节点类型 | 节点规格 |
FE 3台 标准型 | CPU:16 cores 内存:64 GB 磁盘:增强型SSD云硬盘200 GB |
BE 3台 标准型 | CPU:16 cores 内存:64 GB 磁盘:增强型SSD云硬盘1000 GB |
sh bin/gen-tpcds-data.sh -s 100
# du -sh bin/tpcds-data/96G bin/tpcds-data/
表名 | 原始文本文件大小 | 100G 导入后的大小 | 分桶数 | 行数 |
call_center | 9.2KiB | 13.784 KB | 1 | 30 |
catalog_page | 2.8MiB | 1.216 MB | 3 | 20400 |
catalog_returns | 2.2GiB | 736.137 MB | 32 | 14404374 |
catalog_sales | 29GiB | 9.225 GB | 960 | 143997065 |
customer | 256MiB | 111.185 MB | 12 | 2000000 |
customer_address | 106MiB | 21.386 MB | 12 | 1000000 |
customer_demographics | 76MiB | 6.468 MB | 12 | 1920800 |
date_dim | 9.8MiB | 1.823 MB | 12 | 73049 |
dbgen_version | 111B | 1.184 KB | 1 | 1 |
household_demographics | 142KiB | 20.372 KB | 3 | 7200 |
income_band | 308B | 724.000 B | 1 | 20 |
inventory | 7.7GiB | 871.378 MB | 32 | 399330000 |
item | 56MiB | 25.314 MB | 12 | 204000 |
promotion | 122KiB | 73.989 KB | 1 | 1000 |
reason | 1.9KiB | 7.748 KB | 1 | 55 |
ship_mode | 1.1KiB | 3.251 KB | 1 | 20 |
store | 104KiB | 54.449 KB | 1 | 402 |
store_returns | 3.3GiB | 1.090 GB | 32 | 28795080 |
store_sales | 38GiB | 12.529 GB | 960 | 287997024 |
time_dim | 4.8MiB | 1.087 MB | 12 | 86400 |
warehouse | 1.8KiB | 4.999 KB | 1 | 15 |
web_page | 193KiB | 38.753 KB | 1 | 2040 |
web_returns | 998MiB | 350.227 MB | 32 | 7197670 |
web_sales | 15GiB | 4.645 GB | 960 | 72001237 |
web_site | 6.7KiB | 11.185 KB | 1 | 24 |
Total | 96G | 29.566 GB | 3096 | 959037906 |
# cat doris-cluster.conf# Any of FE hostexport FE_HOST=''# http_port in fe.confexport FE_HTTP_PORT=8030# query_port in fe.confexport FE_QUERY_PORT=9030# Doris usernameexport USER='root'# Doris passwordexport PASSWORD=''# The database where TPC-DS tables locatedexport DB='tpch_100g'
sh bin/create-tpcds-tables.sh -s 100
sh load-tpcds-data.shStart time: Thu Oct 31 21:03:55 CST 2024End time: Thu Oct 31 21:14:44 CST 2024Finish load tpcds data, Time taken: 649 seconds============================================analyze database tpcds_100ganalyze database tpcds_100g with full with sync;analyze database tpcds_100g with full with sync total time: 67 sMySQL [tpcds_100g]> show data;+------------------------+-------------+--------------+------------+| TableName | Size | ReplicaCount | RemoteSize |+------------------------+-------------+--------------+------------+| call_center | 13.784 KB | 1 | 0.000 || catalog_page | 1.216 MB | 3 | 0.000 || catalog_returns | 736.137 MB | 32 | 0.000 || catalog_sales | 9.225 GB | 960 | 0.000 || customer | 111.185 MB | 12 | 0.000 || customer_address | 21.386 MB | 12 | 0.000 || customer_demographics | 6.468 MB | 12 | 0.000 || date_dim | 1.823 MB | 12 | 0.000 || dbgen_version | 1.184 KB | 1 | 0.000 || household_demographics | 20.372 KB | 3 | 0.000 || income_band | 724.000 B | 1 | 0.000 || inventory | 871.378 MB | 32 | 0.000 || item | 25.314 MB | 12 | 0.000 || promotion | 73.989 KB | 1 | 0.000 || reason | 7.748 KB | 1 | 0.000 || ship_mode | 3.251 KB | 1 | 0.000 || store | 54.449 KB | 1 | 0.000 || store_returns | 1.090 GB | 32 | 0.000 || store_sales | 11.713 GB | 960 | 0.000 || time_dim | 1.087 MB | 12 | 0.000 || warehouse | 4.999 KB | 1 | 0.000 || web_page | 38.753 KB | 1 | 0.000 || web_returns | 350.227 MB | 32 | 0.000 || web_sales | 4.645 GB | 960 | 0.000 || web_site | 11.185 KB | 1 | 0.000 || Total | 28.750 GB | 3096 | 0.000 || Quota | 1024.000 TB | 1073741824 | || Left | 1023.972 TB | 1073738728 | || Transaction Quota | 1000 | 1000 | |+------------------------+-------------+--------------+------------+29 rows in set (0.02 sec)
# bash bin/run-tpcds-queries.sh -s 100