tencent cloud


DNS 缓存配置

最后更新时间:2024-04-19 16:25:56


    当客户端向某个地址发起访问时,通常会查询本地 DNS 缓存中是否有相关记录,有则会直接访问对应 IP 地址,如果没有则会委托递归服务器进行全球查询。
    由于 DNS 域名解析采用 UDP 协议通讯,受网络环境影响较大,极端情况下域名解析可能有数秒的延时。在云函数的使用场景下,域名解析延时有可能导致函数执行超时失败,影响正常的业务逻辑;在函数高频调用的情况下,有可能导致 DNS 服务器解析超出频率限制,同样导致函数执行失败。
    云函数提供了 DNS 缓存配置来解决上述问题。DNS 缓存可以提升域名解析效率,缓解网络抖动等因素对域名解析成功率的影响。




    由于实现机制的不同,代码部署的事件函数、Web 函数、镜像部署的函数请分别参考以下步骤开启 DNS 缓存。


    1. 登录 Serverless 控制台,选择需要启用 DNS 缓存配置的函数,进入函数详情页。
    2. 在函数配置页面,单击右上角编辑,在编辑状态中勾选启用 DNS 缓存
    3. 单击保存完成函数配置更新。

    Web 函数

    1. 在 Web 函数的启动文件 scf_bootstrap 中添加下述命令,以启动 nscd 进程开启 DNS 缓存。
    /var/lang/bin/nscd -f /var/lang/conf/nscd.conf
    2. 将更新后的 scf_bootstrap 同函数代码一起部署到云上,函数代码更新后的调用即可使用 DNS 缓存功能。


    1. 在镜像制作过程中安装 nscd。以 centos 为例,可执行以下命令安装 nscd。
    yum install nscd -y
    2. 将默认的 /etc/nscd.conf 更新为以下内容:
    # /etc/nscd.conf
    # An example Name Service Cache config file. This file is needed by nscd.
    # WARNING: Running nscd with a secondary caching service like sssd may lead to
    # unexpected behaviour, especially with how long entries are cached.
    # Legal entries are:
    # logfile <file>
    # debug-level <level>
    # threads <initial #threads to use>
    # max-threads <maximum #threads to use>
    # server-user <user to run server as instead of root>
    # server-user is ignored if nscd is started with -S parameters
    # stat-user <user who is allowed to request statistics>
    # reload-count unlimited|<number>
    # paranoia <yes|no>
    # restart-interval <time in seconds>
    # enable-cache <service> <yes|no>
    # positive-time-to-live <service> <time in seconds>
    # negative-time-to-live <service> <time in seconds>
    # suggested-size <service> <prime number>
    # check-files <service> <yes|no>
    # persistent <service> <yes|no>
    # shared <service> <yes|no>
    # NOTE: Setting 'shared' to a value of 'yes' will accelerate the lookup,
    # but those lookups will not be counted as cache hits
    # i.e. 'nscd -g' may show '0%'.
    # max-db-size <service> <number bytes>
    # auto-propagate <service> <yes|no>
    # Currently supported cache names (services): passwd, group, hosts, services
    # logfile /var/log/nscd.log
    # threads 4
    # max-threads 32
    server-user root
    # stat-user somebody
    debug-level 0
    reload-count 2
    paranoia no
    # restart-interval 3600
    enable-cache passwd no
    positive-time-to-live passwd 600
    negative-time-to-live passwd 20
    suggested-size passwd 211
    check-files passwd yes
    persistent passwd yes
    shared passwd yes
    max-db-size passwd 33554432
    auto-propagate passwd yes
    enable-cache group no
    positive-time-to-live group 3600
    negative-time-to-live group 60
    suggested-size group 211
    check-files group yes
    persistent group yes
    shared group yes
    max-db-size group 33554432
    auto-propagate group yes
    enable-cache hosts yes
    positive-time-to-live hosts 300
    negative-time-to-live hosts 0
    suggested-size hosts 211
    check-files hosts no
    persistent hosts no
    shared hosts yes
    max-db-size hosts 8388608
    enable-cache services no
    positive-time-to-live services 600
    negative-time-to-live services 3
    suggested-size services 211
    check-files services yes
    persistent services yes
    shared services yes
    max-db-size services 33554432
    enable-cache netgroup no
    positive-time-to-live n etgroup 28800
    negative-time-to-live netgroup 20
    suggested-size netgroup 211
    check-files netgroup yes
    persistent netgroup yes
    shared netgroup yes
    max-db-size netgroup 33554432
    3. 在启动文件 scf_bootstrap 中添加下述命令,以启动 nscd 进程开启 DNS 缓存。 以 centos 为例,将下述命令添加到启动文件中:
    ${PATH}/nscd -f /etc/nscd.conf
    ${PATH} 为 nscd 安装的绝对路径。




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