If you are a customer of a Tencent Cloud partner, the rules regarding resources when there are overdue payments are subject to the agreement between you and the partner.
Arrears reminder
For pay-as-you-go resources, fees are deducted on the hour. When your account balance becomes negative, the system will notify the creator, global resource collaborators, and financial collaborators of your Tencent Cloud account via email and SMS.
Arrears processing
You can continue to use your ES cluster for 2 hours from the moment your account balance becomes negative. The system will continue to deduct fees. 2 hours later, the ES cluster will be suspended and billing will stop.
What happens next?
If you top up your account to a positive balance within 15 days (15 x 24 = 360 hours) from the moment your cluster is suspended, billing will resume and you will be able to access your cluster. Otherwise, your ES cluster will remain inaccessible.
If your account stays negative for 15 days (15 x 24 = 360 hours) from the moment your cluster is suspended, your cluster will be repossessed. All data will be deleted and cannot be recovered.
We will notify the Tencent Cloud account creator as well as global resource and financial collaborators via email and SMS when your ES cluster is repossessed.
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