tencent cloud


Audio Noise Reduction

Last updated: 2024-01-31 16:33:35


    The audio noise reduction feature removes device noise, ambient noise, and other noises for an audio in course recording, outdoor shooting post-production, or other scenarios.
    The input file is a video file.

    Use Cases

    Post-optimization of online courses/conferences

    Noise reduction and gain processing are performed on an audio recorded in unfavorable environment or by an unfavorable device, so that the audio information in the course can be accurately transmitted.

    UGC creation

    Audio noise is removed and the accuracy of speech recognition is improved to reduce the amount of automatic subtitle modification and optimize the audio quality of the finished content.

    How to Use

    You can use the audio noise reduction feature through jobs or workflows.

    Through job

    You can create an audio noise reduction job through the console or API for existing data stored in COS.
    API: You can create an audio noise reduction job through API as instructed in Submitting Audio Noise Reduction Job in the API documentation.
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