API | Description |
Submits video moderation job. | |
Queries the result of specified video moderation job. |
cos_status_t *ci_create_video_auditing_job(const cos_request_options_t *options,const cos_string_t *bucket,const ci_video_auditing_job_options_t *job_options,cos_table_t *headers,cos_table_t **resp_headers,ci_video_auditing_job_result_t **job_result);
Parameter | Description | Type |
options | COS request options | Struct |
bucket | Bucket name in the format of BucketName-APPID . The bucket name entered here must be in this format. | String |
job_options | Parameter configuration of the submitted video moderation job | Struct |
input_object | Object name | String |
detect_type | The scene to be moderated, such as Porn (pornography) and Ads (advertising). You can pass in multiple types and separate them by comma, such as Porn,Ads . | String |
callback | Callback address, which must start with http:// or https:// . | String |
callback_version | Structure of the callback content. Valid values: Simple (the callback content contains basic information), Detail (the callback content contains detailed information). Default value: Simple . | String |
biz_type | Moderation policy. If this parameter is not specified, the default policy will be used. | String |
detect_content | Whether to moderate video sound. Valid values: 0 (moderates the video image only), 1 (moderates both the video image and video sound). Default value: 0 . | Integer |
snapshot | Video image moderation is implemented by taking a certain number of screenshots based on the video frame capturing capability and then moderating the screenshots one by one. This parameter is used to specify the configuration of video frame capturing. | Struct |
mode | Frame capturing mode. Valid values: Interval (interval mode), Average (average mode), Fps (fixed frame rate mode). Interval mode: The TimeInterval and Count parameters take effect. If Count is set but TimeInterval is not, all frames will be captured to generate a total of Count images. Average mode: The Count parameter takes effect, indicating to capture a total of Count images at an average interval in the entire video. Fps mode: TimeInterval indicates how many frames to capture per second, and Count indicates how many frames to capture in total. | String |
count | The number of captured frames. Value range: (0, 10000]. | Integer |
time_interval | Video frame capturing frequency. Value range: (0.000, 60.000] seconds. The value supports the float format, accurate to the millisecond. | Float |
headers | COS request headers | Struct |
resp_headers | Returned HTTP response headers | Struct |
job_result | Returned response to job submission | Struct |
job_id | ID of the video moderation job | String |
state | Status of the video moderation job. Valid values: Submitted , Snapshoting , Success , Failed , Auditing . | String |
creation_time | Creation time of the video moderation job. | String |
Returned Result | Description | Type |
code | Error code | Int |
error_code | Error code | String |
error_msg | Error message | String |
req_id | Request ID | String |
function in cos_demo.c
.#include "cos_http_io.h"#include "cos_api.h"#include "cos_log.h"#include <sys/stat.h>// CI endpoint. For more information, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/1045/33423.static char TEST_CI_ENDPOINT[] = "https://ci.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com";// A developer-owned secret ID/key used for the project. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID; //your secret_idstatic char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET; //your secret_key// A unique user-level resource identifier for COS access. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char TEST_APPID[] = "<APPID>"; //your appid// COS bucket name in the format of [bucket]-[appid], for example, `mybucket-1253666666`. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.static char TEST_BUCKET_NAME[] = "<bucketname-appid>";void log_status(cos_status_t *s){cos_warn_log("status->code: %d", s->code);if (s->error_code) cos_warn_log("status->error_code: %s", s->error_code);if (s->error_msg) cos_warn_log("status->error_msg: %s", s->error_msg);if (s->req_id) cos_warn_log("status->req_id: %s", s->req_id);}static void log_video_auditing_result(ci_video_auditing_job_result_t *result){cos_warn_log("jobid: %s", result->jobs_detail.job_id.data);cos_warn_log("state: %s", result->jobs_detail.state.data);cos_warn_log("creation_time: %s", result->jobs_detail.creation_time.data);}void test_ci_create_video_auditing(){cos_pool_t *p = NULL;int is_cname = 0;cos_status_t *s = NULL;cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;cos_string_t bucket;cos_table_t *resp_headers;ci_video_auditing_job_options_t *job_options;ci_video_auditing_job_result_t *job_result;// Basic configurationcos_pool_create(&p, NULL);options = cos_request_options_create(p);options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_CI_ENDPOINT); // https://ci.<Region>.myqcloud.comcos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);options->config->is_cname = is_cname;options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);// Replace with your configuration information. For more information, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/48249.job_options = ci_video_auditing_job_options_create(p);cos_str_set(&job_options->input_object, "test.mp4");cos_str_set(&job_options->job_conf.detect_type, "Porn,Ads");cos_str_set(&job_options->job_conf.callback_version, "Detail");job_options->job_conf.detect_content = 1;cos_str_set(&job_options->job_conf.snapshot.mode, "Interval");job_options->job_conf.snapshot.time_interval = 1.5;job_options->job_conf.snapshot.count = 10;// Submit a video moderation jobs = ci_create_video_auditing_job(options, &bucket, job_options, NULL, &resp_headers, &job_result);log_status(s);if (s->code == 200) {log_video_auditing_result(job_result);}// Terminate the memory poolcos_pool_destroy(p);}int main(int argc, char *argv[]){// Get `SECRETID` and `SECRETKEY` from environment variablesTEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID = getenv("COS_SECRETID");TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET = getenv("COS_SECRETKEY");if (cos_http_io_initialize(NULL, 0) != COSE_OK) {exit(1);}//set log level, default COS_LOG_WARNcos_log_set_level(COS_LOG_WARN);//set log output, default stderrcos_log_set_output(NULL);test_ci_create_video_auditing();cos_http_io_deinitialize();return 0;}
cos_status_t *ci_get_auditing_job(const cos_request_options_t *options,const cos_string_t *bucket,const cos_string_t *job_id,cos_table_t *headers,cos_table_t **resp_headers,ci_auditing_job_result_t **job_result);
Parameter | Description | Type |
options | COS request options | Struct |
bucket | Bucket name in the format of BucketName-APPID . The bucket name entered here must be in this format. | String |
job_id | ID of the video moderation job | String |
headers | COS request headers | Struct |
resp_headers | Returned HTTP response headers | Struct |
job_result | Returned response to job query | Struct |
nonexist_job_ids | List of non-existing job IDs queried. If all jobs exist, this node will not be returned. | String |
jobs_detail | Details of the video moderation job | Struct |
code | Error code, which will be returned only if State is Failed . | String |
message | Error message, which will be returned only if State is Failed . | String |
job_id | ID of the video moderation job | String |
state | Status of the video moderation job. Valid values: Submitted , Snapshoting , Success , Failed , Auditing . | String |
creation_time | Creation time of the video moderation job. | String |
object | Name of the video file to be moderated | String |
snapshot_count | Total number of video screenshot | String |
result | This field indicates the moderation result. You can perform subsequent operations based on the result. We recommend you handle different results based on your business needs. Valid values: 0 (normal), 1 (sensitive), and 2 (suspiciously sensitive, with human review recommended). | Integer |
porn_info | The moderation result of the pornographic information moderation scene. | Struct |
ads_info | The moderation result of the advertising information moderation scene. | Struct |
hit_flag | Whether the moderation type is hit. Valid values: 0 (miss), 1 (hit), and 2 (suspected). | Integer |
count | The number of screenshots that hit this moderation scene. | Integer |
snapshot_info_list | This field is used to return the screenshot moderation result of the video. Note: Each URL is valid for two hours. If you need to view the data after two hours, initiate a new query request. | Struct |
audio_section_info_list | This field is used to return the audio moderation result of the video. Note: Each URL is valid for two hours. If you need to view the data after two hours, initiate a new query request. | Struct |
structure descriptionParameter | Description | Type |
url | URL of the current video screenshot, at which you can view the screenshot. It must be a standard URL. | String |
snapshot_time | This field is used to return the time where the current screenshot is in the entire video in milliseconds, such as 5000 (i.e., 5000 milliseconds after the video starts). | Integer |
text | This field is used to return the OCR text recognition result of the current screenshot. It will be returned only if text content detection is enabled in the moderation policy. Up to 5,000 bytes can be recognized. | String |
porn_info | The moderation result of the pornographic information moderation scene. | Struct |
ads_info | The moderation result of the advertising information moderation scene. | Struct |
hit_flag | Whether the moderation type is hit. Valid values: 0 (miss), 1 (hit), and 2 (suspected). | Integer |
score | The confidence the moderation result hits the moderation scene. Value range: 0–100. The higher the value, the more likely the content hits the currently returned moderation scene. For example, Porn 99 means that the content is very likely to be pornographic. | Integer |
label | This field indicates the result tag of the screenshot, which may be SubLabel , a person name, etc. It is a reserved field for compatibility with legacy versions. | String |
sub_lable | This field indicates the specific sub-tag hit by the moderation job; for example, SexBehavior is a sub-tag under the Porn tag. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no specific sub-tags are hit. | String |
structure descriptionParameter | Description | Type |
url | URL of the current audio segment of the video, at which you can get the content of the audio segment. It must be a standard URL. | String |
text | This field is used to return the ASR text recognition result of the audio of the current video. It will be returned only if text content detection is enabled in the moderation policy. Up to 5 hours of content can be recognized. | String |
offset_time | This field is used to return the time where the current audio segment is in the entire video in milliseconds, such as 5000 (i.e., 5000 milliseconds after the video starts). | Integer |
duration | The duration of the current video sound segment in milliseconds. | Integer |
porn_info | The moderation result of the pornographic information moderation scene. | Struct |
ads_info | The moderation result of the advertising information moderation scene. | Struct |
hit_flag | Whether the moderation type is hit. Valid values: 0 (miss), 1 (hit), and 2 (suspected). | Integer |
score | The confidence the moderation result hits the moderation scene. Value range: 0–100. The higher the value, the more likely the content hits the currently returned moderation scene. For example, Porn 99 means that the content is very likely to be pornographic. | Integer |
key_words | Keywords hit by the current moderation scene. | String |
Returned Result | Description | Type |
code | Error code | Int |
error_code | Error code | String |
error_msg | Error message | String |
req_id | Request ID | String |
function in cos_demo.c
.#include "cos_http_io.h"#include "cos_api.h"#include "cos_log.h"#include <unistd.h>// CI endpoint. For more information, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/1045/33423.static char TEST_CI_ENDPOINT[] = "https://ci.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com";// A developer-owned secret ID/key used for the project. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID; //your secret_idstatic char *TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET; //your secret_key// A unique user-level resource identifier for COS access. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.static char TEST_APPID[] = "<APPID>"; //your appid// COS bucket name in the format of [bucket]-[appid], for example, `mybucket-1253666666`. It can be obtained at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.static char TEST_BUCKET_NAME[] = "<bucketname-appid>";void log_status(cos_status_t *s){cos_warn_log("status->code: %d", s->code);if (s->error_code) cos_warn_log("status->error_code: %s", s->error_code);if (s->error_msg) cos_warn_log("status->error_msg: %s", s->error_msg);if (s->req_id) cos_warn_log("status->req_id: %s", s->req_id);}static void log_get_auditing_result(ci_auditing_job_result_t *result){int index = 0;ci_auditing_snapshot_result_t *snapshot_info;ci_auditing_audio_section_result_t *audio_section_info;cos_warn_log("nonexist_job_ids: %s", result->nonexist_job_ids.data);cos_warn_log("code: %s", result->jobs_detail.code.data);cos_warn_log("message: %s", result->jobs_detail.message.data);cos_warn_log("state: %s", result->jobs_detail.state.data);cos_warn_log("creation_time: %s", result->jobs_detail.creation_time.data);cos_warn_log("object: %s", result->jobs_detail.object.data);cos_warn_log("snapshot_count: %s", result->jobs_detail.snapshot_count.data);cos_warn_log("result: %d", result->jobs_detail.result);cos_warn_log("porn_info.hit_flag: %d", result->jobs_detail.porn_info.hit_flag);cos_warn_log("porn_info.count: %d", result->jobs_detail.porn_info.count);cos_warn_log("ads_info.hit_flag: %d", result->jobs_detail.ads_info.hit_flag);cos_warn_log("ads_info.count: %d", result->jobs_detail.ads_info.count);cos_list_for_each_entry(ci_auditing_snapshot_result_t, snapshot_info, &result->jobs_detail.snapshot_info_list, node) {cos_warn_log("snapshot index:%d", ++index);cos_warn_log("snapshot_info->url: %s", snapshot_info->url.data);cos_warn_log("snapshot_info->snapshot_time: %d", snapshot_info->snapshot_time);cos_warn_log("snapshot_info->text: %s", snapshot_info->text.data);cos_warn_log("snapshot_info->porn_info.hit_flag: %d", snapshot_info->porn_info.hit_flag);cos_warn_log("snapshot_info->porn_info.score: %d", snapshot_info->porn_info.score);cos_warn_log("snapshot_info->porn_info.label: %s", snapshot_info->porn_info.label.data);cos_warn_log("snapshot_info->porn_info.sub_lable: %s", snapshot_info->porn_info.sub_lable.data);cos_warn_log("snapshot_info->ads_info.hit_flag: %d", snapshot_info->ads_info.hit_flag);cos_warn_log("snapshot_info->ads_info.score: %d", snapshot_info->ads_info.score);cos_warn_log("snapshot_info->ads_info.label: %s", snapshot_info->ads_info.label.data);cos_warn_log("snapshot_info->ads_info.sub_lable: %s", snapshot_info->ads_info.sub_lable.data);}index = 0;cos_list_for_each_entry(ci_auditing_audio_section_result_t, audio_section_info, &result->jobs_detail.audio_section_info_list, node) {cos_warn_log("audio_section index:%d", ++index);cos_warn_log("audio_section_info->url: %s", audio_section_info->url.data);cos_warn_log("audio_section_info->text: %s", audio_section_info->text.data);cos_warn_log("audio_section_info->offset_time: %d", audio_section_info->offset_time);cos_warn_log("audio_section_info->duration: %d", audio_section_info->duration);cos_warn_log("audio_section_info->porn_info.hit_flag: %d", audio_section_info->porn_info.hit_flag);cos_warn_log("audio_section_info->porn_info.score: %d", audio_section_info->porn_info.score);cos_warn_log("audio_section_info->porn_info.key_words: %s", audio_section_info->porn_info.key_words.data);cos_warn_log("audio_section_info->ads_info.hit_flag: %d", audio_section_info->ads_info.hit_flag);cos_warn_log("audio_section_info->ads_info.score: %d", audio_section_info->ads_info.score);cos_warn_log("audio_section_info->ads_info.key_words: %s", audio_section_info->ads_info.key_words.data);}}void test_ci_get_video_auditing(){cos_pool_t *p = NULL;int is_cname = 0;cos_status_t *s = NULL;cos_request_options_t *options = NULL;cos_string_t bucket;cos_table_t *resp_headers;ci_video_auditing_job_options_t *job_options;ci_video_auditing_job_result_t *job_result;ci_auditing_job_result_t *auditing_result;// Basic configurationcos_pool_create(&p, NULL);options = cos_request_options_create(p);options->config = cos_config_create(options->pool);cos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, TEST_CI_ENDPOINT); // https://ci.<Region>.myqcloud.comcos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID);cos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);cos_str_set(&options->config->appid, TEST_APPID);options->config->is_cname = is_cname;options->ctl = cos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0);cos_str_set(&bucket, TEST_BUCKET_NAME);// Replace with your configuration information. For more information, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/48249.job_options = ci_video_auditing_job_options_create(p);cos_str_set(&job_options->input_object, "test.mp4");cos_str_set(&job_options->job_conf.detect_type, "Porn,Ads");cos_str_set(&job_options->job_conf.callback_version, "Detail");job_options->job_conf.detect_content = 1;cos_str_set(&job_options->job_conf.snapshot.mode, "Interval");job_options->job_conf.snapshot.time_interval = 1.5;job_options->job_conf.snapshot.count = 10;// Submit a video moderation jobs = ci_create_video_auditing_job(options, &bucket, job_options, NULL, &resp_headers, &job_result);log_status(s);// Wait for the video moderation job to complete. You can modify the wait time here.sleep(300);// Get the moderation job results = ci_get_auditing_job(options, &bucket, &job_result->jobs_detail.job_id, NULL, &resp_headers, &auditing_result);log_status(s);if (s->code == 200) {log_get_auditing_result(auditing_result);}// Terminate the memory poolcos_pool_destroy(p);}int main(int argc, char *argv[]){// Get `SECRETID` and `SECRETKEY` from environment variablesTEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID = getenv("COS_SECRETID");TEST_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET = getenv("COS_SECRETKEY");if (cos_http_io_initialize(NULL, 0) != COSE_OK) {exit(1);}//set log level, default COS_LOG_WARNcos_log_set_level(COS_LOG_WARN);//set log output, default stderrcos_log_set_output(NULL);test_ci_get_video_auditing();cos_http_io_deinitialize();return 0;}
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