tencent cloud


Checking Account Type

Last updated: 2024-09-10 18:21:12
    Tencent Cloud accounts include bill-by-IP and bill-by-CVM accounts. We recommend that you upgrade your bill-by-CVM account to a bill-by-IP account as the former cannot support new features later.
    The upgrade operation is irreversible, meaning it does not support downgrading from bill-by-IP accounts to bill-by-CVM accounts.

    Checking Account Types

    All accounts registered after 00:00 on June 17, 2020 are bill-by-IP accounts. However, some newly added account registration channels (such as mini programs, enterprise accounts under an organization account, and international site channel merchant accounts) may have overlooked the registration of bill-by-IP accounts. This issue has been fixed. You may check your account type using the following methods:
    Log in to the Public IP console. Check if there is a prompt message at the top of the Public IP page.
    If no, you have a bill-by-IP account.
    If yes, you have a bill-by-CVM account.

    Account Type Difference

    Bill-by-IP account: Bandwidth and traffic are managed on IP addresses or Cloud Load Balancers (CLBs). For this type of account, public IP addresses or CLBs have the public network bandwidth and traffic resources, while Cloud Virtual Machine (CVM) does not.
    Bill-by-CVM account: Bandwidth and traffic are managed on CVM. For this type of account, public IP addresses and CLBs do not have network bandwidth and traffic attributes, so they need to be purchased and managed on CVM.

    Account Upgrade


    Comparison of advantages between the bill-by-IP account and bill-by-CVM account is shown in the table below:
    Bill-by-IP Account
    Bill-by-CVM Account
    Whether the network bandwidth under the account can be migrated to other CVM instances
    Network billing is based on IP addresses and the network bandwidth can be migrated to other CVM instances.
    Network billing is based on the bound cloud resource instance and the network bandwidth cannot be migrated to other cloud resources.
    Elastic IPv6 (EIPv6) billing
    IPv6 and IPv4 can be added into the same bandwidth package and billed together.
    IPv6 can only be billed separately.
    NAT Gateway public network billing
    Multiple public network billing modes are supported, such as billing by traffic and billing by bandwidth package.
    Only billing by traffic is supported.
    Whether you need to purchase a public network for CLB's backend CVM instances
    No. You only need to purchase bandwidth for the CLB, which facilitates management.
    Yes. You need to purchase a public network for all backend CVM instances of the CLB, which complicates management.
    New network-related features
    All are supported, such as Premium EIP, Anti-DDoS EIP, CLB Cross-Domain 2.0, and more bandwidth billing modes.
    Only the existing features are supported.

    Upgrade Impact

    Upgrade Mode

    Tencent Cloud will send upgrade notifications in batches to bill-by-CVM accounts. You can also click Submit a Ticket to upgrade your account.
    Because the CVM billing mode will be changed in some upgrade scenarios, if your CVM is purchased in promotional campaigns and its billing mode cannot be changed according to the campaign rules, your account upgrade is not supported.
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