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About Billing
Last updated: 2024-12-03 10:23:38
Last updated: 2024-12-03 10:23:38

1. API Description

Domain name for API request: billing.intl.tencentcloudapi.com.

u200cThis API is used to get bill details.

  1. The API request may fail due to network instability or other exceptions. In this case, we recommend you manually retry the request when the API request fails.
    2.If the volume of your bill data is high (for example, if over 200 thousand bill entries are generated for a month), bill data query via APIs may be slow. We recommend you enable bill storage so that you can obtain bill files from COS buckets for analysis. For details, see Saving Bills to COS.

A maximum of 5 requests can be initiated per second for this API.

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2. Input Parameters

The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.

Parameter Name Required Type Description
Action Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: DescribeBillDetail.
Version Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: 2018-07-09.
Region No String Common Params. This parameter is not required.
Offset Yes Integer Offset
Limit Yes Integer Quantity, maximum is 100
Month No String Month; format: yyyy-mm. You only have to enter either Month or BeginTime and EndTime. When you enter values for BeginTime and EndTime, Month becomes invalid. This value must be no earlier than the month when Bill 2.0 is activated; last 24 months data are available.
BeginTime No String The start time of the query range, which should be in the format Y-m-d H:i:s . The query range must be in the last 18 months and cannot be earlier than May 2018 (when Bill 2.0 was introduced). The start time and end time must be in the same month.

Example: tccli billing DescribeBillDetail --cli-unfold-argument --Offset 1 --Limit 100 --BeginTime '2023-04-01 12:05:15' --EndTime '2023-04-18 12:00:10' --ProjectId 1000000731 --version "2018-07-09"

Alternatively, you can use Month to query the billing details of a month.
ccli billing DescribeBillDetail --cli-unfold-argument --Offset 1 --Limit 100 --Month 2023-04 --version "2018-07-09" --ResourceId "disk-oj9okstm"
EndTime No String The end time of the query range, which should be in the format Y-m-d H:i:s . The query range must be in the last 18 months and cannot be earlier than May 2018 (when Bill 2.0 was introduced). The start time and end time must be in the same month.

Example: tccli billing DescribeBillDetail --cli-unfold-argument --Offset 1 --Limit 100 --BeginTime '2023-04-01 12:05:15' --EndTime '2023-04-18 12:00:10' --ProjectId 1000000731 --version "2018-07-09"

Alternatively, you can use Month to query the billing details of a month.
ccli billing DescribeBillDetail --cli-unfold-argument --Offset 1 --Limit 100 --Month 2023-04 --version "2018-07-09" --ResourceId "disk-oj9okstm"
NeedRecordNum No Integer Indicates whether or not the total number of records of accessing the list is required, used for frontend pages.
1 = yes, 0 = no
ProductCode No String Queries information on a specified product
PayMode No String Billing mode: prePay/postPay
ResourceId No String Queries information on a specified resource
ActionType No String Hourly settlement
Daily settlement
Monthly settlement
New monthly subscription
Monthly subscription renewal
Monthly subscription specification adjustment
Monthly subscription refund
Adjustment - deduction
Adjustment - refund
Hourly RI fee
One-off RI Fee
Hourly Savings Plan fee
Offline project deduction
Offline product deduction
ProjectId No Integer Project ID: ID of the project to which the resource belongs
BusinessCode No String Product code
Note: To query the product codes used in the current month, call DescribeBillSummaryByProduct.
Context No String Context information returned by the last request. You can set Month to 2023-05 or later to accelerate queries. We recommend users whose data volume is over 100 thousand entries use the paginated query feature, which can help greatly speed up your queries.
PayerUin No String The account ID of the payer, which is the unique identifier of a Tencent Cloud user. This account is allowed to query its own bills by default. If an organization admin account needs to query the self-pay bills of members, this field should be specified as the member account ID.

3. Output Parameters

Parameter Name Type Description
DetailSet Array of BillDetail Details list
Total Integer
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Context String Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
RequestId String The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.

4. Example

Example1 Getting Bill Details

This example shows you how to get bill details.

Input Example

Host: billing.intl.tencentcloudapi.com
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: DescribeBillDetail
<Common request parameters>{
    "Offset": 0,
    "Limit": 1,
    "Month": "2023-07",
    "NeedRecordNum": 1,
    "ResourceId": "ins-wxf3fmq8"

Output Example

    "Response": {
        "Context": "m7u3i6W6Xt6VmK1NGvNzCXEBwkmoH/Y3ROhw2ICs3RkxMDTe6z/M5dFHpIoeEc+MOBKEhnly44tsqyRJRRL0ZNpmtARd8SDzLfknCLcJtVkf6NJGoV8FXlYLQxABqcSt",
        "DetailSet": [
                "ActionType": "pre_to_post",
                "ActionTypeName": "Monthly subscription to pay-as-you-go",
                "AssociatedOrder": {
                    "PrepayPurchase": "20230707400000442656611",
                    "PrepayRenew": "20230707400000442695851,20230707400000442708571"
                "BillDay": "2023-07-17 00:00:00",
                "BillId": "20230707400000442821061",
                "BusinessCode": "p_cvm",
                "BusinessCodeName": "Cloud Virtual Machine CVM",
                "BillMonth": "2023-07-01 00:00:00",
                "ComponentSet": [
                        "BlendedDiscount": "1.00000000",
                        "CashPayAmount": "-80.43264806",
                        "ComponentCode": "virtual_v_cvm_compute",
                        "ComponentCodeName": "Computing components",
                        "ComponentConfig": [
                                "Name": "Project",
                                "Value": "element_test"
                                "Name": "Host",
                                "Value": "ins-wxf3fmq8"
                                "Name": "Private IP address",
                                "Value": ""
                                "Name": "Network",
                                "Value": "Virtual Private Cloud"
                                "Name": "Availability zone",
                                "Value": "Guangzhou zone 2"
                        "ContractPrice": "-80.89000000",
                        "Cost": "-80.89000000",
                        "DeductedMeasure": "-",
                        "Discount": "1",
                        "IncentivePayAmount": "-0.45735194",
                        "InstanceType": "",
                        "ItemCode": "virtual_v_cvm_compute_s2",
                        "ItemCodeName": "Computing components-Standard S2-2-Core 4 GB",
                        "OriginalCostWithRI": "0.00000000",
                        "OriginalCostWithSP": "0.00000000",
                        "PriceUnit": "CNY/unit/month",
                        "RealCost": "-80.89000000",
                        "RealTotalMeasure": "-",
                        "ReduceType": "Discount",
                        "RiTimeSpan": "0.00000000",
                        "SPDeduction": "0.00000000",
                        "SPDeductionRate": "0.00000000",
                        "SinglePrice": "-80.89000000",
                        "SpecifiedPrice": "-80.89000000",
                        "TimeSpan": "1",
                        "TimeUnitName": "Month",
                        "TransferPayAmount": "0",
                        "UsedAmount": "1",
                        "UsedAmountUnit": "unit",
                        "VoucherPayAmount": "0"
                "FeeBeginTime": "2023-07-07 16:14:21",
                "FeeEndTime": "2023-07-07 16:14:21",
                "Formula": "Refund: 343.12 CNY, cash voucher: 0 CNY, vouchers/discount vouchers are not refundable (order number 20230707400000442656611: component cvm: cash payment 88.81 CNY-used tier 1 pay-as-you-go: 0.02 CNY=remaining 88.79 CNY; order number 20230707400000442656611: component bandwidth: cash payment 0 CNY=remaining 0 CNY; order number 20230707400000442695851: component cvm: cash payment 172.92 CNY=remaining 172.92 CNY; order number 20230707400000442695851: component bandwidth: cash payment 0 CNY=remaining 0 CNY; order number 20230707400000442708571: component cvm: cash payment 84.12 CNY-original price 95.6* usage time 3.2258%*discount:88=remaining 81.41 CNY;",
                "FormulaUrl": "https://buy.tencentcloud.com/price/cvm",
                "Id": "1725547686519644160",
                "OperateUin": "909619400",
                "OrderId": "20230707400000442821061",
                "OwnerUin": "909619400",
                "PayModeName": "Monthly subscription",
                "PayTime": "2023-07-07 16:14:18",
                "PayerUin": "909619400",
                "PriceInfo": [
                    "Operating system: linux",
                    "Continuous usage time T: no tiers",
                    "Platform: Yunping"
                "ProductCode": "sp_cvm_s2",
                "ProductCodeName": "Cloud Virtual Machine CVM-Standard S2",
                "ProjectId": 1002227,
                "ProjectName": "element_test",
                "RegionId": "1",
                "RegionName": "South China (Guangzhou)",
                "ResourceId": "ins-wxf3fmq8",
                "ResourceName": "",
                "Tags": [],
                "ZoneName": "Guangzhou zone 2"
        "RequestId": "ca7573cb-473d-40f3-8c58-7be43ae60195",
        "Total": 14

5. Developer Resources


TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.

Command Line Interface

6. Error Code

The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.

Error Code Description
FailedOperation.QueryCountFailed Failed to get the number of data entries.
InternalError Internal error.
InternalError.GatewayError Gateway error.
InternalError.UnknownError Undefined exception.
InvalidParameter Invalid parameter.
InvalidParameterValue Invalid parameter value.
UnsupportedOperation Operation unsupported.
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