. Consequently, if the policy syntax defines a specific resource during authorization, and this resource is not sent through this API during authentication, CAM will determine that the API is not the scope of authorization and determine that no authentication is performed.API Name | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-Segment Resource Format |
DescribeMediaBuckets | Views the list of buckets with Media Processing Service enabled. | API-level | * |
DescribeRiskLibImage | Views the list of images in the pre-defined risky image library for content moderation. | API-level | * |
DescribeRiskLibText | Views the keyword list in the pre-defined risky text library for content moderation. | API-level | * |
API Name | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-Segment Resource Format |
CreateCIBucket | Binds the bucket to CI. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DeleteCIBucket | Unbinds the bucket from CI. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
SetDomain | Sets the CI domain name. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
SetCDNAccelerate | Sets the CDN acceleration domain name for CI. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
Set4XXResponse | Sets the CI 4xx image configuration. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
SetRefer | Sets the hotlink protection feature for a CI bucket. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
SetOriginProtect | Sets the original image protection feature for CI. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
API Name | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-Segment Resource Format |
SetAuditingPicture | Sets automatic image moderation. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
SetAuditingVideo | Sets automatic video moderation. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
SetAuditingAudio | Sets automatic audio moderation. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
SetAuditingText | Sets automatic text moderation. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
SetAuditingDocument | Sets automatic file moderation. | Resource-level | qcs::ci::uid/${appid}:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateAuditingJobs | Creates a video moderation task. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateAuditingPictureJob | Calls image moderation. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateAuditingTextJob | Creates a text moderation task. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateAuditingAudioJob | Creates an audio moderation task. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:${region}:uid/${appid}:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateAuditingWebpageJob | Creates a webpage moderation task. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:${region}:uid/${appid}:bucket/${bucket}/* |
CreateAuditingDocumentJob | Creates a file moderation task. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:${region}:uid/${appid}:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateAuditingExistTask | Creates an existing moderation task. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CancelAuditingExistTask | Cancels the existing moderation task. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DeleteRiskLibText | Deletes the pre-defined risky text library for content moderation. | API-level | * |
DeleteRiskLibImage | Deletes the image in the pre-defined risky image library for content moderation. | API-level | * |
CreateRiskLibText | Adds a keyword to the pre-defined risky text library for content moderation. | API-level | * |
CreateRiskLibImage | Adds an image to the pre-defined risky image library for content moderation. | API-level | * |
CreateAuditingVirusJob | Creates a cloud virus detection job. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:${region}:uid/${appid}:bucket/${bucket}/* |
API Name | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-Segment Resource Format |
CreateMediaBucket | Enables media processing for a bucket. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DeleteMediaBucket | Disables media processing for a bucket. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateMediaTemplate | Creates a media processing template. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
UpdateMediaTemplate | Updates the media processing template. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DeleteMediaTemplate | Deletes the media processing template. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
UpdateMediaQueue | Updates the media processing queue. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateMediaJobs | Creates a media processing task. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CancelMediaJob | Cancels the media processing task. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
GenerateSnapshot | Generates a video snapshot. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
GenerateMediaInfo | Views video information. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DeleteMediaWorkflow | Deletes the workflow. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
UpdateMediaWorkflow | Updates the workflow. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateMediaWorkflow | Creates a workflow. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
API Name | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-Segment Resource Format |
SetImageGuetzli | Enables Guetzli image compression. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
SetImageAdvancedCompression | Enables advanced image compression. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
SetImageBlindWatermark | Enables image blind watermarking. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
SetImageStyleSeparator | Sets the image style separator. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
SetImageStyle | Sets the image style. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
API Name | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-Segment Resource Format |
CreateDocProcessBucket | Enables file preview for a bucket. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
UpdateDocProcessQueue | Updates the file preview queue. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DeleteDocProcessBucket | Disables file preview for a bucket. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CancelDocProcessJob | Cancels the file preview task. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateDocProcessJobs | Creates a file preview task. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
API Name | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-Segment Resource Format |
CreateDetectQRcodeJob | Calls the QR code recognition API. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateDetectLabelJob | Calls the image tag recognition API. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateFaceEffectJob | Calls the face effect API. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
UpdateAsrQueue | Updates the audio recognition queue. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DeleteAsrBucket | Disables audio recognition for a bucket. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateAsrBucket | Enables audio recognition for a bucket. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateAsrJobs | Creating an audio recognition task. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateGetActionSequenceJob | Calls the face recognition - action sequence acquisition API. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateGetLiveCodeJob | Calls the face recognition - numeric captcha acquisition API. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateLivenessRecognitionJob | Calls the face recognition API. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateIDCardOCRJob | Calls the ID card recognition API. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateQRcodeGenerateJob | Calls the QR code generation API. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
TriggerMediaWorkflow | Triggers the workflow. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreatePetDetectJob | Calls the pet recognition API. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DeleteImage | Deletes the image from the image library featuring search by image. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
AddImage | Adds an image into the image library featuring search by image. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateImageSearchBucket | Calls a bucket for the image library featuring search by image. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateContentAnalysisJob | Calls the image tag recognition API. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:${region}:uid/${appid}:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateBodyJointsDetectJob | Calls the body key point analysis API. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:${region}:uid/${appid}:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateOCRJob | Calls the image OCR API. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:${region}:uid/${appid}:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateLicensePlateJob | Calls the license plate recognition API. | Resource-level | qcs::ci::uid/${appid}:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateDetectFaceJob | Calls the face detection API. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:${region}:uid/${appid}:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateAssessQualityJob | Calls the image quality analysis API. | Resource-level | qcs::ci::uid/${appid}:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateAiRecognitionJob | Calls the all-in-one AI API. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:${region}:uid/${appid}:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateEnhanceImageJob | Calls the image enhancement API. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:${region}:uid/${appid}:bucket/${bucket}/* |
CancelPicProcessJob | Cancels the image processing task. | Resource-level | qcs::ci::uid/${appid}:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreatePicProcessJobs | Creates an image processing task. | Resource-level | qcs::ci::uid/${appid}:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
UpdatePicProcessQueue | Updates the image processing task queue. | Resource-level | qcs::ci::uid/${appid}:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DeletePicProcessBucket | Disables the image processing task feature for a bucket. | Resource-level | qcs::ci::uid/${appid}:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreatePicProcessBucket | Enables the image processing task feature for a bucket. | Resource-level | qcs::ci::uid/${appid}:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
API Name | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-Segment Resource Format |
DescribeCIBuckets | Views the buckets bound to CI. | API-level | * |
DescribeDomain | Views the CI domain name information. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeOriginProtect | Queries whether the original image protection feature of CI is enabled. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeCDNAccelerate | Queries the binding status of the acceleration domain name and the CI CDN. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
Describe4XXResponse | Queries the configuration status of CI 4xx images. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeRefer | Queries the status of hotlink protection for a CI bucket. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
API Name | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-Segment Resource Format |
DescribeAuditingJobs | Views the video moderation task. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeAuditingVideo | Views whether automatic video moderation is enabled. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeAuditingAudio | Views whether automatic audio moderation is enabled. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeAuditingPicture | Views whether automatic image moderation is enabled. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeAuditingText | Views whether automatic text moderation is enabled. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeAuditingDocument | Views whether automatic file moderation is enabled. | Resource-level | qcs::ci::uid/${appid}:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeAuditingCallback | Views the callback configuration API permission for content moderation. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeAuditingBlockRule | Views the blocking rule configuration API permission for content moderation. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeAuditingPictureFiles | Views the file list of image moderation. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeAuditingVideoFiles | Views the file list of video moderation. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeAuditingAudioFiles | Views the file list of audio moderation. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeAuditingTextFiles | Views the file list of text moderation. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeAuditingExistTasks | Views the existing data moderation task. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeAuditingTextJob | Views text moderation task results. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeAuditingAudioJob | Views audio moderation task results. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:${region}:uid/${appid}:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeAuditingDocumentJob | Views file moderation task results. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:${region}:uid/${appid}:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeAuditingWebpageJob | Views audio moderation task results. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:${region}:uid/${appid}:bucket/${bucket}/* |
DescribeAuditingDocumentFiles | Views file moderation task results. | Resource-level | qcs::ci::uid/${appid}:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeAuditingVirusJob | Views cloud virus detection task results. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:${region}:uid/${appid}:bucket/${bucket}/* |
API Name | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-Segment Resource Format |
DescribeMediaTemplates | Views media processing templates. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeMediaQueues | Views media processing queues. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeMediaJob | Views the media processing task. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeMediaJobs | Views the media processing task list. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeMediaWorkflowExecutions | Views workflow execution instances. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeMediaWorkflows | Views the status of workflows. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
GetPrivateM3U8 | Generates a private M3U8 video. | API-level | * |
GenerateMediaInfo | Obtains media information. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
GenerateSnapshot | Calls a frame capturing task. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
ModifyM3U8Token | Updates the HLS encrypted token. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateMediaTemplate | Creates a media processing template. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
UpdateMediaTemplate | Updates the media processing template. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DeleteMediaTemplate | Deletes the media processing template. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateMediaWorkflow | Creates a media processing workflow. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
UpdateMediaWorkflow | Updates the media processing workflow. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DeleteMediaWorkflow | Deletes the media processing workflow. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
TriggerMediaWorkflow | Triggers the media processing workflow. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
UpdateMediaQueue | Updates the media processing queue. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
AddMediaQueue | Adds a media processing queue. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateMediaBucket | Binds the media processing service. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeMediaBuckets | Queries the status of the media processing service. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DeleteMediaBucket | Unbinds the media processing service. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateMediaJobs | Submits the media processing task. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CancelMediaJob | Cancels the media processing task. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateInventoryTriggerJob | Initiates a batch media processing task. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeInventoryTriggerJob | Queries the batch media processing task. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeInventoryTriggerJobs | Retrieves the task status in batches. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CancelInventoryTriggerJob | Cancels the batch operation task. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
UpdateSpeedTranscodingProcessQueue | Updates the accelerated transcoding queue. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeSpeedTranscodingProcessQueues | Queries accelerated transcoding queues. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
CreateSpeedTranscodingProcessQueues | Creates accelerated transcoding queues. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
API Name | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-Segment Resource Format |
DescribeImageGuetzli | Views whether image Guetzli compression is enabled for a bucket. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeImageAdvancedCompression | Views whether image advanced compression is enabled for a bucket. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeImageBlindWatermark | Views whether blind watermarking is enabled for a bucket. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeImageStyleSeparator | Views the image style separator. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeImageStyles | Views image styles. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
API Name | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-Segment Resource Format |
DescribeDocProcessQueues | Views the file preview queue. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeDocProcessBucket | Views whether file preview is enabled for a bucket. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeDocProcessJobs | Views the list of file preview tasks. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeDocProcessJob | Views the file preview task. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
API Name | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-Segment Resource Format |
DescribeAsrQueues | Views audio recognition queues. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeAsrBuckets | Views whether audio recognition is enabled for a bucket. | API-level | * |
DescribeAsrJobs | Views audio recognition tasks. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribeAsrJob | Views the list of audio recognition tasks. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
SearchImage | Searches for an image in the image library featuring search by image. | Resource-level | qcs::ci:ap-shanghai:uid/1250000000:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribePicProcessJobs | Views the list of image processing tasks. | Resource-level | qcs::ci::uid/${appid}:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribePicProcessJob | Viewing image processing tasks. | Resource-level | qcs::ci::uid/${appid}:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribePicProcessQueues | Views image processing queues. | Resource-level | qcs::ci::uid/${appid}:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |
DescribePicProcessBucket | Views the list of image processing buckets. | Resource-level | qcs::ci::uid/${appid}:bucket/examplebucket-1250000000/* |