This document describes how to load online and local TPG images.
Installing TPG SDK
implementation 'com.qcloud.cos:tpg:1.3.2'
The .so libraries will be included automatically. We recommend you use the "abiFilter" configuration of the NDK in the module's build.gradle
file to set the .so library frameworks that are supported.
defaultConfig {
ndk {
// Set the .so library frameworks that are supported
abiFilters 'armeabi' //, 'x86', 'armeabi-v7a', 'x86_64', 'arm64-v8a'
Option 1. Loading online TPG image
1. Integrate the CI SDK.
implementation 'com.qcloud.cos:cloud-infinite:1.2.1'
2. Build a link requesting TPG images in the CI SDK, and then use it with Glide to load online TPG images.
// Instantiate `CloudInfinite` to build an image request link;
CloudInfinite cloudInfinite = new CloudInfinite();
// Perform transformation according to the basic feature options of CI you select;
CITransformation transform = new CITransformation();
transform.format(CIImageFormat.TPG, CIImageLoadOptions.LoadTypeUrlFooter);
// Build the image `CIImageLoadRequest`
CIImageLoadRequest request = cloudInfinite.requestWithBaseUrlSync(url, transform);
Option 2. Loading local TPG image
You can use the TPG format for the application's built-in resources, such as assets, drawable, and raw can reduce the size of the installation package.
// Load TPG images in `Assets`
TpgImageLoader.displayWithAssets(imageview, assetsName);
// Load TPG images in `Resource`
TpgImageLoader.displayWithResource(imageview, R.drawable.tpg);
// Load TPG images in local files
TpgImageLoader.displayWithFileUri(imageview, fileUri);
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