tencent cloud


Expression Mode

最后更新时间:2023-08-03 17:51:33


    In expression mode, you can enter a valid Python expression to return the required data. The expression mode is specifically optimized to provide a smart prompt feature which simplifies your input and outperform the code mode.

    Use of IDE

    Hover over any Dataway textbox, and the mode selection buttons will pop up automatically. Click Expression and then click the textbox to enter an expression.

    • Syntax check
      On the Dataway interactive UI, you can check the syntax of the expression in real time. If an error occurs, the border of the textbox will turn red, and an error message will be displayed below the textbox.
      You can modify the expression based on the error message. A flow can be published only after all its expressions pass syntax check.
    • Autocomplete
      When you input content in the textbox, the Dataway interactive UI will automatically display the syntax prompts and viable completion options based on the current context below or above the textbox. You can select an appropriate tag to quickly complete your expression. The syntax prompts include attributes, methods, built-in functions, and third-party modules.

    • Reference on the flow data panel
      In expression mode, you can reference data on the flow data panel. For more information, see Flow Data Panel.

    • Type conversion
      Other than certain components with special requirements, the expression mode supports convenient type conversion for the Dataway interactive UI. You can click the target data type in the drop-down list on the left of the textbox to convert the type of the expression output result explicitly, so as to forcibly change the data type. The default type is any, i.e., no type conversion.


    The expression mode is based on the eval() function in Python 3 syntax to make it easier to use. Like the code mode, the expression mode allows you to use msg (Message type) to reference the message of the current flow. In addition, in expression mode, you can quickly reference the output data of previous components quickly on the flow data panel.

    The expression mode supports the following syntax structures:

    Expression Group Expression Type Description Example Remarks
    Atomic expression literal Literal "abc", 123, True, b'abc' Literal of a data type such as `string`, `int`, `float`, `bool`, or `bytes`.
    name Identifier abc A variable used to read the specified name from global context.
    tuple Tuple ('a', 'b', 'c'), (str(1)) Returns a tuple if there is at least one comma; otherwise, returns the value of a single expression.
    list List [1,2,3] Enumerates elements to construct a list.
    list-comp List comprehension [i for i in 'abc'] Constructs a list through comprehension.
    set Set {1,2,'a'} Enumerates elements to construct a set.
    set-comp Set comprehension {i for in 'abc'} Constructs a set through comprehension.
    dict Dictionary {1:2, 'a':'b', 3.0:True} Enumerates elements to construct a dictionary.
    dict-comp Dictionary comprehension {i:i*i for i in range(10)} Constructs a dictionary through comprehension.
    generator Generator (k*k for k in range(10)) Returns a generator.
    Primary expression attr Attribute reference msg.payload Returns an attribute.
    index Container subscript value msg.payload[1], msg.vars['a'] Gets the value by subscript.
    slice Slice subscript msg.payload[1:3] Gets the value by subscript.
    call Call str('a') Calls a function.
    Mathematical expression binop Binary operator 3**3, 3+3, 'a' is not in msg.vars Exponentiation (**), arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /, //, %), shift operations (>>, <<), bitwise operations (&, ^, |), and comparison operations (>, >=, <, <=, ==, !=, is, is not, in, not in) are supported.
    uniop Unary operator not msg.vars, ~msg.vars['no'] `+` (keeps the value of the operand), `-` (produces the negative value), `~` (indicates bitwise negation), and `not` (indicates logical NOT).
    Conditional expression if-expr Conditional expression 'a' if 's' in msg.vars else 'b' xx if True else xx.
    logical Logical expression a and b, not True Boolean operations (`and`, `not`, `or`) are supported.
    Special expression dataref Data reference Tags generated automatically after you click data in the drop-down list References the data in the specified path from the context.

    Data types

    The expression mode fully supports the core types in iPaaS based on native types in Python. Data of types bound to the core types in iPaaS can freely flow between components and Dataway.

    Data Type Core Type in iPaaS Feature Feature Type Feature Functionality Output Type
    int Integer + Operator Addition. int
    - Operator Subtraction. int
    * Operator Multiplication. int
    / Operator Division. float
    // Operator Floor division. int
    % Operator Modulus. int
    -x Operator Negative value. int
    & Operator Bitwise AND. int
    | Operator Bitwise OR. int
    ^ Operator Bitwise XOR. int
    ~ Operator Bitwise negation. int
    << Operator Left shift. int
    >> Operator Right shift. int
    < Operator Less than. bool
    > Operator Greater than. bool
    <= Operator Less than or equal to. bool
    >= Operator Greater than or equal to. bool
    == Operator Equal to. bool
    != Operator Not equal to. bool
    str String + Operator Concatenation. str
    * Operator Repetition. str
    [index] Subscript operation Gets the value of the specified index. str
    [index1:index2] Subscript operation Splices the data. str
    [index1:index2:step] Subscript operation Splices the data by step. str
    in Operator Returns whether the data is a substring. bool
    % Operator Formatting. str
    == Operator Equal to bool
    != Operator Not equal to bool
    bool Boolean or Operator OR bool
    and Operator AND bool
    not Operator NOT bool
    == Operator Equal to. bool
    != Operator Not equal to. bool
    float Float + Operator Addition. float
    - Operator Subtraction. float
    * Operator Multiplication. float
    / Operator Division. float
    // Operator Floor division. float
    % Operator Modulus. float
    -x Operator Negative value. float
    < Operator Less than. bool
    > Operator Greater than. bool
    <= Operator Less than or equal to. bool
    >= Operator Greater than or equal to. bool
    == Operator Equal to. bool
    != Operator Not equal to. bool
    bytes Non-core types + Operator Concatenation. bytes
    * Operator Repetition. bytes
    [index] Subscript operation Gets the value of the specified index. int
    [index1:index2] Subscript operation Splices the data. bytes
    [index1:index2:step] Subscript operation Splices the data by step. bytes
    in Operator Returns whether the data is a substring. bool
    % Operator Formatting. bytes
    == Operator Equal to. bool
    != Operator Not equal to. bool
    list List + Operator Concatenation. list
    * Operator Repetition. list
    [index] Subscript operation Gets the value of the specified index. any
    [index1:index2] Subscript operation Splices the data. list
    [index1:index2:step] Subscript operation Splices the data by step. list
    in Operator Returns whether the data is an element in the list. bool
    < Operator Returns whether each element in the former list is less than the corresponding element in the latter list. bool
    > Operator Returns whether each element in the former list is greater than the corresponding element in the latter list. bool
    <= Operator Returns whether each element in the former list is less than or equal to the corresponding element in the latter list. bool
    >= Operator Returns whether each element in the former list is greater than or equal to the corresponding element in the latter list. bool
    == Operator Equal to. bool
    != Operator Not equal to. bool
    dict Dictionary [key] Subscript operation Gets the value of the specified `key`. any
    == Operator Equal to. bool
    != Operator Not equal to. bool
    set Non-core types & Operator Intersection. set
    | Operator Union. set
    - Operator Subtraction. set
    < Operator Returns whether the data is a proper subset. bool
    > Operator Returns whether the data is a proper superset. bool
    <= Operator Returns whether the data is a subset. bool
    >= Operator Returns whether the data is a superset. bool
    in Operator Returns whether the data is an element in the list. bool
    == Operator Equal to. bool
    != Operator Not equal to. bool
    decimal.Decimal Decimal + Operator Addition. decimal
    - Operator Subtraction. decimal
    * Operator Multiplication. decimal
    / Operator Division. decimal
    % Operator Modulus. decimal
    -x Operator Negative value. decimal
    < Operator Less than. bool
    > Operator Greater than. bool
    <= Operator Less than or equal to. bool
    >= Operator Greater than or equal to. bool
    == Operator Equal to. bool
    != Operator Not equal to. bool
    datetime.datetime Date and time year Attribute Year. int
    month Attribute Month. int
    day Attribute Day. int
    hour Attribute Hour. int
    minute Attribute Minute. int
    second Attribute Second. int
    microsecond Attribute Microsecond. int
    + Operator Moves forward the date. datetime.datetime
    - Operator Calculates the time interval. datetime.timedelta
    < Operator Less than. bool
    > Operator Greater than. bool
    <= Operator Less than or equal to. bool
    >= Operator Greater than or equal to. bool
    == Operator Equal to. bool
    != Operator Not equal to. bool
    datetime.date Date year Attribute Year. int
    month Attribute Month. int
    day Attribute Day. int
    strftime(format) Method Formatting. str
    + Operator Moves forward the date. datetime.date
    - Operator Calculates the time interval. datetime.timedelta
    < Operator Less than. bool
    > Operator Greater than. bool
    <= Operator Less than or equal to. bool
    >= Operator Greater than or equal to. bool
    == Operator Equal to. bool
    != Operator Not equal to. bool
    datetime.time Time hour Attribute Hour. int
    minute Attribute Minute. int
    second Attribute Second. int
    microsecond Attribute Microsecond. int
    < Operator Less than. bool
    > Operator Greater than. bool
    <= Operator Less than or equal to. bool
    >= Operator Greater than or equal to. bool
    == Operator Equal to. bool
    != Operator Not equal to. bool
    Entity Binary entity from_bytes(bs,mime_type=None, encoding="utf-8") Static method Constructs an `Entity` object based on the binary data. Entity
    from_value(obj,mime_type=None, encoding="utf-8") Static method Constructs an `Entity` object based on the data. Entity
    get(key,dafault=None) Method Gets the data. any
    [key] Subscript operation Gets the value of the specified `key`. any
    [^value] Subscript operation Gets the parsed value. any
    [^blob] Subscript operation Gets the binary raw data. bytes
    RecordSet Data set schema() Method Gets the schema. dict
    Record Single data record [key] Subscript operation Gets the value of the specified `key`. any
    Message Message payload Attribute Returns the output. any
    attrs Attribute Returns an attribute. dict
    vars Attribute Returns a variable. dict
    id Attribute Returns the unique identifier of the message. str
    seq_id Attribute Returns the flow sequence number. str
    error Attribute Returns an error. dict
    isthrowing Attribute Specifies whether to throw an error. bool

    Other support

    The expression mode provides various type methods, built-in functions, and third-party modules for you to choose as needed to quickly implement predefined features. For more information, see Expression Mode Appendix.





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