tencent cloud


Until Successful

最后更新时间:2023-08-03 17:12:12


    Until Successful is used to retry the subflow execution.


    Parameter configuration

    Parameter Data Type Description Required Default Value
    Retry condition bool Retry condition. When it is met, retry will be triggered. No -
    Number of retries int The number of retries. Value range: 1–100 Yes 3
    Retry interval int Retry interval in seconds. Value range: 1–300. Yes 60

    Data preview


    message input to the subflow

    message Attribute Value
    payload This attribute inherits the payload of the component previous to Until Successful.
    error Null.
    attribute This attribute inherits the attribute of the component previous to Until Successful.
    variable This attribute inherits the variable of the component previous to Until Successful.


    message Attribute Value
    payload This attribute inherits the payload output by the subflow.
    • error will be empty if the flow is executed successfully.
    • error will be of dict type and contain the Code and Description fields if the flow fails to be executed. The Code field indicates the error type, and the Description field indicates the error description.
    attribute This attribute inherits the attribute of the subflow.
    variable This attribute inherits the variable of the subflow.




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