API | Operation | Description |
Creates a template | Creating a template | |
Deleting automatic speech recognition template | Deletes a template | Deleting a template |
Queries templates | Querying the list of templates. | |
Modifies a template | Modifying a template |
def ci_create_asr_template(self, Bucket, Name, EngineModelType, ChannelNum,ResTextFormat, FilterDirty=0, FilterModal=0, ConvertNumMode=0, SpeakerDiarization=0,SpeakerNumber=0, FilterPunc=0, OutputFileType='txt', **kwargs)
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required |
Bucket | Bucket name | String | Yes |
Name | Template name, which can contain letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and asterisks (*). | String | Yes |
EngineModelType | Engine model type, divided into phone call and non-phone call scenarios. Phone call scenarios: 8k_zh: 8 kHz, for Mandarin in general scenarios (available for dual-channel audio). 8k_zh_s: 8 kHz, for Mandarin with speaker separation (available for mono-channel audio only). 8k_en: 8 kHz, for English.
Non-phone call scenarios: 16k_zh: 16 kHz, for Mandarin in general scenarios. 16k_zh_video: 16 kHz, for audio/video scenarios. 16k_en: 16 kHz, for English. 16k_ca: 16 kHz, for Cantonese. 16k_ja: 16 kHz, for Japanese. 16k_zh_edu: For Mandarin in education scenarios. 16k_en_edu: For English in education scenarios. 16k_zh_medical: For healthcare scenarios. 16k_th: For Thai. 16k_zh_dialect: Multi-dialect, for up to 23 dialects. | String | Yes |
ChannelNum | Number of sound channels: 1: Mono. If EngineModelType is not the phone call scenario, only mono channel is supported. 2: Dual (for the 8k_zh engine only, where the two channels correspond to the caller and callee respectively). | int | No |
ResTextFormat | Format of the returned recognition result. 0: Recognition result text, including the list of segment timestamps. 1: Detailed word-level recognition result, excluding punctuation marks but including the speech speed value (the list of word timestamps, generally used to generate subtitles). 2: Detailed word-level recognition result, including punctuation marks and the speech speed value. | int | Yes |
FilterDirty | Whether to filter restricted words (for the Mandarin engine only). 0: Does not filter. 1: Filters. 2: Replaces restricted words with *. Default value: 0. | int | No |
FilterModal | Whether to filter modal particles (for the Mandarin engine only). 0: Does not filter. 1: Filters partially. 2: Filters strictly. Default value: 0. | int | No |
ConvertNumMode | Whether to intelligently convert Chinese numbers to Arabic numerals (for the Mandarin engine only): 0: Directly outputs Chinese numbers. 1: Intelligently converts based on the scenario. 3: Enables mathematic number conversion. Default value: 0. | int | No |
SpeakerDiarization | Whether to enable speaker separation: 0: No. 1: Yes (for mono-channel audios with the 8k_zh, 16k_zh, or 16k_zh_video engine only). Default value: 0. Note: In the 8 kHz phone call scenario, we recommend you use dual channels to distinguish between the caller and callee by setting ChannelNum=2, so you don't need to enable speaker separation. | int | No |
SpeakerNumber | Number of speakers to be separated (with speaker separation enabled). Value range: 0–10. 0: Automatic separation (currently only for six or fewer people only). 1–10: Specified number of speakers to be separated. Default value: 0. | int | No |
FilterPunc | Whether to filter punctuation marks (currently for the Mandarin engine only): 0: Does not filter. 1: Filters the punctuation mark at the end of the sentence. 2: Filters all punctuation marks. Default value: 0. | int | No |
OutputFileType | Output file type. Valid values: txt (default), srt. | String | No |
def ci_create_asr_template():# Create a speech recognition templateresponse = client.ci_create_asr_template(Bucket=bucket_name,Name='templateName',EngineModelType='16k_zh',ChannelNum=1,ResTextFormat=2,)print(response)return response
{'RequestId': 'NjMyMjliMWZfZWM0YTYyNjRfNWNmNF8xMDBh','Template': {'TemplateId': 't1c1287c04c147443da0b2cc7b8fbabf32','Name': 'templateName','State': 'Normal','Tag': 'SpeechRecognition','CreateTime': '2022-09-15T11:25:19+0800','UpdateTime': '2022-09-15T11:25:19+0800','BucketId': 'testpic-1253960454','Category': 'Custom','SpeechRecognition': {'EngineModelType': '16k_zh','ChannelNum': '1','ResTextFormat': '2','FilterDirty': '0','FilterModal': '0','ConvertNumMode': '0','SpeakerDiarization': '0','SpeakerNumber': '0','FilterPunc': '0','OutputFileType': 'txt'}}}
def ci_delete_asr_template(self, Bucket, TemplateId, **kwargs)
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
Bucket | String | Yes | |
TemplateId | ID of the template to be canceled | String | Yes |
def ci_delete_asr_template():# Delete the specified speech recognition templateresponse = client.ci_delete_asr_template(Bucket=bucket_name,TemplateId='t1bdxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx94a9',)print(response)return response
{'RequestId': 'NjMyMjlkZmRfZWM0YTYyNjRfNWNmNF8xMDBi','TemplateId': 't1c1287c04c147443da0b2cc7b8fbabf32'}
def ci_get_asr_template(self, Bucket, Category='Custom', Ids='', Name='', PageNumber=1, PageSize=10, **kwargs)
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
Bucket | String | Yes | |
Category | Template category: Custom or Official . Default value: Custom . | String | No |
Ids | Template ID. If you enter multiple IDs, separate them by comma. | String | No |
Name | Template name prefix | String | No |
PageNumber | Page number | Integer | No |
PageSize | Number of entries per page | Integer | No |
def ci_get_asr_template():# Get the information of speech recognition templatesresponse = client.ci_get_asr_template(Bucket=bucket_name,)print(response)return response
{'TotalCount': '1','RequestId': 'NjMyMjljNTlfMTIwNjUzMDlfMmUzYV8xMWNh','PageNumber': '1','PageSize': '10','TemplateList': [{'TemplateId': 't1c1287c04c147443da0b2cc7b8fbabf32','Name': 'templateName','State': 'Normal','Tag': 'SpeechRecognition','CreateTime': '2022-09-15T11:25:19+0800','UpdateTime': '2022-09-15T11:25:19+0800','BucketId': 'testpic-1253960454','Category': 'Custom','SpeechRecognition': {'EngineModelType': '16k_zh','ChannelNum': '1','ResTextFormat': '2','FilterDirty': '0','FilterModal': '0','ConvertNumMode': '0','SpeakerDiarization': '0','SpeakerNumber': '0','FilterPunc': '0','OutputFileType': 'txt'}}]}
def ci_update_asr_template(self, Bucket, TemplateId, Name, EngineModelType, ChannelNum,ResTextFormat, FilterDirty=0, FilterModal=0, ConvertNumMode=0, SpeakerDiarization=0,SpeakerNumber=0, FilterPunc=0, OutputFileType='txt', **kwargs)
Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required |
bucketName | String | Yes | |
templateId | ID of the template to be modified | String | Yes |
def ci_update_asr_template():# Modify a speech recognition templateresponse = client.ci_update_asr_template(Bucket=bucket_name,TemplateId='t1bdxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx94a9',Name='QueueId1',EngineModelType='16k_zh',ChannelNum=1,ResTextFormat=1,)print(response)return response
{'RequestId': 'NjMyMjlkNzhfMTIwNjUzMDlfMmUxZF8xMGM4','Template': {'TemplateId': 't1c1287c04c147443da0b2cc7b8fbabf32','Name': 'QueueId1','State': 'Normal','Tag': 'SpeechRecognition','CreateTime': '2022-09-15T11:25:19+0800','UpdateTime': '2022-09-15T11:35:20+0800','BucketId': 'testpic-1253960454','Category': 'Custom','SpeechRecognition': {'EngineModelType': '16k_zh','ChannelNum': '1','ResTextFormat': '1','FilterDirty': '0','FilterModal': '0','ConvertNumMode': '0','SpeakerDiarization': '0','SpeakerNumber': '0','FilterPunc': '0','OutputFileType': 'txt'}}}
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