API | Operation | Description |
Querying file information | Queries media file information |
media bucket unbinded, bucket's host is unavailable
will be reported. For more information, see Enabling Media Processing.def get_media_info(Bucket, Key, **kwargs)
response = client.get_media_info(Bucket=bucket_name,Key='demo.mp4')print(response)
Parameter | Description | Required | Type |
Bucket | Yes | String | |
Key | Object key, which is the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. | Yes | String |
{'MediaInfo': [{'Format': {'Bitrate': '16869.432000','Duration': '129.200000','FormatLongName': 'QuickTime / MOV','FormatName': 'mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2','NumProgram': '0','NumStream': '2','Size': '272441346','StartTime': '0.000000'},'Stream': {'Audio': {'Bitrate': '125.712000','Channel': '2','ChannelLayout': 'stereo','CodecLongName': 'AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)','CodecName': 'aac','CodecTag': '0x6134706d','CodecTagString': 'mp4a','CodecTimeBase': '1/44100','Duration': '129.160998','Index': '0','Language': 'und','SampleFmt': 'fltp','SampleRate': '44100','StartTime': '0.000000','Timebase': '1/44100'},'Subtitle': None,'Video': {'AvgFps': '30/1','Bitrate': '16738.543000','CodecLongName': 'H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10','CodecName': 'h264','CodecTag': '0x31637661','CodecTagString': 'avc1','CodecTimeBase': '1/600','Duration': '129.200000','Fps': '30.500000','HasBFrame': '1','Height': '1920','Index': '1','Language': 'und','Level': '40','NumFrames': '3876','PixFormat': 'yuvj420p','Profile': 'High','RefFrames': '1','Rotation': '0.000000','StartTime': '0.000000','Timebase': '1/600','Width': '1080'}}}]}
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type |
Stream | MediaInfo | Stream information. | dict |
Format | MediaInfo | Format information. | dict |
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type |
Video | MediaInfo.Stream | Video information. | dict |
Audio | MediaInfo.Stream | Audio information. | dict |
Subtitle | MediaInfo.Stream | Subtitles information. | dict |
has the following sub-nodes (certain nodes may not be returned during video information query):Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type |
NumStream | MediaInfo.Format | Number of streams (including videos, audios, and subtitles). | String |
NumProgram | MediaInfo.Format | Number of programs. | String |
FormatName | MediaInfo.Format | Container format name. | String |
FormatLongName | MediaInfo.Format | Detailed name of the container format. | String |
StartTime | MediaInfo.Format | Start time in seconds. | String |
Duration | MediaInfo.Format | Duration in seconds. | String |
Bitrate | MediaInfo.Format | Bitrate in Kbps. | String |
Size | MediaInfo.Format | Size in bytes. | String |
has the following sub-nodes (certain nodes may not be returned during video information query):Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type |
Index | MediaInfo.Stream.Video | Stream number. | String |
CodecName | MediaInfo.Stream.Video | Codec format name. | String |
CodecLongName | MediaInfo.Stream.Video | Detailed name of the codec format. | String |
CodecTimeBase | MediaInfo.Stream.Video | Codec timebase. | String |
CodecTagString | MediaInfo.Stream.Video | Codec tag name. | String |
CodecTag | MediaInfo.Stream.Video | Codec tag. | String |
Profile | MediaInfo.Stream.Video | Video codec profile. | String |
Height | MediaInfo.Stream.Video | Video height in px. | String |
Width | MediaInfo.Stream.Video | Video width in px. | String |
HasBFrame | MediaInfo.Stream.Video | Whether B-frames exist. 1: yes; 0: no. | String |
RefFrames | MediaInfo.Stream.Video | Number of reference frames for video codec. | String |
Sar | MediaInfo.Stream.Video | Sample aspect ratio. | String |
Dar | MediaInfo.Stream.Video | Display aspect ratio. | String |
PixFormat | MediaInfo.Stream.Video | Pixel format. | String |
FieldOrder | MediaInfo.Stream.Video | Field order. | String |
Level | MediaInfo.Stream.Video | Video codec level. | String |
Fps | MediaInfo.Stream.Video | Video frame rate. | String |
AvgFps | MediaInfo.Stream.Video | Average frame rate. | String |
Timebase | MediaInfo.Stream.Video | Timebase. | String |
StartTime | MediaInfo.Stream.Video | Video start time in seconds. | String |
Duration | MediaInfo.Stream.Video | Video duration in seconds. | String |
Bitrate | MediaInfo.Stream.Video | Bitrate in Kbps. | String |
NumFrames | MediaInfo.Stream.Video | Total number of frames. | String |
Language | MediaInfo.Stream.Video | Language. | String |
has the following sub-nodes (certain nodes may not be returned during video information query):Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type |
Index | MediaInfo.Stream.Audio | Stream number. | String |
CodecName | MediaInfo.Stream.Audio | Codec format name. | String |
CodecLongName | MediaInfo.Stream.Audio | Detailed name of the codec format. | String |
CodecTimeBase | MediaInfo.Stream.Audio | Codec timebase. | String |
CodecTagString | MediaInfo.Stream.Audio | Codec tag name. | String |
CodecTag | MediaInfo.Stream.Audio | Codec tag. | String |
SampleFmt | MediaInfo.Stream.Audio | Sample format. | String |
SampleRate | MediaInfo.Stream.Audio | Sample rate. | String |
Channel | MediaInfo.Stream.Audio | Number of channels. | String |
ChannelLayout | MediaInfo.Stream.Audio | Channel layout. | String |
Timebase | MediaInfo.Stream.Audio | Timebase. | String |
StartTime | MediaInfo.Stream.Audio | Audio start time in seconds. | String |
Duration | MediaInfo.Stream.Audio | Audio duration in seconds. | String |
Bitrate | MediaInfo.Stream.Audio | Bitrate in Kbps. | String |
Language | MediaInfo.Stream.Audio | Language. | String |
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type |
Index | MediaInfo.Stream.Subtitle | Stream number. | String |
Language | MediaInfo.Stream.Subtitle | Language. und indicates no query result. | String |
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