tencent cloud


Bucket Configuration

Last updated: 2024-01-31 16:44:15


    The bucket configuration page of CI contains Basic Info, Bucket Tag, 4xx Image Setting, and Original Image Protection.
    CI is a COS-based data processing service. You can modify bucket configurations, such as the following, in the COS console as instructed in the corresponding documents:

    Basic Information

    Basic Info displays information about the bucket, including the bucket name, bucket ID, region, and its creation time.


    1. Log in to the CI console, click Bucket Management on the left sidebar, and click the desired bucket to go to the bucket management page.
    2. Click the Bucket Configuration tab on the left. In this way, you can find the Basic Info of the selected bucket on the right.

    Bucket Tag

    The tagging feature allows you to manage buckets in categories. In Bucket Tag, you can add tags for your buckets and view the configured tags.


    1. Log in to the CI console, click Bucket Management on the left sidebar, and click the desired bucket to go to the bucket management page.
    2. Click the Bucket Configuration tab on the left and find Bucket Tag on the right. The configuration items are described as follows:
    Tag Key: It is case-sensitive, supporting Chinese characters, uppercase/lowercase letters, digits, and special characters (+, -, _, =, /, ., :, @).
    Tag Value: It is case-sensitive, supporting Chinese characters, uppercase/lowercase letters, digits, and special characters (+, -, _, =, /, ., :, @).
    3. Click Save.

    4xx Image Setting

    4xx Image Setting is used to configure the content returned for HTTP status codes 4xx. The returned content types include system image, return code, and custom image.
    Display Type
    Returned Content
    System image
    200 status code + corresponding image
    Return code
    HTTP status code
    Custom image
    200 status code + corresponding image


    1. Log in to the CI console, click Bucket Management on the left sidebar, and click the desired bucket to go to the bucket management page.
    2. Click Bucket Configuration on the left and find 4xx Image Setting on the right.
    3. Click Edit and select a display type as needed.
    System Image: Returns an image with the text "Not available now" or "Accessing failed: The image may be illegal" for 403, 404, and 451 error codes accordingly.
    Return Code: Returns the HTTP status code.
    Custom Image: If selected, you need to upload three JPG images smaller than 20 KB as the returned images for 403, 404, and 451 status codes, respectively.
    4. Click Save.

    Original Image Protection

    CI provides the original image protection service to protect source files from being requested by malicious users. Original image protection needs to be used together with CI's style feature. For more information about the style feature, please see Style Setting. After original image protection is enabled, image files in the bucket can only be accessed at style URLs.
    Suppose the original image URL is http://examplebucket-1250000000.picsh.myqcloud.com/picture.jpg and the style1 style has been set for the examplebucket-1250000000 bucket. Once the original image protection feature is enabled, the image can be accessed only at http://examplebucket-1250000000.picsh.myqcloud.com/picture.jpg?style1 but not the original image URL.
    The original image protection feature supports only CI domain names, such as examplebucket-1250000000.picsh.myqcloud.com.
    This feature is usually suitable for scenarios such as original image resource hotlink protection and business anti-cheating. For example, you can save the watermark parameters as a style and enable original image protection, then the image files in the corresponding bucket can be accessed only at the URLs with the watermark style.
    You can also call the Enabling Origin Protection API to enable original image protection.


    1. Log in to the CI console, click Bucket Management on the left sidebar, and click the desired bucket to go to the bucket management page.
    2. Click Bucket Configuration on the left and find Original Image Protection on the right.
    3. Click Edit, change Status to Enabled, and select Image Type. * indicates enabling original image protection for all image types.
    4. Click Save.
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