Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
ObjectPrefix | Object prefix | String | Yes | None |
QueueId | Queue ID | String | Yes | None |
PicProcessQueueId | Image processing queue ID | String | Yes if there is an image processing node | None |
SpeechRecognitionQueueId | Speech recognition queue ID | String | Yes if there is a speech recognition node | None |
AIProcessQueueId | AI processing queue ID | String | Yes if there is an AI-based recognition node | None |
NotifyConfig | Callback information. If none is specified, the queue callback information is used. | Container | No | None |
ExtFilter | Filename extension filter. | Container | No | None |
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Default Value | Constraints |
Url | Callback address | String | Yes | None | The callback address cannot be a private network address. |
Type | Callback type | String | Yes | None | Url: URL callback TDMQ: TDMQ message callback |
Event | Callback information | String | Yes | None | TaskFinish: Job completed WorkflowFinish: Workflow completed You can configure multiple events separated by comma. |
ResultFormat | Callback format | String | No | XML | XML JSON |
MqRegion | TDMQ region | String | No | None | |
MqMode | TDMQ mode | String | No | None | Yes if the callback type is TDMQ. Topic: Topic subscription Queue: Queue service |
MqName | TDMQ topic name | String | No | None | Yes if the callback type is TDMQ. |
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Default Value | Constraints |
State | Switch. | String | No | Off | On/Off |
Video | Require a video extension. | String | No | false | false/true |
Audio | Require an audio extension. | String | No | false | false/true |
Image | Require an image extension. | String | No | false | false/true |
ContentType | Require a content type. | String | No | false | false/true |
Custom | Require a custom extension. | String | No | false | false/true |
CustomExts | Custom extension. | String | No | None | Separate filename extensions by slash (/). Up to ten extensions are supported. If Custom is true , this parameter is required. |
AllFile | All files | String | No | false | false/true |
Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
Region | Bucket region | String | Yes | None |
Bucket | Bucket name | String | Yes | None |
Object | Result filename | String | Yes | If the workflow node type is Snapshot or SmartCover , and there are more than one result file, ${Number} $ must be included. If the workflow node type is Segment , Duration is specified, and Format is not HLS or m3u8 , ${Number} must be included. |
SpriteObject | Image sprite name | String | No | If the workflow node type is Snapshot and the image sprite feature is enabled, this field is required. |
AuObject | Voice result filename | String | No | If the workflow node type is VoiceSeparate and there is a voice output, this field is required. |
Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
TemplateId | Screenshot template ID | String | Yes | None |
Output | Output address | Yes | None |
Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
TemplateId | Video-to-animated image conversion template ID | String | Yes | None |
Output | Output address | Yes | None |
Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
TemplateId | Intelligent thumbnail template ID | String | No | None |
SmartCover | Intelligent thumbnail parameter | No | None | |
Output | Output address | Yes | None |
and SmartCover
can be left empty, in which case three thumbnails will be generated according to the original video size by default. If both of them are specified, TemplateId
will take effect.Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
TemplateId | Audio/Video transcoding template ID | String | No | None |
WatermarkTemplateId | Watermark template ID | String array | No | Up to three watermark template IDs are supported. |
RemoveWatermark | Watermark removal parameter | No | None | |
DigitalWatermark | Digital watermark parameter | No | None | |
Output | Output address | Yes | None | |
Input | Input configuration | Container | No | None |
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
SpeedTranscodingQueueId | Accelerated transcoding queue | String | No | None |
Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
TemplateId | Splicing template ID | String | Yes | None |
Output | Output address | Yes | None |
Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
TemplateId | Voice/Sound separation template ID | String | Yes | None |
Output | Output address | Yes | None |
Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
TemplateId | Video montage template ID | String | Yes | None |
Output | Output address | Yes | None |
Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
SDRtoHDR | SDR-to-HDR configuration | Container | Yes | None |
TranscodeTemplateId | Audio/Video transcoding template ID | String | Yes | None |
WatermarkTemplateId | Watermark template ID | String array | No | Up to three watermark template IDs are supported. |
Output | Output address | Yes | None |
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
HdrMode | HDR mode | String | Yes | HLG HDR10 |
Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
TemplateId | Video enhancement template ID | String | Yes | None |
TranscodeTemplateId | Audio/Video transcoding template ID | String | Yes | None |
WatermarkTemplateId | Watermark template ID | String array | No | Up to three watermark template IDs are supported. |
DigitalWatermark | Digital watermark parameter | No | None | |
Output | Output address | Yes | None |
Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
SCF | SCF function information | Container | Yes | None |
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
Region | Function region | String | Yes | None |
FunctionName | Function name | String | Yes | None |
Namespace | Namespace | String | No | None |
Alias | Function alias | String | No | None |
Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
TemplateId | Super resolution template ID | String | Yes | None |
TranscodeTemplateId | Audio/Video transcoding template ID | String | Yes | None |
WatermarkTemplateId | Watermark template ID | String array | No | Up to three watermark template IDs are supported. |
DigitalWatermark | Digital watermark parameter | No | None | |
Output | Output address | Yes | None |
Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
Segment | Audio/Video remuxing parameter | Container | Yes | None |
Output | Output address | Yes | None |
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
Format | Container format | String | Yes | aac, mp3, flac, mp4, ts, mkv, avi, hls, m3u8 |
Duration | Remuxing duration in seconds | String | No | The value must be an integer equal to or greater than 5. |
HlsEncrypt | HLS encryption configuration | Container | No | This parameter takes effect only when the container format is hls . For more information, see HlsEncrypt. |
Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
TemplateId | Image processing template ID | String | Yes | None |
Output | Output address | Yes | None |
Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
TemplateId | Text-to-speech template ID | String | Yes | None |
Output | Output address | Yes | None |
Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
Output | Output address | Yes | None | |
StreamPackConfig | Packaging configuration | Container | Yes | None |
Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
StreamPackConfig | Packaging configuration | Container | No | None |
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
PackType | Packaging type. Default value: HLS . | String | No | HLS/DASH |
IgnoreFailedStream | Whether to ignore the substream failed to be transcoded and continue packaging. Default value: true . | String | No | true/false |
Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
TemplateId | Audio/Video transcoding template ID | String | No | None |
WatermarkTemplateId | Watermark template ID | String array | No | Up to three watermark template IDs are supported. |
RemoveWatermark | Watermark removal parameter | No | None | |
Output | Output address | Yes | None |
Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
StreamPackInfo | Packaging rule | Container | No | None |
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
VideoStreamConfig | Video substream configuration | Container | No | None |
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
VideoStreamName | Video substream name | String | Yes | It must be consistent with the existing video node. |
BandWidth | Video substream bandwidth limit. Unit: b/s. Value range: [0, 2000000000], where 0 indicates no limit. | String | No | The value must be equal to or greater than 0. The default value is 0 . |
Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Default Value | Constraints |
AudioSource | Address of the audio track file to be mixed | String | Yes | None | It must be stored in the same bucket as the input media file. |
MixMode | Audio mix mode | String | No | Repeat | Repeat: Repeats the background sound Once: Plays back the background sound once |
Replace | Whether to replace the original audio of the input media file with the mixed audio track | String | No | false | true/false |
EffectConfig | Audio mix transition configuration | Container | No | false | None |
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Default Value | Constraints |
EnableStartFadein | Enables fade-in | String | No | false | true/false |
StartFadeinTime | Fade-in duration | String | No | None | A floating point number above 0 |
EnableEndFadeout | Enables fade-out | String | No | false | true/false |
EndFadeoutTime | Fade-out duration | String | No | None | A floating point number above 0 |
EnableBgmFade | Enables fade-in for background music transition | String | No | false | true/false |
BgmFadeTime | Fade-in duration for background music transition | String | No | None | A floating point number above 0 |
Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required |
MqRegion | Message queue region. Valid values: sh (Shanghai), bj (Beijing), gz (Guangzhou), cd (Chengdu), hk (Hong Kong, China). | String | Yes |
MqMode | Message queue mode. Default value: Queue . Topic : Topic subscription Queue : Queue service | String | Yes |
MqName | TDMQ topic name | String | Yes |
Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
Message | The watermark information embedded by the digital watermark | String | Yes | It can contain up to 64 letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and asterisks (*). |
Type | Digital watermark type | String | Yes | It currently can be set to Text only. |
Version | Digital watermark version | String | Yes | It currently can be set to V1 only. |
IgnoreError | Whether to ignore the watermarking failure and continue the job. | String | Yes | Valid values: true , false . |
State | Whether the watermark is added successfully. Valid values: Running , Success , Failed . | string | No | This field cannot be set actively; instead, it will be returned after the job is submitted successfully. |
Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Default Value | Constraints |
IsEncrypt | Whether to enable DASH encryption | String | No | false | true/false |
UriKey | DASH encryption key | String | No | None | This parameter will take effect only when IsEncrypt is true . |
Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Default Value | Constraints |
IsEncrypt | Whether to enable HLS encryption | String | No | false | true/false |
UriKey | HLS encryption key | String | No | None | This parameter will take effect only when IsEncrypt is true . |
Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Constraints |
Dx | X-axis offset of the top-left corner origin | String | Yes | Value range: [0, 4096] Unit: px |
Dy | Y-axis offset of the top-left corner origin | String | Yes | Value range: [0, 4096] Unit: px |
Width | Watermark width | String | Yes | Value range: (0, 4096] Unit: px |
Height | Watermark height | String | Yes | Value range: (0, 4096] Unit: px |
Node Name (Keyword) | Description | Type | Required | Default Value | Constraints |
Format | Image format | String | No | jpg | jpg, png, webp |
Width | Width | String | No | Original video width | Value range: [128, 4096] Unit: px If only Width is set, Height is calculated based on the original video aspect ratio. |
Height | Height | String | No | Original video height | Value range: [128, 4096] Unit: px If only Height is set, Width is calculated based on the original video aspect ratio. |
Count | Number of screenshots | String | No | 3 | [1,10] |
DeleteDuplicates | Whether to deduplicate thumbnails. | String | No | false | true/false |
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