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Consumption Bill Description
Last updated: 2024-06-25 17:11:54
Consumption Bill Description
Last updated: 2024-06-25 17:11:54

Consumption Overview

The Consumption Overview reflects the total monthly resource consumption and the distribution of expenses. It supports viewing consumption trend graphs and consumption data summarized by product, project, region, billing mode, and the top 5 tags.

Consumption statistics

The consumption statistics graph displays a consumption trend for the last 6 months or the last year as well as the total real time consumption in the current month (not yet billed).
The total consumption is the total monthly resource consumption. The calculation formula is total consumption = Pre-tax Cash Payment + Tax + voucher payment. The order in which those are deducted from your account to make a payment is voucher > cash.
The total consumption in the current month contains real-time consumption data that may not have been billed yet. Therefore, the total consumption is not the final consumption and is for reference only. The final amount of total consumption is officially billed on the third day of the next month.

Consumption by product

This shows your monthly consumption details summarized by product. You can view each product's monthly consumption and their proportion of the total consumption. You can click View More to enter the Consumption summary page and view consumption details by product.

Top 10 projects by consumption

This shows your top 10 projects with the highest monthly consumption. You can click View More to enter the Consumption summary page and view consumption details by project.

Consumption by region

This shows your monthly consumption details summarized by region. You can view each region's monthly consumption and their proportion of the total consumption. Click View More to enter the Consumption summary page and view consumption details by region.

By Billing Mode

Summarize according to the billing mode of Tencent Cloud products. The billing modes are monthly subscription and pay-as-you-go. Click View more to access the consumption summary page, where you can view the consumption summary by billing mode.

Subscription Resources: The cost of subscription resources is apportioned daily and aggregated to calculate the monthly cost.
Pay-as-you-go Resources: The cost of pay-as-you-go resources is calculated based on the actual usage time without apportionment.

Top 5 tags by consumption

This shows the top 5 tags associated with the highest monthly consumption. You can click View more to enter the Consumption summary page and view consumption details by tag.

Consumption Summary

The consumption summary page displays the consumption data summarized by various dimensions such as product, project, region, billing mode, and tag.

Summary by product
The monthly consumption details are summarized by product. You can view each product's consumption in the current month and a consumption trend for the last 6 months. You can also click a product name to enter the Bill by instance page and view the resource details of that product.
Summary by project
The monthly consumption details are summarized by project. You can view each project's consumption in the current month and a consumption trend for the last 6 months. You can expand a project to view all the products under that project, as well as their monthly consumptions and consumption trends. You can also click a product name to enter the Bill by instance page and view the resource details of that product.
Summary by region
The monthly consumption details are summarized by region. You can view each region's consumption in the current month and a consumption trend for the last 6 months. You can expand a region to view all the products in that region, as well as their monthly consumption and consumption trends. You can also click a product name to enter the Bill by instance page and view the resource details of that product.
Summary by billing mode
Summarize costs according to the billing mode, enabling the review of monthly expenditures and the trend of consumption changes over the past six months for the specified region.
Expanding the corresponding Billing Mode reveals all cloud service products within the region, displaying their monthly expenditures and the trend of consumption changes over the past six months. Clicking a specific product name allows access to the resource billing page to view detailed information about the product's resources.
Summary by tag
The monthly consumption details are summarized by tag. You can view each tag's consumption in the current month and a consumption trend for the last 6 months. You can expand a tag to view all the products under that tag, as well as their monthly consumptions and consumption trends. You can also click a product name to enter the Bill by instance page and view the resource details of that product.

Bill by instance

The monthly consumption details are summarized by instance ID. You can view, filter, and export monthly consumption details of an instance ID by project, region, billing mode, or tag.
Billing Retrieval: Supports both top and header filtering modes, with the addition of more filtering dimensions and the capability for multi-select filtering. It also supports cascading filtering, allowing for precise delineation of the filtering scope based on selected options, making operations more convenient.

Enter the filtering criteria in the search box, such as the product name, and click Confirm to filter out the billing details that only include the specified product.

Custom Fields: Categorize field information into five classifications: Product Information, Order Information, Billing Information, Deduction Information, and Settlement Information.
1. Click the settings icon in the upper right corner to customize the list that displays fields as needed.

2. After selecting the display fields as required, click Save.

Field Description: The resource and detailed billing statements now include additional field descriptions, facilitating a swift comprehension of the significance of each field.

Details: Click the Details in the operation column for each resource.

You can view the details of this resource, its cost structure, and the cost trends over the past six months or a year.

Bill Details

This page shows the finest granularity of consumption data. The consumption details are displayed by day for prepaid resources and by deduction record for pay-as-you-go resources. You can view and export your bill details.
Supports both top and header filtering modes, with the addition of more filtering dimensions and the capability for multi-select filtering.

The display of field information on the page can be customized via the settings in the top right corner.
Consumption bill data is updated daily, with an update latency of T+1.

Downloading Consumption Bills

The consumption bill file can be downloaded directly from the webpage, as a bill package, or through a COS bucket, offering three convenient methods for users.
Method one: Log in to the Billing Center Console, click on Cost Management > Consumption Bill in the left sidebar, then click Bill by Instance/Bill Details, and click the download icon to proceed.
Bill by Instance

Bill Details

Method two: Go to the Consumption Bill page and click Download bill pack. It is shown below:

Method three:
1. Go to the Consumption Bill page, hover your mouse over Bill storage, and in the pop-up window, click Go to COS bucket.

2. Select and click the corresponding Bucket Name in the list to open the COS bucket.

3. Select the relevant billing file and click Download.

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