovery time
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ContainerStatus String Container status
RUNNING: Running.
PAUSED: Paused.
STOPPED: Stopped.
CREATED: Created.
DESTROYED: Terminated.
RESTARTING: Restarting.
REMOVING: Removing.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ContainerNetSubStatus String Sub-status of the container
"AGENT_OFFLINE" // The agent is offline.
"NODE_DESTROYED" // The node is terminated.
"CONTAINER_EXITED" // The container exited.
"CONTAINER_DESTROYED" // The container was terminated.
"SHARED_HOST" // The container shares the network with the server.
"RESOURCE_LIMIT" // The number of resources to be isolated exceeds the limit.
"UNKNOW" // The reason is unknown.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ContainerIsolateOperationSrc String Container isolation operation source
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
QUUID String Node QUuid/Super node ID
Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
HostIP String Server private IP
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
HostName String General node/Super node name
Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
NodeType String Node type. Values: NORMAL (general node), SUPER (super node).
PublicIP String Public IP
NodeUniqueID String UID of a super node
NodeID String ID of a super node
ClusterID String Cluster ID
ClusterName String Cluster name


Exploit prevention event details

Used by actions: DescribeVulDefenceEventDetail.

Name Type Description
CVEID String Vulnerability CVE ID
VulName String Vulnerability name
PocID String POC ID
EventType String Intrusion status
SourceIP String Attacker IP
City String Region of the attacker IP
EventCount Integer Number of events
ContainerID String Container ID
ContainerName String Container name
ImageID String Image ID
ImageName String Image name
Status String Processing status
SourcePort Array of String Attacker port
EventID Integer Event ID
HostName String General node/Super node name
HostIP String Server private IP
PublicIP String Server public IP
PodName String Pod name
Description String Harm description
OfficialSolution String Fix suggestion
NetworkPayload String Attack packet
PID Integer Process PID
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
MainClass String Main class name of the process
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
StackTrace String Stack information
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ServerAccount String Listened account
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ServerPort String Listened port
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ServerExe String Process path
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ServerArg String Process command line parameter
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
QUUID String Node QUuid/Super node ID
Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ContainerNetStatus String Isolation status
NORMAL: Not isolated.
ISOLATED: Isolated.
ISOLATING: Isolating.
ISOLATE_FAILED: Isolation failed.
RESTORING: Recovering.
RESTORE_FAILED: Recovery failed.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ContainerNetSubStatus String Sub-status of the container
"AGENT_OFFLINE" // The agent is offline.
"NODE_DESTROYED" // The node is terminated.
"CONTAINER_EXITED" // The container exited.
"CONTAINER_DESTROYED" // The container was terminated.
"SHARED_HOST" // The container shares the network with the server.
"RESOURCE_LIMIT" // The number of resources to be isolated exceeds the limit.
"UNKNOW" // The reason is unknown.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ContainerIsolateOperationSrc String Container isolation operation source
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ContainerStatus String Container status
RUNNING: Running.
PAUSED: Paused.
STOPPED: Stopped.
CREATED: Created.
DESTROYED: Terminated.
RESTARTING: Restarting.
REMOVING: Removing.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
RaspDetail Array of RaspInfo RASP details
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
NodeSubNetName String Super node subnet name
NodeSubNetCIDR String Super node subnet IP range
PodIP String Pod IP
NodeType String Node type. Values: NORMAL (general node), SUPER (super node).
NodeID String ID of a super node
NodeUniqueID String UID of a super node
NodeSubNetID String Super node subnet ID
ClusterID String Cluster ID
ClusterName String Cluster name
Namespace String
WorkloadType String


Trend of exploit prevention events

Used by actions: DescribeVulDefenceEventTendency.

Name Type Description
Date Date Date
EventCount Integer Number of events


Information of the server with exploit prevention enabled

Used by actions: DescribeVulDefenceHost.

Name Type Description
HostName String General node/Super node name
HostIP String Server IP, which is the private IP
HostID String Node QUuid/Super node ID
Status String Plugin status. Valid values: SUCCESS (normal); FAIL (abnormal); NO_DEFENDED (not defended).
PublicIP String Public IP
CreateTime String First enablement time
ModifyTime String Update time
NodeType String Node type. Values: NORMAL (general node), SUPER (super node).
NodeSubNetName String Super node subnet name
NodeSubNetCIDR String Super node subnet IP range
NodeSubNetID String Super node subnet ID
NodeUniqueID String UID of a super node
NodeID String ID of a super node
PodIP String Pod IP
PodName String Pod name


Vulnerability protection plugin information

Used by actions: DescribeVulDefencePlugin.

Name Type Description
PID Integer PID of the Java process
MainClass String Main class name of the process
Status String Plugin status. Valid values: INJECTING (injecting); SUCCESS (injected successfully); FAIL (injection failed); TIMEOUT (plugin timed out); QUIT (plugin exited).
ErrorLog String Error log


Vulnerability details

Used by actions: DescribeVulDetail.

Name Type Description
CVEID String CVE No.
Name String Vulnerability name
Tags Array of String Vulnerability tag
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
CategoryType String Vulnerability type
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Level String Vulnerability severity
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
SubmitTime String Vulnerability disclosure time
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Description String Vulnerability description
CVSSV3Desc String CVSS V3 description
OfficialSolution String Vulnerability fix suggestion
DefenseSolution String Mitigation measure
Reference Array of String Reference link
CVSSV3Score Float CVSS V3 score
ComponentList Array of VulAffectedComponentInfo List of components affected by vulnerabilities
LocalImageCount Integer Number of affected local images
ContainerCount Integer Number of affected containers
RegistryImageCount Integer Number of affected repository images
Category String Vulnerability sub-category
LocalNewestImageCount Integer Number of affected local images on the latest version
RegistryNewestImageCount Integer Number of affected repository images on the latest version
PocID String POC ID
DefenceStatus String Defense status. Valid values: NO_DEFENDED, DEFENDED.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
DefenceScope String Scope of servers with exploit prevention enabled. Valid values: MANUAL (specified servers); ALL (all servers).
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
DefenceHostCount Integer Number of servers with exploit prevention enabled
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
DefendedCount Integer Number of attacks defended against
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ScanStatus String Whether it is scanned. Valid values: NOT_SCAN (not scanned); SCANNED (scanned).
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Local images ignored by the vulnerability scan

Used by actions: DescribeVulIgnoreLocalImageList.

Name Type Description
ID Integer Record ID
ImageID String Image ID
ImageName String Image name
ImageSize Integer Image size
PocID String POC ID


Repository images ignored by the vulnerability scan

Used by actions: DescribeVulIgnoreRegistryImageList.

Name Type Description
ID Integer Record ID
RegistryName String Repository name
ImageVersion String Image tag
RegistryPath String Repository address
ImageID String Image ID
PocID String POC ID


List of vulnerabilities

Used by actions: DescribeSystemVulList, DescribeWebVulList.

Name Type Description
Name String Vulnerability name
Tags Array of String Vulnerability tag
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
CVSSV3Score Float CVSS V3 score
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Level String Risk level
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
CVEID String CVE No.
Category String Vulnerability sub-category
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
FoundTime String First discovery time
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
LatestFoundTime String Last discovery time
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ID Integer Vulnerability ID
LocalImageCount Integer Number of affected local images
ContainerCount Integer Number of affected containers
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
RegistryImageCount Integer Number of affected repository images
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
PocID String POC ID
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
DefenceStatus String Defense status. Valid values: NO_DEFENDED, DEFENDED.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
DefenceScope String Scope of servers with exploit prevention enabled. Valid values: MANUAL (specified servers); ALL (all servers).
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
DefenceHostCount Integer Number of servers with exploit prevention enabled
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
DefendedCount Integer Number of attacks defended against
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Information of the scanned image

Used by actions: DescribeVulScanLocalImageList.

Name Type Description
ImageID String Image ID
ImageName String Image name
Size Float Image size
ScanStatus String Task status. Valid values: SCANNING (scanning); FAILED (failed); FINISHED (completed); CANCELED (canceled).
ScanDuration Float Scan duration
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
HighLevelVulCount Integer Number of high-risk vulnerabilities
MediumLevelVulCount Integer Number of medium-risk vulnerabilities
LowLevelVulCount Integer Number of low-risk vulnerabilities
CriticalLevelVulCount Integer Number of critical vulnerabilities
TaskID Integer ID of the task to scan local images for vulnerabilities
ScanStartTime String Start time of the vulnerability scan
ScanEndTime String End time of the vulnerability scan
ErrorStatus String Cause of the failure. Valid values: TIMEOUT (timeout); TOO_MANY (too many tasks); OFFLINE (offline).


Vulnerability trend information

Used by actions: DescribeVulTendency.

Name Type Description
VulSet Array of RunTimeTendencyInfo List of vulnerability trends
ImageType String Image type affected by vulnerabilities:
LOCAL: Local image.
REGISTRY: Repository image.


Ranking of top vulnerabilities

Used by actions: DescribeVulTopRanking.

Name Type Description
VulName String Vulnerability name
Level String Severity. Valid values: CRITICAL (critical); HIGH (high);MIDDLE (medium);LOW (low).
AffectedImageCount Integer Number of affected images
AffectedContainerCount Integer Number of affected containers
ID Integer Vulnerability ID
PocID String POC ID


Alert configuration policy

Used by actions: AddEditWarningRules, DescribeWarningRules.

Name Type Required Description
Type String Yes Alert event type:
Image repository security - Trojan: IMG_REG_VIRUS.
Image repository security - Vulnerability: IMG_REG_VUL.
Image repository security - Sensitive data: IMG_REG_RISK.
Image security - Trojan: IMG_VIRUS.
Image security - Vulnerability: IMG_VUL.
Image security - Sensitive data: IMG_RISK.
Image security - Image blocking: IMG_INTERCEPT.
Runtime security - Container escape: RUNTIME_ESCAPE.
Runtime security - Abnormal process: RUNTIME_FILE.
Runtime security - Abnormal file access: RUNTIME_PROCESS.
Runtime security - High-risk syscall: RUNTIME_SYSCALL.
Runtime security - Reverse shell: RUNTIME_REVERSE_SHELL.
Runtime security - Trojan: RUNTIME_VIRUS.
Switch String Yes Switch status:
ON: On.
OFF: Off.
BeginTime String Yes Alert start time in the format of "HH:mm"
EndTime String Yes Alert end time in the format of "HH:mm"
ControlBits String Yes Alert level policy control. Each binary bit represents a meaning, and the value is passed as a string.
The control switch can be high, medium, or low, corresponding to the third, second, and first binary bit, respectively. Valid values: 0 (off); 1 (on).
For example, if the high and medium levels indicate to enable the alert and the low level indicates to disable it, the binary value is 110.
If level control does not take effect for the alert type, pass in 1.
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