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TencentDB for PostgreSQL
Task List
Last updated: 2025-03-12 10:23:53
Task List
Last updated: 2025-03-12 10:23:53
You can view the details of executed tasks through the TencentDB for PostgreSQL console, which allows you to keep track of the task progress for operations performed on your instance. This document guides you on how to view the task list through the console.

Task Type

Through the task list, you can view the following types of tasks: Instance initialization, instance configuration adjustment, instance restart, minor version upgrade, major version upgrade, pre-check of major version upgrade, enabling public network (environment not available), disabling public network (environment not available), creating a read-only group, changing the read-only group for a read-only instance, adding a read-only instance to a read-only group, removing a read-only instance from a read-only group, cloning an instance, database and table rollback, adding a network, deleting a network, enabling auditing (environment not available), disabling auditing (environment not available), changing the availability zone of an instance, parameter configuration, terminating an instance, taking an instance offline, physical migration, and primary/secondary switch.

Viewing the Task List

1. Log in to the PostgreSQL console.
2. In the left sidebar, click Task List to enter the task list page.
3. Select the corresponding region at the top.
4. You can directly search tasks or retrieve them by keywords in the task list to view the task details.

Searching Keywords

In the task list, you can use the search box to quickly find the target task by entering keywords. The search box supports searching by resource attributes such as task ID or instance ID.

Downloading Task Data

1. Log in to the PostgreSQL console.
2. In the left sidebar, click Task List to enter the task list page.
3. Select the corresponding region at the top.
4. Click the download button

after the search box to download the data on the current page or under the current query conditions.

Viewing Task Details

1. Log in to the PostgreSQL console.
2. In the left sidebar, click Task List to enter the task list page.
3. Select the corresponding region at the top.
4. Find the task for which you need to query the task details, and click Task Details in the Operation column.

As shown in the figure above, for certain tasks, the system provides the configuration information before and after the task execution in the task details for your reference. The input is the configuration information before the task execution, while the output is the configuration information after the task execution. The table below will explain the input and output of each task in detail.
Task Type
Adjusting instance configuration
"Cpu":"2 core"//CPU configuration before instance adjustment.
"Memory":"4 GiB"//Memory configuration before instance adjustment.
"Storage":"10 GB"//Storage space configuration before instance adjustment.
"Cpu":"2 core"//CPU configuration after instance adjustment.
"Memory":"4 GiB"//Memory configuration after instance adjustment.
"Storage":"20 GB"//Storage space configuration after instance adjustment.
"Message":"success"//Specific returned result of the task. Success indicates success. For other statuses, see the specific information.
Changing the read-only group for a read-only instance
"NewROGroupId":"pgrogrp-3p21ssox"//Target read-only group ID.
"OldROGroupId":"pgrogrp-dct9wsml"//Source read-only group ID.
"ROInstanceId":"pgro-a9qea3c9"//Read-only instance ID.
"NewROGroup":{//Target read-only group details.
"OldROGroup":{//Source read-only group details.
"ROInstance":{//Read-only instance details.
Adding a read-only instance to a read-only group
"ReadOnlyGroupId":"pgrogrp-3p21ssox"//Target read-only group ID.
"ReadOnlyInstanceId":"pgro-82nkylkb"//Read-only instance ID.
"ROGroup":{//Target read-only group details.
"ROInstance":{//Read-only instance details.
Removing a read-only instance from a read-only group
"ROGroupId":"pgrogrp-3p21ssox"//Source read-only group details.
"ROInstanceId":"pgro-a9qea3c9"//Read-only instance ID.
"ROGroup":{//Source read-only group details.
"ROInstance":{//Read-only instance details.
Adding a network
"DBInstanceId":"postgres-6s1kuw28"//Instance ID.
"IsAssignVip":false//Whether the assigned VIP is registered. All are false here.
"SubnetId":"subnet-piadji8r"//Subnet ID.
"Vip":""//The VIP that is about to be assigned. All are empty here.
"VpcId":"vpc-fz41fhgo"//Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) ID.
"DBInstanceId":"postgres-6s1kuw28"//Instance ID.
"DBInstanceNetInfo":{//Details of the newly added network.
Deleting a network
"DBInstanceId":"postgres-6s1kuw28"//Instance ID.
"SubnetId":"subnet-piadji8r"//Subnet ID.
"Vip":""//VIP to be deleted.
"VpcId":"vpc-fz41fhgo"//Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) ID.
"DBInstanceId":"postgres-6s1kuw28"//Instance ID.
"DBInstanceNetInfo":{//Details of the deleted network.
Parameter configuration
"Name":"max_connections"//Modify the parameter name.
"ExpectedValue":"2040"//Modify the parameter target value.
"max_connections":{//Parameter name.
"message":"this parameter must be modified on the master node first and reboot"//Prompt information for reference.
"modify_after_value":"2040"//Target value of the parameter.
"modify_before_value":"2048"//Original value of the parameter.
"status":"success"//Modification status.
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