This document introduces how to migrate resources across bandwidth packages.
Only bill-by-IP accounts support this feature. Bill-by-CVM accounts need to be upgraded before using this feature. For upgrading details, see Checking Account Type. AIA BGP bandwidth packages do not support the migration feature. For details about different types of bandwidth packages, see Bandwidth Package Types. General BGP IP addresses and anti-DDoS EIPs can be migrated only across general BGP bandwidth packages. Dedicated BGP IP addresses can be migrated only across dedicated BGP bandwidth packages. Static single-line EIPs can be migrated only across bandwidth packages with the same ISP, availability zone, and egress.
1. Log in to the VPC console and click Bandwidth Package on the left sidebar. 2. Select a region in the upper-left corner of the Bandwidth Package page and click the target instance ID in the instance list.
3. On the instance details page, select the public IP or CLB resource to be migrated and click Migrating a Bandwidth Package.
4. In the pop-up Migrating a Bandwidth Package dialog box, select the destination bandwidth package and click OK.
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