) is used to create a watermark template.POST /template HTTP/1.1Host: <BucketName-APPID>.ci.<Region>.myqcloud.comDate: <GMT Date>Authorization: <Auth String>Content-Length: <length>Content-Type: application/xml<body>
<Request><Tag>Watermark</Tag><Name>TemplateName</Name><Watermark><Type>Text</Type><LocMode>Absolute</LocMode><Dx>128</Dx><Dy>128</Dy><Pos>TopRight</Pos><StartTime>0</StartTime><EndTime>100.5</EndTime><Text><Text>Watermark content</Text><FontSize>30</FontSize><FontType></FontType><FontColor>0xRRGGBB</FontColor><Transparency>30</Transparency></Text></Watermark></Request><Request><Tag>Watermark</Tag><Name>TemplateName</Name><Watermark><Type>Image</Type><LocMode>Absolute</LocMode><Dx>128</Dx><Dy>128</Dy><Pos>TopRight</Pos><StartTime>0</StartTime><EndTime>100.5</EndTime><Image><Url></Url><Mode>Proportion</Mode><Width>10</Width><Height></Height><Transparency>100</Transparency></Image></Watermark></Request>
Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type |
Response | None | Response container | Container |
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type | Required |
Tag | Request | Template type: Watermark | String | Yes |
Name | Request | Template name, which can contain letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and asterisks (*). | String | Yes |
Watermark | Request | Watermark information | Container | Yes |
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type | Required | Default Value | Constraints |
Type | Request.Watermark | Watermark type | String | Yes | None | Text: text watermark. Image: image watermark |
Pos | Request.Watermark | Reference position | String | Yes | None | TopRight, TopLeft, BottomRight, BottomLeft, Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Center |
LocMode | Request.Watermark | Offset mode | String | Yes | None | Relativity: proportionally. Absolute: fixed position. |
Dx | Request.Watermark | Horizontal offset | String | Yes | None | 1. Image watermark with Background being true: If locMode is Relativity, the unit is %, and the value range is [-300, 0]. If locMode is Absolute, the unit is px, and the value range is [-4096, 0]. 2. Image watermark with Background being false: If locMode is Relativity, the unit is %, and the value range is [0, 100]. If locMode is Absolute, the unit is px, and the value range is [0, 4096]. 3. Text watermark: If locMode is Relativity, the unit is %, and the value range is [0, 100]. If locMode is Absolute, the unit is px, and the value range is [0, 4096]. 4. If Pos is Top, Bottom, or Center, this parameter will not take effect. |
Dy | Request.Watermark | Vertical offset | String | Yes | None | 1. Image watermark with Background being true: If locMode is Relativity, the unit is %, and the value range is [-300, 0]. If locMode is Absolute, the unit is px, and the value range is [-4096, 0]. 2. Image watermark with Background being false: If locMode is Relativity, the unit is %, and the value range is [0, 100]. If locMode is Absolute, the unit is px, and the value range is [0, 4096]. 3. Text watermark: If locMode is Relativity, the unit is %, and the value range is [0, 100]. If locMode is Absolute, the unit is px, and the value range is [0, 4096]. 4. If Pos is Left, Right, or Center, this parameter will not take effect. |
StartTime | Request.Watermark | Watermark start time | String | No | 0 | 1. [0, video duration] 2. Unit: second 3. Supports the float format, accurate to the millisecond. |
EndTime | Request.Watermark | Watermark end time | String | No | Video end time | 1. [0, video duration] 2. 2. Unit: second 3. Supports the float format, accurate to the millisecond. |
SlideConfig | Request.Watermark | Watermark sliding configuration. If this parameter is configured, the watermark offset setting will not take effect. This parameter is not supported for top speed codec transcoding/H.265 transcoding. | Container | No | None | None |
Image | Request.Watermark | Image watermark node | Container | No | None | None |
Text | Request.Watermark | Text watermark node | Container | No | None | None |
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type | Required | Default Value | Constraints |
SlideMode | Request.Watermark.SlideConfig | Sliding mode | String | Yes | None | Default: not enabled; ScrollFromLeft: slides from left to right. If ScrollFromLeft is set, the Watermark.Pos parameter will not take effect. |
XSlideSpeed | Request.Watermark.SlideConfig | Horizontal sliding speed | String | Yes | None | Valid values: an integer between 0 and 10. Default value: 0. |
YSlideSpeed | Request.Watermark.SlideConfig | Vertical sliding speed | String | Yes | None | Valid values: an integer between 0 and 10. Default value: 0. |
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type | Required | Default Value | Constraints |
Url | Request.Watermark.Image | Watermark image address (which must be URL-encoded before being passed in). | String | Yes | None | Same as the watermark image address of the bucket. |
Mode | Request.Watermark.Image | Dimension mode | String | Yes | None | 1. Original: original size
2. Proportion: scaled proportionally
3. Fixed: fixed size |
Width | Request.Watermark.Image | Width | String | No | None | 1. If Mode is Original, the watermark image width cannot be set.
2. If Mode is Proportion, the unit is %, and the value range is [100, 300] for the background image and [1, 100] for the foreground image. Compared with the video width, the watermark image width cannot be greater than 4096 px.
3. If Mode is Fixed, the unit is px, and the value range is [8, 4096].
4. If only Width is set, Height is calculated according to the original watermark image aspect ratio.
Height | Request.Watermark.Image | Height | String | No | None | 1. If Mode is Original, the watermark image height cannot be set.
2. If Mode is Proportion, the unit is %, and the value range is [100, 300] for the background image and [1, 100] for the foreground image. Compared with the video height, the watermark image height cannot be greater than 4096 px.
3. If Mode is Fixed, the unit is px, and the value range is [8, 4096].
4. If only Height is set, Width is calculated according to the original watermark image aspect ratio.
Transparency | Request.Watermark.Image | Transparency | String | Yes | None | Value range: [1, 100]. Unit: % |
Background | Request.Watermark.Image | Whether it is a background image | String | No | false | Valid values: true, false |
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type | Required | Default Value | Constraints |
FontSize | Request.Watermark.Text | Font size | String | Yes | None | Value range: [5, 100]. Unit: px |
FontType | Request.Watermark.Text | Font type | String | Yes | None | See the table below. |
FontColor | Request.Watermark.Text | Font color | String | Yes | None | Format: 0xRRGGBB |
Transparency | Request.Watermark.Text | Transparency | String | Yes | None | Value range: [1, 100]. Unit: % |
Text | Request.Watermark.Text | Watermark content | String | Yes | None | The value can contain up to 64 letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and asterisks (*). |
has the following sub-nodes:Font Name | Supported Language | Description |
simfang.ttf | Chinese/English | FangSong |
simhei.ttf | Chinese/English | SimHei |
simkai.ttf | Chinese/English | KaiTi |
simsun.ttc | Chinese/English | SimSun |
STHeiti-Light.ttc | Chinese/English | STHeiti-Light |
STHeiti-Medium.ttc | Chinese/English | STHeiti-Medium |
youyuan.TTF | Chinese/English | YouYuan |
ariblk.ttf | English | None |
arial.ttf | English | None |
ahronbd.ttf | English | None |
Helvetica.dfont | English | None |
HelveticaNeue.dfont | English | None |
<Response><Template><TemplateId>t1460606b9752148c4ab182f55163ba7cd</TemplateId><Tag>Watermark</Tag><Name>TemplateName</Name><Watermark><Type>Text</Type><LocMode>Absolute</LocMode><Dx>128</Dx><Dy>128</Dy><Pos>TopRight</Pos><StartTime>0</StartTime><EndTime>100.5</EndTime><Text><Text>Watermark content</Text><FontSize>30</FontSize><FontType></FontType><FontColor>0xRRGGBB</FontColor><Transparency>30</Transparency></Text></Watermark><CreateTime>2020-08-05T11:35:24+0800</CreateTime><UpdateTime>2020-08-31T16:15:20+0800</UpdateTime></Template></Response>
Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type |
Response | None | Response container | Container |
has the following sub-nodes:Node Name (Keyword) | Parent Node | Description | Type |
TemplateId | Response.Template | Template ID | String |
Name | Response.Template | Template name | String |
BucketId | Response.Template | Template bucket | String |
Category | Response.Template | Template category: Custom or Official | String |
Tag | Response.Template | Template type: VideoProcess | String |
UpdateTime | Response.Template | Update time | String |
CreateTime | Response.Template | Creation time | String |
Watermark | Response.Template | Same as Request.Watermark in the request body. | Container |
POST /template HTTP/1.1Authorization: q-sign-algorithm=sha1&q-ak=AKIDZfbOAo7cllgPvF9cXFrJD0****&q-sign-time=1497530202;1497610202&q-key-time=1497530202;1497610202&q-header-list=&q-url-param-list=&q-signature=28e9a4986df11bed0255e97ff90500557e0e****Host: 1666Content-Type: application/xml<Request><Tag>Watermark</Tag><Name>TemplateName</Name><Watermark><Type>Text</Type><LocMode>Absolute</LocMode><Dx>128</Dx><Dy>128</Dy><Pos>TopRight</Pos><StartTime>0</StartTime><EndTime>100.5</EndTime><Text><Text>Watermark content</Text><FontSize>30</FontSize><FontType></FontType><FontColor>0xRRGGBB</FontColor><Transparency>30</Transparency></Text></Watermark></Request>
HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: application/xmlContent-Length: 100Connection: keep-aliveDate: Thu, 15 Jun 2017 12:37:29 GMTServer: tencent-cix-ci-request-id: NTk0MjdmODlfMjQ4OGY3XzYzYzhf****<Response><Template><TemplateId>t1460606b9752148c4ab182f55163ba7cd</TemplateId><Tag>Watermark</Tag><Name>TemplateName</Name><Watermark><Type>Text</Type><LocMode>Absolute</LocMode><Dx>128</Dx><Dy>128</Dy><Pos>TopRight</Pos><StartTime>0</StartTime><EndTime>100.5</EndTime><Text><Text>Watermark content</Text><FontSize>30</FontSize><FontType></FontType><FontColor>0xRRGGBB</FontColor><Transparency>30</Transparency></Text></Watermark><CreateTime>2020-08-05T11:35:24+0800</CreateTime><UpdateTime>2020-08-31T16:15:20+0800</UpdateTime></Template></Response>
POST /template HTTP/1.1Authorization: q-sign-algorithm=sha1&q-ak=AKIDZfbOAo7cllgPvF9cXFrJD0****&q-sign-time=1497530202;1497610202&q-key-time=1497530202;1497610202&q-header-list=&q-url-param-list=&q-signature=28e9a4986df11bed0255e97ff90500557e0e****Host: 1666Content-Type: application/xml<Request><Tag>Watermark</Tag><Name>TemplateName</Name><Watermark><Type>Image</Type><LocMode>Absolute</LocMode><Dx>128</Dx><Dy>128</Dy><Pos>TopRight</Pos><StartTime>0</StartTime><EndTime>100.5</EndTime><Image><Url></Url><Mode>Proportion</Mode><Width>10</Width><Height>10</Height><Transparency>30</Transparency></Image></Watermark></Request>
HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: application/xmlContent-Length: 100Connection: keep-aliveDate: Thu, 15 Jun 2017 12:37:29 GMTServer: tencent-cix-ci-request-id: NTk0MjdmODlfMjQ4OGY3XzYzYzhf****<Response><Template><TemplateId>t1460606b9752148c4ab182f55163ba7cd</TemplateId><Tag>Watermark</Tag><Name>TemplateName</Name><Watermark><Type>Image</Type><LocMode>Absolute</LocMode><Dx>128</Dx><Dy>128</Dy><Pos>TopRight</Pos><StartTime>0</StartTime><EndTime>100.5</EndTime><Image><Url></Url><Mode>Proportion</Mode><Width>10</Width><Height>10</Height><Transparency>30</Transparency></Image></Watermark><CreateTime>2020-08-05T11:35:24+0800</CreateTime><UpdateTime>2020-08-31T16:15:20+0800</UpdateTime></Template></Response>