tencent cloud


API Category

最后更新时间:2024-09-12 11:56:25

Cluster Operation APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
ModifyClusterConfigs Modifies the cluster configuration file 20
ModifyInstanceKeyValConfigs Modifies the BE or FE configuration 20
ModifyNodeStatus Changes the node status 20
RestartClusterForConfigs Restarts the cluster to make the configuration file take effect 20
RestartClusterForNode Rolling restart of the cluster 20
CreateInstanceNew Creates clusters 20
DestroyInstance Terminates clusters 20
ModifySecurityGroups Edits security groups 20
ReduceInstance Scales in clusters 20
ResizeDisk Expands cloud disks 20
ScaleOutInstance Scales out horizontally 20
ScaleUpInstance Scales up/down computing resources 20
DescribeClusterConfigsHistory Obtains the modification history of cluster configuration files 20
ModifyInstance Modifies the cluster's name 20
DescribeCreateTablesDDL Obtains the table creation DDL 20
DescribeInstanceOperationHistory Queries operation logs of the Doris cluster 20

Database and Table APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
CopyTableDatas Copies tables 20
CreateDatabase Creates databases 20
CreateTable Creates tables 20
DeleteTable Deletes the specified table in the specified database 20
DescribeDatabase Obtains database information 20
DescribeTable Obtains the table information 20
DescribeTableList Obtains the list of tables 20
ExecuteParametrizedQuery SQL query statement with parameters 20
ExecuteSelectQuery Executes SQL query 20
QueryTableData Queries table data 20
InsertDatasToTable Inserts data 20
UpdateTableSchema Modifies table attributes 20
UpdateDatabase Updates the database 20

Cluster Information Viewing APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
DescribeClusterConfigs Obtains the cluster configuration file 20
DescribeAreaRegion Obtains the list of regions 20
DescribeInstancesHealthState Checks cluster health 20
DescribeSpec Obtains cluster specifications 20
DescribeInstance Accesses cluster description information 20
DescribeInstanceState Gets cluster status 20
DescribeInstances Gets the list of clusters 20
DescribeInstanceNodesInfo Gets BE and FE node roles 20
DescribeInstanceUsedSubnets Obtains the information of subnets used by the cluster 20
DescribeSqlApis Queries cluster information through SQL 20
DescribeInstanceNodes Gets the list of cluster node information 20
DescribeInstanceNodesRole Obtains cluster node roles 20

Backup Recovery and Cross-Cluster Migration APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
CancelBackupJob Cancels backup instances 20
CreateBackUpSchedule Creates or modifies backup policies 20
DeleteBackUpData Deletes a backup instance 20
DescribeBackUpJob Queries the list of backup instances 20
DescribeBackUpJobDetail Queries backup task details 20
DescribeBackUpTables Obtains the information of the table available for backup 20
DescribeBackUpTaskDetail Queries the progress details of backup tasks 20
DescribeRestoreTaskDetail Queries the progress details of the recovery task 20
DescribeBackUpSchedules Obtains backup and migration tasks 20
RecoverBackUpJob Recovers the data that has been backed up 20

Hot-Cold Data Layering APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
CreateCoolDownPolicy Creates a hot/cold data layering policy 20
ModifyCoolDownPolicy Modifies hot/cold data layering policy 20
OpenCoolDown Enables hot/cold data layering 20
OpenCoolDownPolicy Enables the hot/cold data layering policy 20
UpdateCoolDown Updates the hot/cold data layering information on a cluster 20
CheckCoolDownWorkingVariableConfigCorrect Checks whether variables and configurations for hot/cold data layering are correct 20
DescribeCoolDownBackends Queries the list of backend nodes supporting hot/cold data layering 20
DescribeCoolDownPolicies Queries the list of hot/cold data layering policies 20
DescribeCoolDownTableData Queries the layered hot and cold data in a table 20

Database and Operation Audit APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
DescribeInstanceOperations Obtains cluster operation audit records 20
DescribeDatabaseAuditDownload Downloads database audit logs 20
DescribeDatabaseAuditRecords Gets database audit records 20
DescribeSlowQueryRecords Gets the slow log list 20
DescribeSlowQueryRecordsDownload Downloads slow log files 20
DescribeQueryAnalyse Queries and analyzes 20

User and Permission APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
ActionAlterUser Adds and modifies a user 20
ModifyUserPrivilegesV3 Modifies permissions 20
DescribeUserPolicy Describes user permissions 20
ModifyDatabaseTableAccess Modifies database and table permissions 20

Resource Group Management APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
DescribeUserBindWorkloadGroup Obtains the resource group information bound to the user 20
CreateWorkloadGroup Creates resource groups 20
DeleteWorkloadGroup Deletes resource groups 20
DescribeWorkloadGroup Obtains the resource group information 20
ModifyWorkloadGroup Modifies resource group information 20
ModifyUserBindWorkloadGroup Modifies the resource group bound to the user 20
ModifyWorkloadGroupStatus Enables or disables resource groups 20




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