tencent cloud


FOCUS 1.0 (Preview) Conformance Gaps

Last updated: 2024-12-25 11:57:50
Tencent Cloud FOCUS 1.0 (Preview) may have gaps with the official requirements of FOCUS 1.0 specifications. We do not recommend using Tencent Cloud FOCUS 1.0 (Preview) in a production environment. Please use Tencent Cloud Bill Details to verify your cost data.
Conformance gap type
Affected column
FOCUS 1.0 official requirement
Conformance gap description
Missing data
Charge Category allowed values:Usage、Purchase、Tax、Credit、Adjustment
No line items will be identifiable as Credit in this column at this time.
The ChargeDescription column MUST be present in the billing data, MUST be of type String, and SHOULD NOT be null.
All displayed are URLs
The CommitmentDiscountCategory column MUST be present in the billing data when the provider supports commitment-based discounts.
All displayed are null
The CommitmentDiscountId column MUST be present in the billing data when the provider supports commitment-based discounts.
All displayed are null
The CommitmentDiscountName column MUST be present in the billing data when the provider supports commitment-based discounts.
All displayed are null
The CommitmentDiscountStatus column MUST be present in the billing data when the provider supports commitment-based discounts.
All displayed are null
The CommitmentDiscountType column MUST be present in the billing data when the provider supports commitment-based discounts.
All displayed are null
The EffectiveCost column MUST be present in the billing data and MUST NOT be null.
All displayed are null
The ResourceType column MUST be present in the billing data when the provider supports billing based on provisioned resources and supports assigning a type for resources.
All displayed are null
The ServiceCategory column MUST be present and MUST NOT be null.
All displayed are null
The SkuId column MUST be present in the billing data when the provider publishes a SKU list.
All displayed are null
The SkuPriceId column MUST be present in the billing data when the provider publishes a SKU price list.
All displayed are null
Incorrect data
Date/time values MUST be in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) to avoid ambiguity and ensure consistency across different time zones.
Beijing Time Zone
Date/time values MUST be in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) to avoid ambiguity and ensure consistency across different time zones.
Beijing Time Zone
Date/time values MUST be in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) to avoid ambiguity and ensure consistency across different time zones.
Beijing Time Zone
Date/time values MUST be in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) to avoid ambiguity and ensure consistency across different time zones.
Beijing Time Zone
This column MUST NOT be null if ChargeCategory is "Usage" and ChargeClass is not "Correction". This column MUST be null for other ChargeCategory values. The value MAY be negative in cases where ChargeClass is "Correction".
All are positive and have value
ConsumedUnit MUST NOT be null if ChargeCategory is "Usage" and ChargeClass is not "Correction". This column MUST be null for other
ChargeCategory values.
All are positive and have value
Pricing Category describes the pricing model used for a charge at the time of use or purchase. Pricing Category allowed values:Standard、Dynamic、Committed、Other
Standards are shown by default. If ChargeCategory is "Tax", it will be null
The Pricing Quantity represents the volume of a given SKU associated with a resource or service used or purchased, based on the Pricing Unit.
Same value as ConsumedQuantity
The Pricing Unit represents a provider-specified measurement unit for determining unit prices, indicating how the provider rates measured usage and purchase quantities after applying pricing rules like block pricing.
Same value as ConsumedUnit
The entity that made the resources or services available for purchase.
Tencent Cloud are shown by default.
The entity that produced the resources or services that were purchased.
Tencent Cloud are shown by default.
Additional columns of Tencent
Additional columns of Tencent
Additional columns of Tencent
Additional columns of Tencent
Additional columns of Tencent
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