Bills reflect your monthly expenditure and resource details in Tencent Cloud. They are divided into the following four levels:
Bill Overview
The data of Bill Overview is issued on T+1 and does not represent real-time data. For real-time data, please go to the Bill Details page. You can gain insights into the composition of your monthly cost, the trend of monthly expenditure, and the breakdown of costs across various dimensions through the overview interface.
The comprehensive view across various dimensions supports the following aspects: by product, by project, by billing mode, by region, and by tag.
Bill viewing for member accounts within the organization account: You may opt to switch to an organization member account from the top-right corner of the page as per your requirements, to review the billing charges associated with the member account.
The member account bills found on the Billing Center page are self-paid. For bills paid on behalf of member accounts by the organization admin, refer to Tencent Cloud Organization > Financial Management > Order Management page. Bill Summary
The data of Bill Summary is issued on T+1, and does not represent real-time data. For real-time data, please refer to the Bill Details page. The billing costs are consolidated across multiple dimensions, including product name, project, region, billing mode, and tags. It supports viewing the sequential rate of change and trend of total costs. It also supports viewing the trend of consolidated costs across various dimensions over the past six months.
Explanations for each dimension:
Summary by product: Bills are broken down by product name.
Summary by project: Bills are broken down by project name.It is necessary to create project groups on the Project Management page and allocate resources to the corresponding project groups on the main page of each cloud resource console. Summary by region: Bills are broken down by region.
Summary by billing mode: Bills are broken down by billing mode.
Summary by tag: Bills are broken down by tag. You need to complete the following operations first:
Create tags on the Tag List page and assign corresponding tag values to resources on each cloud resource console; Click a product name to go to the Bill Details page, where you can view costs for corresponding resources. This operation is also supported by project, region, billing mode, and tags.
A product's resources on bill by instance page are shown below:
Click a project name to go to the Bill Details page, where you can view costs for corresponding resources.This operation is also supported by region, billing mode, and tags.
A product's resources under a project on bill by instance page are shown below:
Bill by Instance
The data of Bill by Instance is issued on a T+1 basis and does not represent real-time data. For real-time data, please refer to the Bill Details page. Sorting rules for query results on the Bill by Instance page: The query results are sorted by total price after discount in descending order. For the results with the same total price after discount, they are sorted by resource ID in descending order.
Bill by Instance, consolidated by Instance ID, offers a wealth of billing data to provide you with a more detailed understanding of your cloud expenses.
Bill Retrieval: Supports two filtering modes, top and header, with the addition of more filtering dimensions and multi-selection capabilities. It also supports cascading filtering, accurately defining the filtering range based on the selected items, making operations more convenient.
After entering a product name in the search bar, click confirm to be redirected to the detailed billing information of the product.
Custom Fields: Categorize field information into five types: Settlement Information, Product Information, Order Information, Billing Information, and Deduction Information. Click on the settings in the upper right corner to set the list display fields as needed.
Field Explanation: The headers of Bill by Instance and Bill Details have added field explanations, facilitating a quick understanding of the meaning of each field. For more field explanations, please refer to the Fields in Bills. Details: By clicking on the details in the operation column of each resource, you can view the details, cost structure, and expenditure trend over the last 6 months or last year.
Bill Details
The data of Bill Details is real-time, with an approximate delay of 20 minutes compared to the time of deduction. It is recommended to review the complete bill for the previous month after 19:00 on the first day of the following month. Before the bill is completed, the billing fee is not final and is for reference only.
The Bill Details represents the most granular level of deductions, with each deduction constituting a single record.
The display of field information on the page can be customised via the settings in the upper right corner;
Both the top and header filtering modes are supported, with additional filtering dimensions added and multi-selection filtering capabilities enabled.
Billing Rules: By clicking on the billing rules in the operation column of each deduction record, you will be redirected to the product pricing page, enabling a swift comprehension of the product's billing regulations.
The billing rules for a product are shown below: