tencent cloud


Raise Error

最后更新时间:2023-08-03 17:12:12


    Raise Error is used to throw exceptions and stop flow execution. This component can be used alone or together with the Try-Catch component. When it is used alone and is hit, the flow will stop execution and return an error message. When it is used together with Try-Catch, Try-Catch can capture the exception defined in it and execute the subflow configured in Try-Catch.

    Operation Configuration

    Connection description


    Parameter configuration

    Parameter Data Type Description Required Default Value
    Error type string Custom error type. Yes General error
    Error description string Error description. Yes None

    You can select an error type in the drop-down list and click Add to add a new error type. Error types are visible in all apps in the project.

    Data preview



    The message output by the component is as detailed below:

    message Attribute Value
    payload This attribute inherits the payload of the previous component.
    error error is of dict type and contains the Code and Description fields.
    The Code field indicates the error type and is represented by an internal code, and the Description field indicates the error description.
    attribute This attribute inherits the attribute of the previous component.
    variable This attribute inherits the variable of the previous component.


    1. Add a Raise Error component.
    2. Add the error type Request failure.
    3. Select the error type and configure the error description.
    4. Output the message.




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