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About Billing

Fields in Bills

Last updated: 2025-02-20 17:33:20

1. Fields

Payer Account ID
The account ID of the payer, which is the unique identifier of a Tencent Cloud user.
Owner Account ID
The account ID of the actual resource user.
Operator Account ID
The account or role ID of the operator who purchases or activates a resource.
Product Name
The name of a Tencent Cloud product purchased by the user, such as CVM.
Subproduct Name
The subcategory of a Tencent Cloud product purchased by the user, such as CVM – Standard S1.
Billing Mode
The billing mode, which can be monthly subscription or pay-as-you-go.
Transaction Type
The detailed transaction type, such as pay-as-you-go hourly settlement. For more valid values, see "Enumerated values of key fields".
Transaction ID
The bill number for a deducted payment.
Transaction Time
The time at which a payment was deducted.
Usage Start Time
The time at which product or service usage starts.
Usage End Time
The time at which product or service usage ends.
Instance ID
The object ID of a billed resource, such as a CVM instance ID. This object ID may vary due to various forms and contents of resources in different products.
Instance Name
The resource name set by the user in the console. If it is not set, it will be empty by default.
Instance Type
The instance type of a product or service purchased, which can be resource package, RI, SP, or spot instance. Other instance types are not displayed by default.
Project Name
The project to which a resource belongs, which is user-designated. If a resource has not been assigned to a project, it will automatically belong to the default project.
The region to which a resource belongs, such as South China (Guangzhou).
Availability Zone
The availability zone to which a resource belongs, such as Guangzhou Zone 3.
Component Type
The component type of a product or service purchased by the user, such as standard storage request and CDN origin-pull traffic for Cloud Object Storage (COS).
Component Name
The specific component of a product or service purchased.
Component List Price
The listed unit price of a component. If a customer has applied for a fixed preferential price or contract price, this parameter will not be displayed by default.
Component Contracted Price
The contracted unit price of a component, which is "List price x Discount".
Component Price Measurement Unit
The unit of measurement for a component price, which is composed of USD, usage unit, and duration unit.
Component Usage
The actual usage of a component. Component usage = Original component usage - Deducted usage (including resource packages)
Component Usage Unit
The unit of measurement for component usage.
Usage Duration
The duration of resource usage. Usage duration = Original component usage duration - Deducted duration (including resource packages)
Duration Unit
The unit of measurement for usage duration.
Reserved Instance
ID of the RI matched, such as s2-RI-1234567890
Original Cost
Original cost = Component list price * Component usage * Usage duration (If a customer has applied for a fixed preferential price or contract price, this parameter will not be displayed by default. It is also not displayed in refund scenarios by default.)
RI Deduction (Duration)
The usage duration of a product or service deducted by reserved instances.
RI Deduction (Cost)
The amount deducted from the original cost by RI.
Savings Plan Deduction
The savings plan deduction amount.
Savings Plan Deduction Rate
The discount multiplier that applies to the component based on the remaining commitment of the savings plan.
SP Deduction (Cost)
Original cost = Face value of a savings plan/Savings plan deduction rate
Discount Multiplier
The discount rate applied to the cost of a resource. (If a customer has applied for a fixed preferential price or contract price, this parameter will not be displayed by default. It is also not displayed in refund scenarios by default.)
Blended Discount Multiplier
The final discount multiplier that is applied after combining multiple discount types, which is "Total amount after discount / Original cost".
The currency used for the settlement of a component.
Total Amount After Discount (Excluding Tax)
The total resource cost (not including tax) after discounts have been applied.
Total Amount After Discount (Excluding Tax) = [OriginalCost - RI Deduction (Cost) - SP Deduction(Cost)] * Discount Multiplier
Voucher Deduction
The voucher deduction amount.
Amount Before Tax
The pretax amount after voucher deduction.
Amount Before Tax = Total Amount After Discount (Excluding Tax) - Voucher Deduction
Tax Rate
The tax rate.
Tax Amount
The tax amount.
Total Cost (Including Tax)
The total resource cost (including tax) after discounts have been applied.
Total Cost (Including Tax) = Amount Before Tax * (1 + Tax Rate).
Total Cost (Including Tax) = [Total Amount After Discount(Excluding Tax) -Voucher Deduction] * (1 + Tax Rate).
Total Cost (Including Tax) = [(Original Cost - RI Deduction (Cost) - SP Deduction(Cost)) * Discount Multiplier - Voucher Deduction] * (1 + Tax Rate).
Additional Attributes
Displays descriptive information other than price attribute and component configuration, such as the models that can be deducted by reserved instances and the resource ID (serialid) of products before they are split.
Configuration Description
The name and corresponding usage (total usage for a component billed by cumulative usage) of each component under a resource displayed in a resource bill. The detailed bill displays information on various configuration specifications.
Additional Field 1-5
Other product attribute information corresponding to a resource.
Cost Allocation Tags 1-N
The cost allocation tags bound to a resource. For details, see Cost Allocation Tags.
Associated Transaction Document ID
The document ID associated with this transaction, such as the original purchase order corresponding to the refund order.
Price Attribute
Other attributes of the component that affect the list price, in addition to product and region.
Original usage/duration
Original component usage/duration before deduction by resource packages (Currently, only TRTC, TEM, Cloud Contact Center, and CDZ products support this information disclosure. Other products are still being integrated.)
Deducted usage/duration (including resource packages)
Component usage/duration deducted by resource packages (Currently, only TRTC, TEM, Cloud Contact Center, and CDZ products support this information disclosure. Other products are still being integrated.)
Calculation description
Detailed billing and settlement calculation instructions for special transaction types, including refunds and configuration adjustment.
Billing rule
Official website link for detailed billing rules of each product.

2. Enumerated Values of Key Fields

Valid values
Transaction Type
PurchaseRenewal, Modify, Refund, Deduction, Hourly settlement, Daily settlement, Monthly settlement, Spot, Offline project deduction, Offline deduction, adjust-CR, adjust-DR, One-off RI Fee, Hourly RI fee, New monthly subscription, Monthly subscription renewal, Monthly subscription specification adjustment, Monthly subscription refund, Hourly Savings Plan fee, Guarantee deduction, Pay-as-you-go reversal


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Fields in Bills

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