tencent cloud


File Moderation

Last updated: 2024-02-29 16:13:43


    This document describes how to use the content moderation feature provided by Cloud Infinite (CI). CI fully integrates the processing capabilities with the COS SDK.
    To use the content moderation service, you need to have the permission to use CI:
    For root accounts, click here for role authorization.
    This document provides an overview of APIs and SDK code samples for file moderation.
    Submits file moderation job.
    Queries the result of specified file moderation job.

    Submitting File Moderation Job

    Feature description

    This API is used to submit a file moderation job.

    Method prototype

    CosResult CosAPI::CreateDocumentAuditingJob(const CreateDocumentAuditingJobReq& req, CreateDocumentAuditingJobResp* resp);

    Sample request

    qcloud_cos::CosConfig config("./config.json");
    qcloud_cos::CosAPI cos(config);
    std::string bucket_name = "examplebucket-1250000000";
    std::string object_name = "test.docx";
    CreateDocumentAuditingJobReq req(bucket_name);
    CreateDocumentAuditingJobResp resp;
    // Add request parameters as detailed in the API documentation
    // req.SetDetectType("Porn,Ads");
    // Call the API to get the job response object
    CosResult result = cos.CreateDocumentAuditingJob(req, &resp);
    if (result.IsSucc()) {
    // If the moderation job is created successfully, you can call the member functions of `CreateDocumentAuditingJobResp`.
    } else {
    // If the moderation job failed to be created, you can call the member functions of `CosResult` to output the error message.

    Parameter description

    CreateDocumentAuditing operation request
    CreateDocumentAuditing operation response
    CreateDocumentAuditingJobReq provides the following member functions:
    // Set the bucket for performing the operation
    void SetBucketName(const std::string& bucket_name);
    // Set the input video to be moderated
    void SetInput(const AuditingInput& input);
    // Set moderation configuration rules
    void SetConf(const Conf& conf);
    // conf
    // Unique identifier of the moderation policy. You can configure the scenes you want to moderate on the moderation policy page in the console, such as porn, adverting, and illegal information. For configuration guides, see [Setting Moderation Policy](https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/52095).
    // You can get `BizType` in the console. If `BizType` is specified, the moderation request will perform moderation based on the scenes configured in the moderation policy.
    void SetBizType(const std::string& biz_type);
    // The scene to be moderated, such as `Porn` (pornography) and `Ads` (advertising). You can pass in multiple types and separate them by comma, such as `Porn,Ads`. If you need to moderate more scenes, use the `BizType` parameter.
    void SetDetectType(const std::string& detect_type);
    // Callback address, which must start with `http://` or `https://`.
    void SetCallBack(const std::string& callback);
    // input
    // Name of the file stored in the COS bucket; for example, if the file is `test.doc` in the `test` directory, then the filename is `test/test.doc`. Either `Object` or `Url` can be selected at a time.
    void SetObject(const std::string& object);
    // Full URL of the file, such as `http://www.example.com/doctest.doc`. Either `Object` or `Url` can be selected at a time.
    void SetUrl(const std::string& url);
    // This field will return the original content in the moderation result, which can contain up to 512 bytes. You can use this field to uniquely identify the data to be moderated in your business.
    void SetDataId(const std::string& data_id);
    // Business field.
    void SetUserInfo(const UserInfo& user_info);
    // File type. If this parameter is not specified, the file extension will be used as the type by default.
    void SetType(const std::string& type);
    CreateDocumentAuditingJobResp provides the following member functions:
    // Get the job details returned by the API request
    DocumentAuditingJobsDetail GetJobsDetail();
    // Get the `RequestId` returned by the API
    std::string GetRequestId();

    Response description

    Success: The moderation job result in the XML content returned by the API will be parsed into the DocumentAuditingJobsDetail structure. For specific response parameters, see Submitting File Moderation Job.
    Failure: If an error (for example, the bucket does not exist) occurs, the error message will be parsed into the CosResult structure. For more information, see Troubleshooting.

    Querying File Moderation Job Result

    Feature description

    This API is used to query the status and result of a file moderation job.

    Method prototype

    CosResult DescribeDocumentAuditingJob(const DescribeDocumentAuditingJobReq& req, DescribeDocumentAuditingJobResp* resp);

    Sample request

    qcloud_cos::CosConfig config("./config.json");
    qcloud_cos::CosAPI cos(config);
    std::string bucket_name = "examplebucket-1250000000";
    DescribeDocumentAuditingJobReq req(bucket_name);
    DescribeDocumentAuditingJobResp resp;
    // Add request parameters as detailed in the API documentation
    // Call the API to get the job response object
    CosResult result = cos.DescribeDocumentAuditingJob(req, &resp);
    if (result.IsSucc()) {
    // If the moderation job is queried successfully, you can call the member functions of `DescribeDocumentAuditingJobResp`.
    } else {
    // If the moderation job failed to be queried, you can call the member functions of `CosResult` to output the error message.

    Parameter description

    DescribeDocumentAuditingJob operation request
    DescribeDocumentAuditingJob operation response
    DescribeDocumentAuditingJobReq provides the following member functions:
    // Set the bucket for performing the operation
    void SetBucketName(const std::string& bucket_name);
    // Set the ID of the moderation job to be queried
    void SetJobId(const std::string& job_id);
    DescribeDocumentAuditingJobResp provides the following member functions:
    // Get the job details returned by the API request
    DocumentAuditingJobsDetail GetJobsDetail();
    // Get the `RequestId` returned by the API
    std::string GetRequestId();

    Response description

    Success: The moderation job result in the XML content returned by the API will be parsed into the DocumentAuditingJobsDetail structure. For specific response parameters, see Querying File Moderation Job Result.
    Failure: If an error (for example, the bucket does not exist) occurs, the error message will be parsed into the CosResult structure. For more information, see Troubleshooting.
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