tencent cloud



最后更新时间:2023-08-03 16:59:24

    Key concepts of iPaaS include integration apps, messages, components, and security gateways. This document describes components.


    Components are the minimum units in flow orchestration and include logical components and connectors. Each node in a flow is a component. You can enter parameters or use other methods to configure the component as needed.


    Logical components

    Logical components encapsulate common coding logic, such as Set Variable (variable creation) and Choice (conditional branch execution). If you want to add a logic to a business process, you only need to add the corresponding component on the node and configure it. For example, after adding the Set Variable component, you only need to enter the variable name and value; after adding the Choice component, you can add and delete conditional branches and configure the execution condition for each branch.

    Currently, logical components cover five logic scenarios: flow control, data processing, errors and logs, parallelism and concurrency, and functionality.

    Logical Component Description
    Async Async is a flow control component, where you can configure a subflow to execute an async task, which is similar to creating a thread.
    Break Break needs to be used together with the For Each or While component to break a loop.
    Cache Cache is used to cache the intermediate data generated during flow execution. Different flows in the same application can share the data cached in the Cache component.
    Choice Choice is a branch selection statement. Similar to if-else, it is used to execute actions by condition.
    Continue Similar to the Break component, Continue also needs to be used together with the For Each or While components. It is used to jump out of the current loop and execute the next loop.
    Flow Reference Flow Reference is used to reference other flows in the current application. Different from Async, Flow Reference is a sync action. It will continue to execute the next action only after the execution of the referenced flow is completed.
    For Each For Each is a loop control structure, which is similar to for/foreach in programming languages. In For Each, you can configure a subflow to process the specified data set in a loop but cannot specify the number of loops.
    Logger Logger is used to output logs in the console. Currently, it supports four log levels: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, and ERROR.
    Parallel Foreach Parallel Foreach is used to execute parallel tasks. It executes the same processing on data set elements in parallel. The number of parallel elements is subject to the configured maximum number of parallel elements. If the number of elements is less than or equal to the maximum number of parallel elements, the number of parallel elements is equal to the number of elements; otherwise, it is the configured maximum number.
    Raise Error Raise Error is used to report exceptions and stop flow execution. This component can be used alone or together with the Try component.
    Remove Variable The opposite of the Set Variable component, Remove Variable is used to delete the specified variable in message.
    Scatter Gather Scatter Gather can execute multiple tasks in parallel. This component has two core configuration items: the number of parallel tasks (2–8 currently) and worker. In each worker, a task to be executed can be configured.
    Scheduler Scheduler is used to trigger a flow at the scheduled time according to the configured rule. Its configuration contains one or more cron rules. When any cron rule matches the current time, the flow where the Scheduler component resides will be triggered.
    Set Payload Set Payload is used to set the payload attribute in message. It supports expressions and literal values. To enter a literal value, select the data type and enter the literal value in the input box. To enter an expression, select the any type and write an expression.
    Set Variable Set Variable is used to declare a variable and save it in variables in message, so that subsequent nodes can import it in the form of msg.vars.get('name').
    Synchronized Synchronized is a distributed lock used to lock and protect concurrent requests. It can be used in scenarios with conflicting resource access requests.
    Transform Transform is used to orchestrate and convert the format of the data in message. It can modify payload, attribute, and variable.
    Try Try is used to capture errors. It can capture errors reported by a subflow executed in Try as well as system errors. It can also be used together with the Raise Error component to capture custom errors.
    Until Successful In Until Successful, you can configure a subflow to retry the subflow execution. It supports three retry modes: unconditional retry, retry based on success condition, and retry based on failure condition.
    While While is a loop component, which supports up to 10,000 loops. Unlike the For Each component, the While component doesn't rely on a data set for loop but uses conditional statements to determine whether the loop should continue. If the loop condition is True, the loop will continue until False is returned or the maximum number of loops is reached.
    Compress Compress is used to compress and decompress the data. It supports the following compression and decompression formats: DEFLATE, GZIP, and ZLIB.


    A connector is a comprehensive encapsulation of a system interaction protocol (common connectors such as Database) or a specific business system (application connectors such as Tencent Meeting), which contains authentication, protocol conversion, and feature APIs. You can use the Database connector to directly access a database or use the Tencent Meeting connector to directly call the APIs of Tencent Meeting with no need to understand how Tencent Meeting interacts with external systems or how API authentication works. A connector enables you to connect to your business systems at zero costs.

    A common connector is an encapsulation of a protocol such as HTTP, SOAP, Kafka, or MQ. You can select a protocol for system connection based on the actual conditions of your business system.





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