Field Name | Description |
Protected Cores | The number of cluster and CVM node resource cores with the protection switch enabled and under effective protection. Some assets may not count as effectively protected due to reasons such as the agent being offline for an extended period or Docker not being installed. These cores will not be included in the protected cores. |
Total Asset Cores | The total number of cores for all clusters and CVMs running containers under this account. |
Unprotected Cores | The number of cores for clusters and CVMs running containers without TCSS enabled. |
Purchased Cores | The number of cores purchased for billing. When more assets need TCSS enabled and the purchased cores are insufficient, you can click Supplementary purchase of core count to make an additional purchase. |
Flexible Billing Cores | Flexible billing will be calculated based on the daily average of unprotected cores (calculated hourly). This section only displays the total flexible billing cores for the day up to the current time. You can click Edit to adjust the flexible billing cores, with a default value of 5,000. |
Field Name | Description |
Cluster Name/ID | Name/ID of the cluster integrated with TCSS. For clusters not connected, complete the connection on the cluster inspection page before enabling the service. |
Cluster Type | Includes Tencent Cloud managed cluster, Tencent Cloud independent cluster, Tencent Cloud Serverless cluster, self-built cluster (Tencent Cloud), and self-built cluster (Non-Tencent Cloud). |
Master-IP | Cluster control node, used to identify the cluster. You can use this information for cluster retrieval. |
Region | The belonging region. |
Including Node Count | Number of nodes included in the cluster. |
Cluster Status | Cluster running status, including running, creating, and exceptional. |
Protected Cores/Total Cores | The number of protected cores in clusters with TCSS enabled, and the total number of cores in the cluster. When the purchased cores or elastic cores are sufficient, the cluster is fully protected. If the purchased or elastic cores are insufficient, this column will show partial protection or no protection, indicating that you need to purchase more cores or increase the elastic billing cores. |
Protection Switch | You can enable or disable TCSS for individual clusters. |
Operation | Click View cluster to navigate to the cluster inspection page to view the configuration risk and vulnerability risk of the cluster. |
Field Name | Description |
Host Name/Instance lD | Name/Instance ID of the CVM with statically launched containers. |
IP Address | Private and public IP address of the CVM with statically launched containers. |
Project | Project information configured at the time of purchasing the CVM for easy filtering. |
Server Source | Including Tencent CVMs and Non-Tencent CVMs. |
Containers | Number of containers running on the CVM with statically launched containers. |
Images | Number of local images on the CVM with statically launched containers. |
Agent Status | Includes online, offline, and not installed. |
Core Count | Cores of the CVM with statically launched containers. |
Protected Cores | When the purchased cores or elastic cores are sufficient, the CVM is under full protection, and the number of protected cores are the same as the CVM cores. When the purchased cores and elastic billing cores are insufficient and TCSS is enabled on the CVM, the protected cores will be fewer than the CVM cores. It is recommended to purchase additional cores or increase elastic billing cores before you proceed. Alternatively, it may be due to the Agent being offline for an extended period on your host node, causing an exceptional condition. The current host node protection cores will be displayed as 0 and will not be billed. |
Protection Switch | You can enable or disable TCSS on a single CVM. |
Operation | Click Manage assets to go to the host node list. |