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Python Appendix

最后更新时间:2023-08-04 11:08:20

    Built-in Functions

    Currently, the Python code mode supports the following built-in functions:

    No. Built-in Function Description
    1 abs() Calculates the absolute value.
    2 all() Checks whether all elements in a sequence (set, list, tuple, or dictionary) meet the specified condition.
    3 any() Checks whether any elements in a set meet the specified condition.
    4 bool() Constructs a Boolean value.
    5 bytearray() Constructs a byte array.
    6 bytes() Constructs an empty bytes object.
    7 chr() Returns the ASCII character of an integer within the range of 0–256.
    8 dict() Creates a dictionary.
    9 enumerate() Lists the elements and element subscripts in a traversable data object. This function is generally used in a for loop.
    10 filter() Filters a set. For example, the result of list(filter(lambda x:x>=100, [1,3,4,100,102])) is [100,102].
    11 float() Constructs a floating-point number.
    12 getattr() Calculates the attribute value of an object.
    13 hasattr() Checks whether an object has an attribute.
    14 hash() Calculates the hash value.
    15 id() Returns the unique identifier of an object.
    16 int() Constructs an integer.
    17 isinstance() Checks whether an object is of a certain type.
    18 iter() Generates an iterator.
    19 len() Gets the number of elements in a set.
    20 list() Constructs a list.
    21 map() Maps the specified sequence according to the function. For example, the result of list(map(lambda x: x * 2, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])) is [2, 4, 6, 8, 10].
    22 max() Gets the maximum value.
    23 min() Gets the minimum value.
    24 next() Returns the next item of an iterator. This function is used together with iter().
    25 objects() Returns an empty object.
    26 ord() Returns the integer value of an ASCII character.
    27 pow() Calculates the power of a number.
    28 print() Prints the relevant information during debugging in Python code mode (it takes effect only when you use the debugging feature when editing a Dataway expression).
    29 range() Creates an iterable object. For example, the result of list(range(5)) is [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].
    30 reversed() Creates a revere iterator. For example, the result of list(reversed('abcdefg')) is ['g', 'f', 'e', 'd', 'c', 'b', 'a'].
    31 round() Returns the nearest integer of a value.
    32 set() Creates a set.
    33 slice() Sets a slice of elements.
    34 sorted() Sorts.
    35 str() Constructs a string.
    36 sum() Gets the sum of values.
    37 tuple() Constructs a tuple.
    38 type() Returns the data type of an object.
    39 zip() Zips elements in an iterable object into multiple tuples. For example, the result of list(zip([1,2,3], [4,5,6])) is [(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)].

    Third-Party Module


    time is a library for time processing. For more information, see 16.3. time - Time access and conversions. It has been built in the Python code mode and can be referenced directly.

    Currently, the Python code mode supports the following library functions/types:

    No. Library Function/Type Description
    1 altzone Returns the offset of the local DST time zone from UTC in seconds.
    2 asctime Converts a struct_time object into a time string.
    3 ctime Converts a timestamp into a time string.
    4 mktime() Converts a struct_time object into a timestamp.
    5 strftime() Formats a struct_time object.
    6 strptime() Parses an event string in the specified format and returns a structured struct_time object.
    7 timezone Returns the current time zone.
    8 tzname Returns the name of the current time zone.
    9 time() Returns the current time.
    10 localtime Converts a timestamp into the local time of the local time zone and returns a struct_time object.


    json is a library for JSON data processing. For more information, see 19.2. json - JSON encoder and decoder. It has been built in the Python code mode and can be referenced directly.

    Currently, the Python code mode supports the following json functions:

    No. json Function Description
    1 dumps() Encodes a Python object into a JSON string.
    2 loads() Parses a JSON string into a Python object.


    math is a library for arithmetic operations. For more information, see 9.2. math - Mathematical functions. It has been built in the Python code mode and can be referenced directly.

    Currently, the Python code mode supports the following math functions:

    No. math Function Description
    1 math.ceil(x) Returns the ceiling of x, i.e., the smallest integer greater than or equal to x. If x is not a floating-point number, delegates to x.ceil(), which should return an integer value.
    2 math.floor(x) Returns the floor of x, i.e., the largest integer less than or equal to x. If x is not a floating-point number, delegates to x.floor(), which should return an integer value.
    3 math.fabs(x) Returns the absolute value of x.
    4 math.pow(x,y) Returns x raised to the power y.
    5 math.sqrt(x) Returns the square root of x.

    The following constants are supported:

    No. Constant Description
    1 math.pi Mathematical constant π = 3.141592..., to available precision.
    2 math.e Mathematical constant e = 2.718281..., to available precision.
    3 Floating-point positive infinity (for negative infinity, use -math.inf), which is equivalent to the output of float('inf').
    4 math.nan Floating-point "not a number" (NaN) value, which is equivalent to the output of float('nan').


    base64 is a library for Base64 encoding/decoding. For more information, see 19.6. base64 - Base16, Base32, Base64, Base85 Data Encodings. It has been built in the Python code mode and can be referenced directly. The following functions are supported:

    No. Supported Function Description
    1 base64.b64encode(s) Encodes the bytes-like object s using Base64 and returns the encoded bytes.
    2 base64.b64decode(s) Decodes the Base64 encoded bytes-like object or string s and returns the decoded bytes.


    hmac is a library for HMAC encoding/decoding. For more information, see 15.2. hmac - Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication. It has been built in the Python code mode and can be referenced directly. The following functions are supported:

    No. Supported Function Description
    1 hmac.new(key) Return a new hmac object. key is a bytes or bytearray object giving the secret key.


    random is a library for random number generation. For more information, see 9.6. random - Generate pseudo-random numbers. It has been built in the Python code mode and can be referenced directly. The following functions are supported:

    No. Supported Function Description
    1 random.randint(a,b) Returns a random integer N such that a <= N <= b.


    hashlib is a library for hash value generation. For more information, see 15.1. hashlib - Secure hashes and message digests. It has been built in the Python code mode and can be referenced directly. The following functions/attributes are supported:

    No. Supported Function/Attribute Description
    1 hashlib.sha256() Creates a SHA-256 hash object.
    2 hashlib.md5() Creates an MD5 hash object.
    3 hashlib.sha1() Creates a SHA-1 hash object.


    datetime is a library for time and date processing. For more information, see 8.1. datetime - Basic date and time types. It has been built in the Python code mode and can be referenced directly. The following functions/attributes are supported:

    No. Supported Function/Attribute Description
    1 datetime.date Idealized naive date, assuming the current Gregorian calendar always was, and always will be, in effect. Valid attributes: year, month, day.
    2 datetime.time Idealized time, independent of any particular day, assuming that every day has exactly 24 * 60 * 60 seconds. Valid attributes: hour, minute, second, microsecond, tzinfo.
    3 datetime.datetime Combination of a date and a time. Valid attributes: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond, tzinfo.
    4 datetime.timedelta Duration expressing the difference between two date, time, or datetime objects to microsecond resolution.
    5 datetime.timezone Offset from UTC.
    6 datetime.tzinfo Time zone information objects. These are used by the datetime and time classes to provide a customizable notion of time adjustment (for example, to account for time zone and/or DST).


    decimal is a library for floating-point number processing. For more information, see 9.4. decimal - Decimal fixed point and floating point arithmetic. It has been built in the Python code mode and can be referenced directly. The following functions/attributes are supported:

    No. Supported Function/Attribute Description
    1 decimal.Decimal Constructs a decimal floating-point object.


    socket is the underlying implementation of TCP sockets in Python. For more information, see 18.1. socket - Low-level networking interface. It has been built in the Python code mode and can be referenced directly. The following functions/attributes are supported:

    No. Supported Function/Attribute Description
    1 socket.htonl() Converts 32-bit positive integers from host to network byte order.
    2 socket.ntohl() Converts 32-bit positive integers from network to host byte order.


    pycryptodome is a dedicated third-party encryption tool library. For more information, see Welcome to PyCryptodome's documentation. It has been built in the Python code mode and can be referenced directly. The following functions/attributes are supported:

    No. Supported Function/Attribute Description
    1 Crypto.Util.Padding Provides minimal support for adding and removing standard padding from data. This module provides the pad() and unpad() methods.
    2 Crypto.Cipher.AES Implements AES encryption. This module has a fixed data block size of 16 bytes. Its keys can be 128, 192, or 256 bits long. It provides the new() method.


    struct is a library for binary file packing. For more information, see 7.1. struct - Interpret bytes as packed binary data. It has been built in the Python code mode and can be referenced directly. The following functions/attributes are supported:

    No. Supported Function/Attribute Description
    1 struct.pack(format, v1, v2, ...) Returns a bytes object containing the values v1, v2, ... packed according to the format string format. The arguments must match the values required by the format exactly.
    2 struct.unpack(format, buffer) Unpacks from the buffer buffer according to the format string format and returns a tuple.


    urllib is a library for URL processing. For more information, see 21.5. urllib - URL handling modules. It has been built in the Python code mode and can be referenced directly. The following functions/attributes are supported:

    No. Supported Function/Attribute Description
    1 urllib.parse.urlparse() Gets URL parameters and parses the URL into a tuple of six strings: protocol, location, path, parameters, query, and fragment identifier.
    2 urllib.parse.unquote() Decodes the encoded URL.


    csv is a library for CSV file read/write. For more information, see 14.1. csv - CSV File Reading and Writing. It has been built in the Python code mode and can be referenced directly. The following functions/attributes are supported:

    No. Supported Function/Attribute Description
    1 csv.reader() Creates a reader object, which will traverse over lines in a CSV file object.




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