tencent cloud


Downloading Usage Details

Last updated: 2024-12-24 19:03:27
    Bandwidth Package provides usage details by project, region, and instance, helping you accurately measure the bandwidth consumption of each project, region, and instance and easily check project costs.
    Only bandwidth packages in the monthly pay-as-you-go billing mode (including monthly top 5 billing, monthly 95th percentile billing, and enhanced 95th percentile billing) support downloading usage details.

    Usage Details

    Bandwidth package details by project: including the usage, proportions, and total fees of a bandwidth package allocated to different projects in each region.
    Cost allocation by project: refers to the allocation of monthly fees for each bandwidth package based on the proportion of usage by each project in the current month, which is used only for statistics and cost allocation. For usage details of each bandwidth package, see the 5-Minute Details for Each Region.
    The billable usage of each bandwidth package does not equal the total usage by all projects contained in the package. It cannot be used for reconciliation with the bandwidth package usage in the resource bill.
    5-minute details for the bandwidth package of each region
    Including the details about the region, bandwidth type, billing mode, billable bandwidth value, bandwidth package ID, and daily 5-minute peak bandwidth.
    Bandwidth package details by instance
    Including the details about the bandwidth package ID, instance ID, instance name, project, region, and daily peak bandwidth of the instance.

    Downloading Usage Details

    1. Log in to the Billing Center and select Billing Details > Usage Details Download on the left sidebar.
    2. Select the billing month at the top of the Usage Details Download page.
    3. In the Select the product report to download (multiple selections are allowed) list on the left side of the page, select public network and click Downloading Usage Details.
    4. On the Export Records page, find the generated file. Then click Download in the Actions column on the right.
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