tencent cloud


Error Codes

Last updated: 2024-06-17 14:26:45

    Feature Description

    If there is an Error field in the response, it means that the API call failed. For example:

        "Response": {
            "Error": {
                "Code": "AuthFailure.SignatureFailure",
                "Message": "The provided credentials could not be validated. Please check your signature is correct."
            "RequestId": "ed93f3cb-f35e-473f-b9f3-0d451b8b79c6"

    Code in Error indicates the error code, and Message indicates the specific information of the error.

    Error Code List

    Common Error Codes

    Error Code Description
    ActionOffline This API has been deprecated.
    AuthFailure.InvalidAuthorization Authorization in the request header is invalid.
    AuthFailure.InvalidSecretId Invalid key (not a TencentCloud API key type).
    AuthFailure.MFAFailure MFA failed.
    AuthFailure.SecretIdNotFound Key does not exist. Check if the key has been deleted or disabled in the console, and if not, check if the key is correctly entered. Note that whitespaces should not exist before or after the key.
    AuthFailure.SignatureExpire Signature expired. Timestamp and server time cannot differ by more than five minutes. Please ensure your current local time matches the standard time.
    AuthFailure.SignatureFailure Invalid signature. Signature calculation error. Please ensure you’ve followed the signature calculation process described in the Signature API documentation.
    AuthFailure.TokenFailure Token error.
    AuthFailure.UnauthorizedOperation The request is not authorized. For more information, see the CAM documentation.
    DryRunOperation DryRun Operation. It means that the request would have succeeded, but the DryRun parameter was used.
    FailedOperation Operation failed.
    InternalError Internal error.
    InvalidAction The API does not exist.
    InvalidParameter Incorrect parameter.
    InvalidParameterValue Invalid parameter value.
    InvalidRequest The multipart format of the request body is incorrect.
    IpInBlacklist Your IP is in uin IP blacklist.
    IpNotInWhitelist Your IP is not in uin IP whitelist.
    LimitExceeded Quota limit exceeded.
    MissingParameter A parameter is missing.
    NoSuchProduct The product does not exist.
    NoSuchVersion The API version does not exist.
    RequestLimitExceeded The number of requests exceeds the frequency limit.
    RequestLimitExceeded.GlobalRegionUinLimitExceeded Uin exceeds the frequency limit.
    RequestLimitExceeded.IPLimitExceeded The number of ip requests exceeds the frequency limit.
    RequestLimitExceeded.UinLimitExceeded The number of uin requests exceeds the frequency limit.
    RequestSizeLimitExceeded The request size exceeds the upper limit.
    ResourceInUse Resource is in use.
    ResourceInsufficient Insufficient resource.
    ResourceNotFound The resource does not exist.
    ResourceUnavailable Resource is unavailable.
    ResponseSizeLimitExceeded The response size exceeds the upper limit.
    ServiceUnavailable Service is unavailable now.
    UnauthorizedOperation Unauthorized operation.
    UnknownParameter Unknown parameter.
    UnsupportedOperation Unsupported operation.
    UnsupportedProtocol HTTP(S) request protocol error; only GET and POST requests are supported.
    UnsupportedRegion API does not support the requested region.

    Service Error Codes

    Error Code Description
    AccountNotExist The current account does not exist.
    AuthFailure CAM signature/authentication error.
    DBError Backend database execution error.
    FailedOperation.AllocateQuotasError Failed to request a quota for resource tags.
    FailedOperation.BaseNetworkAccessError Failed to access classic network. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact customer service.
    FailedOperation.CMQResponseError Failed to access CMQ.
    FailedOperation.CamAuthFailed CAM authentication failed.
    FailedOperation.CamCheckResourceError Failed to get permissions. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact customer service.
    FailedOperation.CamCheckResourceFailed Failed to check resource permissions through CAM.
    FailedOperation.CamSigAndAuthError Authentication failed. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact customer service.
    FailedOperation.CdbCgwConnectError Failed to get project information. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact customer service.
    FailedOperation.CreateBasicNetworkDeniedError Classic network creation is unsupported.
    FailedOperation.CreateOrderFailed Failed to create the renewal order.
    FailedOperation.DatabaseAccessError Failed to access database management service. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact customer service.
    FailedOperation.DatabaseAffectedError Data operation failed. Please contact customer service.
    FailedOperation.DeleteAllRoute Failed to delete VPC routes.
    FailedOperation.DeleteResourceProjectTagError Failed to unbind resources from a project.
    FailedOperation.DeleteResourcesToTagError Failed to unbind the resource from the tag.
    FailedOperation.ESConnectError Failed to access ES. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact customer service.
    FailedOperation.ESQueryError Failed to query ES. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact customer service.
    FailedOperation.FailedOperationError Operation failed. Please try again later.
    FailedOperation.FlowCreateError Failed to create a task. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact customer service.
    FailedOperation.GetInstanceByResourceIdError Failed to query the instance information. Please try again later.
    FailedOperation.GetPurchaseRecordFailed Failed to get the purchase record.
    FailedOperation.GetSubnetError Failed to query VPC subnets.
    FailedOperation.GetVpcInfoError Failed to query VPC information. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact customer service.
    FailedOperation.IllegalROInstanceNum Invalid number of read-only replicas.
    FailedOperation.InvalidAccountStatus The account status is incorrect, so the operation is not allowed.
    FailedOperation.InvalidTradeOperate Billing error. Corresponding purchase/renewal/configuration change operations are not allowed for the current instance.
    FailedOperation.LimitOperation Operations are not allowed on the instance.
    FailedOperation.MasterInstanceQueryError Failed to query the primary instance information.
    FailedOperation.ModifyROGroupError Failed to modify RO group configuration.
    FailedOperation.NetworkNumLimitError The number of networks does not meet resource requirements.
    FailedOperation.NoAvailableStandby The instance has no available standby server.
    FailedOperation.OperateFrequencyLimitedError The operation frequency limit is exceeded. Try again later. If the problem persists, contact customer service.
    FailedOperation.OssAccessError Failed to access database management service. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact customer service.
    FailedOperation.OssOperationFailed Failed to request the backend API.
    FailedOperation.PayOrderFailed Failed to make order payment.
    FailedOperation.PostPaidUnblockError Failed to unfreeze the account of a pay-as-you-go instance. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact customer service.
    FailedOperation.PreCheckError Pre-check failed
    FailedOperation.PresignedURLGetError An error occurred while getting the pre-signed authorization URL.
    FailedOperation.QueryDealFailed Failed to query the order information.
    FailedOperation.QueryInstanceBatchError Failed to query instance information in batches. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact customer service.
    FailedOperation.QueryPriceFailed Failed to query the price.
    FailedOperation.QuerySpecBySpecCodeError Failed to query specifications.
    FailedOperation.QuerySpecError Failed to query specifications. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact customer service.
    FailedOperation.QueryTradeStatusError Failed to query the order status.
    FailedOperation.QueryVpcFailed Failed to query VPC.
    FailedOperation.QueryVpcFalied Failed to get VPC details.
    FailedOperation.ROGroupCannotBeDeletedError This RO group has at least one read-only replica, so it cannot be deleted.
    FailedOperation.ROGroupMasterInstanceNotRight The primary instance information of the RO group is not matched.
    FailedOperation.ROGroupNotFoundError The RO group does not exist.
    FailedOperation.ROGroupNumExceedError The maximum number of RO groups has been reached.
    FailedOperation.ROInstanceHasInROGroupError This read-only replica already belongs to another RO group.
    FailedOperation.ServerlessNotSupportedError Serverless instances do not support the operation.
    FailedOperation.ServiceAccessError Failed to access internal service. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact customer service.
    FailedOperation.SetAutoRenewFlagError Failed to set the auto-renewal flag.
    FailedOperation.StorageMemoryCheckError The memory and storage capacity to which an instance is upgraded should be higher than its original memory and storage capacity.
    FailedOperation.StorePathSplitError Incorrect storage path format
    FailedOperation.TradeAccessError Failed to access the billing platform. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact customer service.
    FailedOperation.TradeCreateError Failed to request the billing platform to create an order.
    FailedOperation.TradePayOrdersError Failed to request to pay for the order.
    FailedOperation.TradeQueryOrderError Failed to query order information. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact customer service.
    FailedOperation.TradeQueryPriceError Failed to query pricing information. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact customer service.
    FailedOperation.UpdateResourceProjectTagValueError Failed to modify the resource tag.
    FailedOperation.VPCResetServiceError Failed to configure the VPC.
    FailedOperation.VPCUpdateRouteError Failed to update VPC routes.
    FailedOperation.WhitelistConnectError Failed to query the allowlist. Try again later. If the problem persists, contact customer service.
    FlowError Failed to create the task.
    InstanceNotExist The current instance does not exist.
    InterfaceNameNotFound ACTION input error.
    InternalError.CgwError CGW error.
    InternalError.CnsError Basic network error.
    InternalError.DBError Backend database execution error.
    InternalError.DfwError DFW error.
    InternalError.FlowError Failed to create the flow.
    InternalError.InstanceDataError Failed to access database management service. Please contact customer service.
    InternalError.InternalHttpServerError An exception occurred while executing the request.
    InternalError.MarshalError Failed to parse background data. Please contact customer service.
    InternalError.SystemError System error. When this error occurs, please contact customer service for assistance.
    InternalError.TransactioBeginError Failed to enable transactions
    InternalError.UnknownError Unknown error. When this error occurs, please contact customer service for assistance.
    InternalError.VpcError VPC error.
    InvalidAccountPassword Incorrect account password.
    InvalidAccountStatus The current account status is incorrect, so the operation is not allowed.
    InvalidInstanceStatus Incorrect instance status.
    InvalidParameter.InstanceNameExist The instance name already exists.
    InvalidParameter.ParameterCheckError Failed to check the parameter.
    InvalidParameter.ParametersNotSet You can't left all parameters empty.You need to set at least one of the parameters.
    InvalidParameter.TradeAccessDeniedError Incorrect PID
    InvalidParameter.VpcNotFoundError Failed to query VPC information.
    InvalidParameterValue.AccountExist The current account already exists.
    InvalidParameterValue.AccountNotExist The current account does not exist.
    InvalidParameterValue.AccountNotExistError The account does not exist.
    InvalidParameterValue.BadSpec The instance specification to upgrade to is not purchasable.
    InvalidParameterValue.CharsetNotFoundError Incorrect database character set
    InvalidParameterValue.DataConvertError Failed to convert data format. Please contact customer service.
    InvalidParameterValue.IllegalChargeType Unsupported billing type.
    InvalidParameterValue.IllegalInstanceChargeType Incorrect billing mode.
    InvalidParameterValue.IllegalProjectId Invalid ProjectId.
    InvalidParameterValue.IllegalRegion Invalid Region parameter.
    InvalidParameterValue.IllegalZone Invalid Zone parameter.
    InvalidParameterValue.InstanceNameExist The account already exists.
    InvalidParameterValue.InstanceNotExist The current instance does not exist.
    InvalidParameterValue.InterfaceNameNotFound Incorrect ACTION.
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidAccountError Invalid account. The account name is case-insensitive, must contain 1-16 characters comprised of letters, digits, underscores, and should neither be "postgres" nor start with a digit or "pg_".
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidAccountFormat Incorrect account format.
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidAccountName The current account name cannot be a reserved character.
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidCharset Incorrect database character set. Currently, only UTF8 and LATIN1 are supported.
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidInstanceNum The number of purchased instances exceeds the limit.
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidInstanceVolume The instance specification to upgrade to cannot be lower than the current instance specification.
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidOrderNum Billing error. Invalid order type ID.
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidParameterValueError Incorrect parameter value
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidPasswordFormat Incorrect password format.
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidPasswordLengthError Invalid password. The password length does not meet the requirements.
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidPasswordValueError Invalid password. The password must contain uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and symbols (()`~!@#$%^&*-+=_
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidPid Incorrect PID parameter.
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidReadOnlyGroupStatus RO group in incorrect status
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidRegionIdError Invalid region
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidZoneIdError Invalid availability zone.
    InvalidParameterValue.NullDealNames Empty order name.
    InvalidParameterValue.ParameterCharacterError Invalid parameter. The parameter can contain only letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens.
    InvalidParameterValue.ParameterCharacterLimitError The parameter is invalid. Please modify it and try again.
    InvalidParameterValue.ParameterCharacterPreLimitError The parameter prefix is invalid. Please modify it and try again.
    InvalidParameterValue.ParameterHandleError Failed to process the parameter. Please check if the parameter value is valid.
    InvalidParameterValue.ParameterLengthLimitError The length of parameter exceeds the limit.
    InvalidParameterValue.ParameterOutOfRange Invalid parameter
    InvalidParameterValue.ParameterOutRangeError Invalid parameter values.
    InvalidParameterValue.ParameterValueExceedError The maximum value of the parameter has been reached.
    InvalidParameterValue.ReadOnlyGroupNotExist The RO group does not exist.
    InvalidParameterValue.RegionNotSupported The current region is not supported.
    InvalidParameterValue.SpecNotRecognizedError Failed to identify the specification ({{1}}).
    InvalidParameterValue.StructParseFailed An error occurred while parsing parameters.
    InvalidPid Incorrect PID parameter.
    LimitOperation Operations are not allowed on the instance.
    OperationDenied.CamDeniedError This operation cannot be performed.
    OperationDenied.DTSInstanceStatusError The target instance failed the status check.
    OperationDenied.InstanceAccessDeniedError You do not have the permission to operate this resource.
    OperationDenied.InstanceIpv6NotSupportedError IPv6 is not supported.
    OperationDenied.InstanceStatusDeniedError This operation cannot be performed on an instance in this status.
    OperationDenied.InstanceStatusLimitError This operation cannot be performed on an instance in this status.
    OperationDenied.InstanceStatusLimitOpError This operation cannot be performed on an instance in this status.
    OperationDenied.InstanceTypeDenied Invalid instance type
    OperationDenied.NotSupportZoneError Serverless is not supported in this availability zone.
    OperationDenied.PayModeError Unsupported billing mode
    OperationDenied.PostPaidPayModeError Pay-as-you-go instances cannot be renewed.
    OperationDenied.ROGroupStatusError This operation cannot be performed on an RO group in this status.
    OperationDenied.ROInstanceIpv6NotSupportedError Read-only instances do not support IPv6.
    OperationDenied.ROInstanceStatusLimitOpError This operation cannot be performed on a read-only instance in this status.
    OperationDenied.RoInstanceCountExeedError The total number of read-only nodes should not exceed the upper limit.
    OperationDenied.UserNotAuthenticatedError You need to verify your identity to make a purchase.
    OperationDenied.VersionNotSupportError Serverless is not supported on this version of PostgreSQL.
    OperationDenied.VpcDeniedError You do not have the permission to operate the VPC.
    RegionNotSupported The region is not supported.
    ResourceInsufficient.ResourceNotEnough There are not enough resources to purchase instances of this specification in the current region.
    ResourceNotFound.InstanceNotFoundError The instance does not exist.
    ResourceUnavailable.InvalidInstanceStatus Incorrect instance status.
    ResourceUnavailable.ResourceNoPermission No permission for the VPC.
    ResourceUnavailable.VpcResourceNotFound Failed to get the information of the VPC where the instance resides.
    StructParseFailed An error occurred while parsing parameters.
    SystemError System error. When this error occurs, please contact customer service for assistance.
    UnauthorizedOperation.UserHasNoRealnameAuthentication Unverified user.
    UnknownError Unknown error. When this error occurs, please contact customer service for assistance.
    VpcError VPC error
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