API | Operation | Description |
Submitting a speech recognition job | Submits a speech recognition job | Submiting a speech recognition job. |
Querying the specified speech recognition job | Queries the specified speech recognition job | Querying the specified speech recognition job. |
Pulling eligible speech recognition jobs | Pulls eligible speech recognition jobs | Pulling speech recognition jobs that meet specified conditions. |
) is used to submit a speech recognition job.def ci_create_asr_job(self, Bucket, QueueId, InputObject, OutputBucket, OutputRegion, OutputObject, TemplateId=None,SpeechRecognition=None, CallBack=None, CallBackFormat=None, CallBackType=None, CallBackMqConfig=None, **kwargs)
def ci_create_asr_jobs():# Create an async speech recognition job (with a template)response = client.ci_create_asr_job(Bucket=bucket_name,QueueId='s0980xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxff12',TemplateId='t1ada6f282d29742dxxxxxxxxxxxxx',InputObject='normal.mp4',OutputBucket=bucket_name,OutputRegion='ap-chongqing',OutputObject='result.txt',)print(response)return responsedef ci_create_asr_jobs():# Create an async speech recognition job (with parameters)body = {'EngineModelType': '16k_zh','ChannelNum': '1','ResTextFormat': '1',}response = client.ci_create_asr_job(Bucket=bucket_name,QueueId='s0980xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxff12',InputObject='normal.mp4',OutputBucket=bucket_name,OutputRegion='ap-chongqing',OutputObject='result.txt',SpeechRecognition=body)print(response)return response
Parameter | Description | Type |
Bucket | Bucket of the object | String |
QueueId | ID of the queue which the job is in | String |
InputObject | The object to be processed | Container |
OutputRegion | Bucket region | String |
OutputBucket | Result storage bucket | String |
OutputObject | Output file path | String |
TemplateId | Template ID | String |
SpeechRecognition | Speech recognition parameter. For more information, see SpeechRecognition in Submitting Speech Recognition Job. | dict |
CallBack | Job callback address, which has a higher priority than that of the queue. If it is set to no , no callbacks will be generated at the callback address of the queue. | string |
CallBackFormat | Job callback format, which can be JSON or XML (default). It has a higher priority than that of the queue. | string |
CallBackType | Job callback type, which can be Url (default) or TDMQ . It has a higher priority than that of the queue. | string |
CallBackMqConfig | TDMQ configuration for job callback as described in Structure, which is required if CallBackType is TDMQ . | dict |
{'JobsDetail': {'Code': 'Success','CreationTime': '2022-09-14T22:31:38+0800','EndTime': '-','Input': {'BucketId': 'test-12539xxxxx', 'Object': 'normal.mp4', 'Region': 'ap-chongqing'},'JobId': 'sf1398ed0343911eda6d733209028ff12','Message': None,'Operation': {'JobLevel': '0','Output': {'Bucket': 'test-12539xxxxx', 'Object': 'result.txt', 'Region': 'ap-chongqing'},'TemplateId': 't1ada6f282d29742db83244e085exxxxxx','TemplateName': 'name'},'QueueId': 'p7369ebcf8f93414c8250c966xxxxxxxx','StartTime': '-','State': 'Submitted','Tag': 'SpeechRecognition'}}
Parameter | Description | Type |
JobsDetail | Job details | Container |
Code | Error code, which will be returned only if State is Failed . | String |
Message | Error message, which will be returned only if State is Failed . | String |
JobId | Job ID | String |
Tag | Job tag: DocProcess | String |
State | Job status. Valid values: Submitted , Running , Success , Failed , Pause , Cancel . | String |
CreationTime | Job creation time | String |
QueueId | ID of the queue which the job is in | String |
Input | Input file path of the job | Container |
Operation | Operation rule | Container |
) is used to query a specified speech recognition job.def ci_get_asr_job(self, Bucket, JobID, **kwargs):
def ci_get_asr_jobs():# Get the information of a speech recognition jobresponse = client.ci_get_asr_job(Bucket=bucket_name,JobID='s18a9xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxff1aa',)print(response)return response
Parameter | Description | Type |
Bucket | Bucket of the object | String |
JobID | Speech recognition job ID | String |
{'JobsDetail': [{'Code': 'Success','CreationTime': '2022-09-14T22:36:51+0800','EndTime': '2022-09-14T22:37:01+0800','Input': {'BucketId': 'testpic-1253960454', 'Object': 'gaobai.mp4', 'Region': 'ap-chongqing'},'JobId': 'sabfb88d6343a11ed8c375fe3d77ef1d7','Message': None,'Operation': {'JobLevel': '0','Output': {'Bucket': 'testpic-1253960454', 'Object': 'result.txt', 'Region': 'ap-chongqing'},'SpeechRecognitionResult': {'AudioTime': '215.637','ObjectName': 'result.txt','Result': '[0:0.160,1:0.640] Test test\\n', 'ResultDetail': None},'TemplateId': 't1ada6f282d29742db83244e085e920b08','TemplateName': 'name'},'QueueId': 'p7369ebcf8f93414c8250c9663e1dff5a','StartTime': '2022-09-14T22:36:53+0800','State': 'Success','Tag': 'SpeechRecognition'}]}
Parameter | Description | Type |
JobsDetail | Job details, which is the same as Response.JobsDetail in the CreateSpeechRecognitionJobs API. | Container |
NonExistJobIds | List of non-existing job IDs queried. If all jobs exist, this node will not be returned. | String |
) is used to pull speech recognition jobs that meet specified conditions.def ci_list_asr_jobs(self, Bucket, QueueId, StartCreationTime=None, EndCreationTime=None, OrderByTime='Desc', States='All', Size=10, NextToken='', **kwargs):
def ci_list_asr_jobs():# Get the list of speech recognition jobsresponse = client.ci_list_asr_jobs(Bucket=bucket_name,QueueId='p4bdxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx57f1',Size=10,)print(response)return response
Parameter | Description | Type |
Bucket | Bucket of the job | String |
QueueId | ID of the queue from which jobs are pulled | String |
OrderByTime | Desc (default) or Asc | String |
NextToken | Context token for pagination | String |
Size | Maximum number of jobs that can be pulled. The default value is 10 . The maximum value is 100 . | Int |
States | Status of the jobs to pull. If you enter multiple job statuses, separate them by comma. Valid values: All (default), Submitted , Running , Success , Failed , Pause , Cancel . | String |
StartCreationTime | Start time of the time range for job pulling in the format of %Y-%m-%dT%H:%m:%S%z . | String |
EndCreationTime | End time of the time range for job pulling in the format of %Y-%m-%dT%H:%m:%S%z . | String |
{'JobsDetail': [{'Code': 'Success','CreationTime': '2022-09-14T22:36:51+0800','EndTime': '2022-09-14T22:37:01+0800','Input': {'BucketId': 'test-125396xxxx', 'Object': 'gaobai.mp4', 'Region': 'ap-chongqing'},'JobId': 'sabfb88d6343a11ed8c375fe3dxxxxxxx','Message': None,'Operation': {'JobLevel': '0','Output': {'Bucket': 'test-125396xxxx', 'Object': 'result.txt', 'Region': 'ap-chongqing'},'SpeechRecognitionResult': {'AudioTime': '215.637','ObjectName': 'result.txt','Result': '[0:0.160,1:0.640] Test test.\\n','ResultDetail': None},'TemplateId': 't1ada6f282d29742db83244e085xxxxxx','TemplateName': 'name'},'QueueId': 'p7369ebcf8f93414c8250c966xxxxxxx','StartTime': '2022-09-14T22:36:53+0800','State': 'Success','Tag': 'SpeechRecognition'}],'NextToken': '15966'}
Parameter | Description | Type |
JobsDetail | Job details, which is the same as Response.JobsDetail in the CreateSpeechRecognitionJobs API. | Container |
NextToken | Context token for pagination | String |
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