API | Operation | Description |
Querying a speech recognition queue | Queries a speech recognition queue | Querying a speech recognition queue |
Updating a speech recognition queue | Updates a speech recognition queue | Updating a speech recognition queue |
) is used to query a speech recognition queue.def ci_get_asr_queue(self, Bucket, State='All', QueueIds='', PageNumber='', PageSize='', **kwargs):
def ci_get_asr_queue():# Query a speech recognition queueresponse = client.ci_get_asr_queue(Bucket=bucket_name,PageNumber=1,PageSize=1,)print(response)return response
Parameter | Description | Type |
Bucket | Bucket of the queue. | String |
QueueIds | Queue ID. If you enter multiple IDs, separate them by comma. | String |
State | 1. Active: Jobs in the queue will be scheduled and executed by the file preview service. 2. Paused: The queue is paused, and jobs in it will no longer be scheduled and executed. All jobs in the queue will remain in the Paused status, while jobs being executed will continue without being affected. | String |
PageNumber | Page number. | int |
PageSize | Number of entries per page. | int |
{'TotalCount': '1','RequestId': 'NjMyMWExY2RfMTIwNjxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx','PageNumber': '1','PageSize': '1','QueueList': [{'QueueId': 'p4bdf22746bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx','Name': 'speech-queue','State': 'Active','NotifyConfig': {'Url': 'http://www.demo.callback.com','Event': 'TaskFinish','Type': 'Url','State': 'On','ResultFormat': 'JSON','MqMode': None,'MqName': None,'MqRegion': None},'MaxSize': '10000','MaxConcurrent': '10','CreateTime': '2022-08-11T14:42:01+0800','UpdateTime': '2022-09-14T11:18:08+0800','BucketId': 'test-125xxxxxxxxxx','Category': 'Speeching'}]}
Parameter | Description | Type |
RequestId | Unique ID of the request | String |
TotalCount | Total number of queues | Int |
PageNumber | Current page number, which is the same as pageNumber in the request. | Int |
PageSize | Number of entries per page, which is the same as pageSize in the request. | Int |
QueueList | Queue array | Container |
NonExistPIDs | List of IDs of non-existent queues | String array |
QueueId | Queue ID | String |
Name | Queue name | String |
State | Current status: Active or Paused . | String |
NotifyConfig | Callback configuration | Container |
MaxSize | Maximum length of the queue | Int |
MaxConcurrent | Maximum number of concurrent jobs in the current queue | Int |
UpdateTime | Update time | String |
CreateTime | Creation time | String |
Url | Callback address | String |
State | Switch status: On or Off . | String |
Type | Callback type: Url . | String |
Event | The event that triggers the callback | String |
) is used to update a speech recognition queue.def ci_update_asr_queue(self, Bucket, QueueId, Request={}, **kwargs):
def ci_put_asr_queue():# Update a speech recognition queuebody = {'Name': 'speech-queue','QueueID': 'p4bdf22xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf1','State': 'Active','NotifyConfig': {'Type': 'Url','Url': 'http://www.demo.callback.com','Event': 'TaskFinish','State': 'On','ResultFormat': 'JSON'}}response = client.ci_update_asr_queue(Bucket=bucket_name,QueueId='p4bdf22xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf1',Request=body,ContentType='application/xml')print(response)return response
Parameter | Description | Type |
Bucket | Bucket name | String |
Name | Queue name | String |
QueueID | Queue ID | String |
Request | Request body of the updated queue configuration | String |
{'RequestId': 'NjMyMWEzMTFfZWMxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx','Queue': [{'QueueId': 'p4bdf22746b0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx','Name': 'speech-queue','State': 'Active','NotifyConfig': {'Url': 'http://www.demo.callback.com','Event': 'TaskFinish','Type': 'Url','State': 'On','ResultFormat':'JSON','MqMode': None,'MqName': None,'MqRegion': None},'MaxSize': '10000','MaxConcurrent': '10','CreateTime': '2022-08-11T14:42:01+0800','UpdateTime': '2022-09-14T11:18:08+0800','BucketId': 'test-125xxxxxxxxxxx','Category': 'Speeching'}]}
Parameter | Description | Type |
RequestId | Unique ID of the request | dict |
Queue | dict |
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