tencent cloud


Elastic Stack (X-Pack)

Last updated: 2021-10-29 15:04:01


    X-Pack features are Elasticsearch's official commercial features, including security, SQL, machine learning, and monitoring. It facilitates the application development and OPS management of Elasticsearch services. ES offers editions that come with such features, which you can select when purchasing and creating a cluster. The features in different editions are detailed below.

    Purchase Guide

    As shown in the figure above, there are options for the X-Pack features on the ES purchase page. ES offers three editions that have different X-Pack features as follows:

    Item Basic Platinum Open Source
    X-Pack included
    X-Pack completeness Partial All None

    Purchase recommendation
    In order to be able to use more advanced features in ES, we recommend that you choose the Platinum Edition when you create a cluster. The specific features and differences of each edition are detailed below. For pricing information, please see Product Pricing.

    X-Pack Overview

    This document describes some of the commonly used X-Pack features. For more information, please see Elasticsearch's official Elastic Stack subscriptions and API documentation.


    • Some features vary by editions (Basic, Platinum, and Open Source).
    • Some features are unavailable in earlier ES versions. For more information, please submit a ticket.
    • Security
      This feature supports refined read/write permission control at the index and field levels and effectively protects data security by enabling data security protection and business access isolation, granting access to the right people, and preventing malicious attacks and data leakage.
    • Machine learning
      In the application scenario of custom data alerting, it is sometimes difficult to set rules and thresholds to define the changes. In this case, the trend in data changes and reasonable fluctuation range can be predicted by the unattended machine learning feature, and when the data deviates from the normal trend, alarms will be triggered and notifications sent.
    • Monitoring
      Monitoring information can be comprehensively collected at multiple levels such as cluster, node, and index, helping you understand the cluster operations in real time and facilitating your application development and OPS.
    • SQL
      This feature makes full-text search and statistical analysis of Elasticsearch data possible through traditional database SQL tools. CLI and REST access methods are supported. The Platinum Edition further supports JDBC connection. This feature enables you to seamlessly connect ES with your existing business systems and thus reduces your learning costs for new technologies.

      In terms of SQL support, the Open Source Edition integrates with other SQL plugins. For more information, please see elasticsearch-sql.

    Detailed comparison among editions

    This section mainly compares and highlights some key features of different Elasticsearch versions. As Elasticsearch is in a stage of rapid development, and the support for various features by different versions is constantly adjusted, we do not guarantee that the following content can stay in sync with the changes in the community.

    For the latest and most accurate feature comparison, please see Elasticsearch's official Elastic Stack subscriptions.

    In the table below, all, partial, and none are used to indicate the feature completeness. all: all; partial: partial; none: none.

    Module Feature Open Source Basic Platinum
    Elasticsearch Scalability and resiliency partial partial all
    Query and analytics partial partial all
    Data enrichment all all all
    Management and tooling partial partial all
    Security none none all
    Machine Learning none none all
    Kibana Explore and visualize partial partial all
    Stack management and tooling partial partial all
    Stack monitoring none partial all
    Share and collaborate partial partial all
    Security none none all
    Machine learning none none all
    Beats Data collection partial partial all
    Data shipping partial partial all
    Module partial partial all
    Monitoring and management none partial all
    Logstash Data collection all all all
    Data enrichment all all all
    Data shipping all all all
    Module partial all all
    Monitoring and management none partial all
    ELASTIC APM APM server all all all
    APM agents all all all
    APM dashboards in Kibana all all all
    APM UI none all all
    Distributed tracing none all all
    Machine learning integration none none all
    Elastic Logs Log shipper (Filebeat) all all all
    Dashboards for common data sources all all all
    Logs UI none all all
    Elastic Infrastructure Metric shipper (Metricbeat) all all all
    Dashboards for common data sources all all all
    Infrastructure UI none all all
    Elastic Uptime Uptime monitor (Heartbeat) all all all
    Uptime dashboards in Kibana all all all
    Uptime UI none all all

    Detailed descriptions of certain Elasticsearch features:

    In the table below, ✓ means the feature is available, - means not available.

    Elasticsearch Feature Module Item Open Source Basic Platinum
    Management and Tooling REST APIs
    Language clients
    _source only snapshot -
    SQL interpreter CLI -
    Data rollups -
    Index lifecycle management -
    Frozen indices -
    Upgrade Assistant APIs -
    JDBC client - -
    ODBC client - -
    Security Encrypted communications -
    Role-based access control -
    File and native authentication -
    Audit logging - -
    Attribute-based access control - -
    Field- and document-level security - -
    Machine Learning Anomaly detection on time series - -
    Population/entity analysis - -
    Log message categorization - -
    Root cause indication - -
    Alerting on anomalies - -
    Forecasting on time series - -
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