tencent cloud


Payment Overdue

Last updated: 2024-08-22 11:59:03

Service Suspension due to Overdue Payments

A daily bill for the Low-Code Interactive Classroom will be generated the next day after use, and the exact billing time may vary. You can view the bill details in the Billing Center > Bill Details.
Tencent Cloud will send you alerts when your account has overdue payments. After receiving the alerts, you will have 24 hours to top up your account. If you make the payment within 24 hours, we will not suspend the services. If you fail to do so, we will suspend the services even if there is a balance in the monthly package, and all the Low-Code Interactive Classroom applications under the account will be unavailable.
After the account becomes overdue, new classrooms will not be created, but ongoing classrooms will continue and be billed normally until the end of the class.

Service Suspension not due to Overdue Payments

If the complimentary part in your monthly package is used up and pay-as-you-go is not enabled, the corresponding Low-Code Interactive Classroom applications will be suspended. You can click Application Management - Application Configuration - Pay-as-You-Go in the Console to enable pay-as-you-go.
If your monthly package expires, the corresponding Low-Code Interactive Classroom applications will be suspended. You can restore the services by Purchasing Monthly Package.

Impact of Service Suspension

If your services are suspended, the Low-Code Interactive Classroom services will not be used normally, and files generated by recording will be inaccessible.

Resource Repossession

If the account is not topped up to resume the services within 60 days after suspension, the resource repossession policy will be triggered as follows:
Tencent Cloud Low-Code Interactive Classroom reserves the right to delete and release the resources stored under the account if the services are suspended for over 60 days. Moreover, the deletion is irreversible.
The deleted and released resources include all application data such as application ID, recorded files, and application configurations.
To prevent your important files from being deleted, pay attention to overdue payment alerts and make the payment in time.
The deleted resources cannot be recovered.
If the services of a Tencent Cloud account are suspended due to any illegal content or other actions that do not comply with the Tencent Cloud Service Agreement, the account cannot be recovered.

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