tencent cloud



最后更新时间:2023-08-03 17:12:12


    As a trigger, Scheduler is used to trigger a flow according to the configured rule at the scheduled time. The graphical Scheduler component supports three trigger modes:

    • One-time trigger: The flow can be triggered at multiple specified time points.
    • Regular trigger: The flow can be triggered regularly.
    • Cron expression: The configuration includes one or more cron rules. When any cron rule matches the current time, the flow where the Scheduler component resides will be triggered.

    Operation Configuration

    Parameter configuration

    Parameter Data Type Description Required Default Value
    Trigger mode Int You can select One-time trigger, Regular trigger, or Cron expression. Yes 0 (Cron expression mode).
    Cron expression string Trigger rule such as once every minute. Yes None
    Time zone string Specified time zone. Yes Asia/Beijing UTC+08:00
    Triggered only after the previous task is executed bool If this option is selected, the flow will be triggered only after the previous task is executed. No false

    Scheduler contains one or multiple cron rules. To add multiple rules, separate them by \r. A cron expression is configured as follows:

    Parameter Description Value Range
    seconds Second 0–59
    minutes Minute 0–59
    hours Hour 0–23
    days Date. This parameter is optional and is set to every day by default. 1–31
    months Month. This parameter is optional and is set to every month by default. 1–12
    weekdays Day of the week. This parameter is optional and is not specified by default. 1–7
    years Year. This parameter is optional and is set to every year by default. 1970–2099

    You can use the following operators when configuring a cron expression:

    • * indicates all valid values. For example, hours="*" indicates every hour.
    • - indicates a range. For example, weekdays="1-5" indicates Monday to Friday.
    • , indicates enumeration. For example, months="1,3,5,7,8,10,12" indicates all months with 31 days.
    • / indicates increment. For example, hours="8/2" indicates every two hours from 08:00.
    • L indicates the last period. For example, weekdays="6L" indicates the last Saturday of the current month.
    • ? indicates an unspecified value. There is a restraint that at least one of the parameters year, month, date, and day of the week must be left unspecified to avoid a conflict; for example, both February 20, 2020 (which should be Thursday) and Wednesday are specified. The day of the week is unspecified by default.

    Configuration page



    As a trigger component, Scheduler is the first component in a flow. It will generate an empty message to trigger the flow execution.

    The message output by the component is as detailed below:

    message Attribute Value
    payload Null.
    • error will be empty if the flow is executed successfully.
    • error will be of dict type and contain the Code and Description fields if the flow fails to be executed. The Code field indicates the error type, and the Description field indicates the error details.
    attribute Null.
    variable Null.

    Data preview


    Regular trigger mode

    Trigger the flow once every 30 seconds:

    One-time trigger mode

    Trigger the flow once at 00:00:00 on January 1, 2023:

    Cron expression mode

    Trigger the flow once every five minutes:





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