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Low-code Interactive Classroom

Custom Business Domain

Last updated: 2024-06-28 10:02:14
Finders who want to use their own domain name to complete the web-side of the low-code interactive classroom:
from address https://yourdomain.com/ turn into https://class.qcloudclass.com/


operation steps

We assume that the business layer has a class-specific third-level domain name: class.yourdomain.com

1. Configure CDNs

1.1 create domain name
Go to the CDN console.Click on Add domain name to proceed with the addition.

1.2 Configure back-to-source parameters
Configure the relevant domain settings and origin server settings.

1.3 Copy cname
Upon successful addition, click on the domain name to view the basic configuration information and copy the CNAME.

2. Configure domain name resolution

1. Go to domain name resolution to configure the domain name of class.yourdomian.com to point to.
2. Configure domain name resolution pointing, take Tencent Cloud dnspod as an example.

Type selection:CNAME
Record value: 1.3 CNAME value obtained
3. click save

3. Configure back-to-source HOST

Switch to the Origin Domain page, and modify the Origin Domain => class.qcloudclass.com.


In order to achieve a better access effect for custom business domain names, the following adjustments still need to be set.

1. Complete https configuration

On the Domain Management page, click on the domain name and select HTTPS Configuration to proceed with the configuration.

2. Complete cache configuration

Configure node cache expiration settings on the Cache Configuration page.

3. Complete the gzip configuration

On the Advanced Configuration page, configure the intelligent compression rules.

4. Cache configuration

On the Cache Configuration page, configure the cache key rules.

resource refresh

See cdn-refresh warmup.
Why do we need to do resource refresh?
According to actual operational needs/bug fixes/experience optimization, the low-code interactive classroom will conduct hot updates to the online version from time to time.
The CDN's caching strategy determines that there may be inconsistencies between the performance of the business's own domain name and the official domain name of the low-code interactive classroom.
We recommend that the business side perform resource refresh operations on a regular basis, or perform immediate refresh operations on demand, see Resource Refresh below.

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