) is used to create a screenshot template.POST /template HTTP/1.1Host: <BucketName-APPID>.ci.<Region>.myqcloud.comDate: <GMT Date>Authorization: <Auth String>Content-Length: <length>Content-Type: application/xml<body>
Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type | Required |
Request | None | Request container | Container | Yes |
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type | Required |
Tag | Request | Template type: Snapshot | String | Yes |
Name | Request | Template name, which can contain letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and asterisks (*). | String | Yes |
Snapshot | Request | Screenshot | Container | Yes |
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type | Required | Default Value | Constraints |
Mode | Request.Snapshot | Screenshot mode | String | No | Interval | Valid values: {Interval, Average, KeyFrame} Interval: Interval mode Average: Average mode KeyFrame: Keyframe mode Interval mode: The Start, TimeInterval, and Count parameters are valid. If Count is set and TimeInterval is not set, all frames will be captured, and the total number of images captured is specified by Count. Average mode: The Start and Count parameters are valid, indicating to capture a total of Count images at an average interval from Start to the end of the video. |
Start | Request.Snapshot | Start time | String | No | 0 | [0, video duration] Unit: second Supports the float format, accurate to the millisecond. |
TimeInterval | Request.Snapshot | Screenshot time interval | String | No | None | (0, 3600] Unit: second Supports the float format, accurate to the millisecond. |
Count | Request.Snapshot | Number of screenshots | String | Yes | None | (0, 10000] |
Width | Request.Snapshot | Width | String | No | Original video width | Value range: [128, 4096] Unit: px If only Width is set, Height is calculated according to the original video aspect ratio. |
Height | Request.Snapshot | Height | String | No | Original video height | Value range: [128, 4096] Unit: px If only Height is set, Width is calculated according to the original video aspect ratio. |
CIParam | Request.Snapshot | Screenshot processing parameter | String | No | None | Example: imageMogr2/format/png |
IsCheckCount | Request.Snapshot | Whether to force check the number of screenshots | String | No | false | When the custom interval mode is used to take screenshots, if the video is not long enough to take Count screenshots, the average mode can be switched to for taking Count screenshots. |
IsCheckBlack | Request.Snapshot | Whether to enable black screen check | String | No | false | true/false |
BlackLevel | Request.Snapshot | Screenshot black screen check parameter | String | No | None | Valid when IsCheckBlack is true. Value range: [30,100], indicating the proportion of black pixels. The smaller the value, the smaller the proportion of black. If Start is > 0, this parameter doesn't work, and black screen will not be checked. If Start is 0, this parameter is valid, and frame capturing will start from the first non-black frame. |
PixelBlackThreshold | Request.Snapshot | Screenshot black screen check parameter | String | No | None | Valid when IsCheckBlack is true. The threshold to determine whether a pixel is black. Value range: [0, 255]. |
SnapshotOutMode | Request.Snapshot | Screenshot output mode parameter | String | No | OnlySnapshot | Valid values: {OnlySnapshot, OnlySprite, SnapshotAndSprite} OnlySnapshot: Outputs screenshots only. OnlySprite: Outputs image sprites only. SnapshotAndSprite: Outputs screenshots and image sprites. |
SpriteSnapshotConfig | Request.Snapshot | Image sprite output configuration | Container | No | None | None |
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type | Required | Default Value | Constraints |
CellWidth | Request.Snapshot.SpriteSnapshotConfig | Subimage width | String | No | Screenshot width | Value range: [8, 4096] Unit: px |
CellHeight | Request.Snapshot.SpriteSnapshotConfig | Subimage height | String | No | Screenshot height | Value range: [8, 4096] Unit: px |
Padding | Request.Snapshot.SpriteSnapshotConfig | Image sprite padding size | String | No | 0 | Value range: [0, 1024] Unit: px |
Margin | Request.Snapshot.SpriteSnapshotConfig | Image sprite margin size | String | No | 0 | Value range: [0, 1024] Unit: px |
Color | Request.Snapshot.SpriteSnapshotConfig | Background color | String | Yes | None | |
Columns | Request.Snapshot.SpriteSnapshotConfig | Number of columns in the image sprite | String | Yes | 0 | Value range: [1, 10000] |
Lines | Request.Snapshot.SpriteSnapshotConfig | Number of rows in the image sprite | String | Yes | 0 | Value range: [1, 10000] |
Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type |
Response | None | Response container | Container |
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type |
Tag | Response | Template type: Snapshot | String |
Name | Response | Template name | String |
TemplateId | Response | Template ID | String |
UpdateTime | Response | Update time | String |
CreateTime | Response | Creation time | String |
Snapshot | Response | Template parameters. Same as Snapshot in the request body. | Container |
POST /template HTTP/1.1Authorization: q-sign-algorithm=sha1&q-ak=AKIDZfbOAo7cllgPvF9cXFrJD0a1ICvR****&q-sign-time=1497530202;1497610202&q-key-time=1497530202;1497610202&q-header-list=&q-url-param-list=&q-signature=28e9a4986df11bed0255e97ff90500557e0ea057Host: 1666Content-Type: application/xml<Request><Tag>Snapshot</Tag><Name>TemplateName</Name><Snapshot><Width>1280</Width><Height></Height><Start>0</Start><TimeInterval></TimeInterval><Count></Count><SnapshotOutMode>OnlySnapshot</SnapshotOutMode><SpriteSnapshotConfig><CellHeight>128</CellHeight><CellWidth>128</CellWidth><Color>White</Color><Columns>10</Columns><Lines>10</Lines><Margin>0<Margin/><Padding>0<Padding/></SpriteSnapshotConfig></Snapshot></Request>
HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: application/xmlContent-Length: 100Connection: keep-aliveDate: Thu, 15 Jun 2017 12:37:29 GMTServer: tencent-cix-ci-request-id: NTk0MjdmODlfMjQ4OGY3XzYzYzh****=<Response><Template><Tag>Snapshot</Tag><Name>TemplateName</Name><TemplateId></TemplateId><Snapshot><Width>1280</Width><Height></Height><Start>0</Start><TimeInterval></TimeInterval><Count></Count><SnapshotOutMode>OnlySnapshot</SnapshotOutMode><SpriteSnapshotConfig><CellHeight>128</CellHeight><CellWidth>128</CellWidth><Color>White</Color><Columns>10</Columns><Lines>10</Lines><Margin>0<Margin/><Padding>0<Padding/></SpriteSnapshotConfig></Snapshot><CreateTime>2020-08-05T11:35:24+0800</CreateTime><UpdateTime>2020-08-31T16:15:20+0800</UpdateTime></Template></Response>