tencent cloud


Python Code Mode

最后更新时间:2023-08-04 10:44:00

    The Python code mode extends the expression mode to support more complex syntax and more powerful features. It is more difficult to use and requires a basic knowledge of Python programming.

    Use of IDE


    1. Hover over any Dataway textbox, and the mode selection buttons will pop up automatically. Click Code to enter the code mode.
    2. Click the textbox, and the code editor will pop up. The Python script editor is selected by default, where you can edit a Python script.Python
    3. After editing the script, click Confirm.

    Feature description

    The editor provides various IDE-like features, including syntax check, formatting, script debugging, autocomplete, and code highlighting.

    • Syntax check
      The Python script editor can check the syntax of the Python script in real time and display conspicuous prompts on the left of the script editing window and below the incorrect code. When you hover over an error prompt, the detailed error message will be displayed.
      You can modify the Python script based on the syntax prompts. Only code that passes the syntax check can be saved successfully.ide
    • Formatting
      The Python script editor offers a formatting feature button. You can click the formatting icon in the top-right corner to quickly format the Python script, making the code simpler and more standard. After you click the formatting icon in the top-right corner, the formatted code is as shown below:
    • Script debugging
      The Python script editor offers a debugging feature button. You can click the Debug icon in the top-right corner to debug the Python script online as instructed in Script debugging.
    • Autocomplete
      When you input content in the textbox, the Python script editor will automatically display the syntax prompts based on the current context below the cursor. Generally, syntax prompts include built-in functions, keywords, and third-party modules.
    • Reference on the flow data panel
      In code mode, you can reference data on the flow data panel. For more information, see Flow Data Panel.
    • Code highlighting
      The Python script editor highlights the Dataway code and completes parentheses and brackets by default.

    Script Structure

    A complete script in Python code mode must be in compliance with Python 3 syntax and contain the entry function definition def dw_process(msg), such as:

    def dw_process(msg):
        sq = func(3)
        val = {
            'square': sq,
            'data': msg.payload['realData'] + 1
        return Entity.from_value(val, mime_type='application/json')
    def func(x):
        return x*x

    The dw_process entry function only accepts a parameter msg, which represents the message that Dataway needs to process currently. The returned value of the function is also the returned value of the script.

    Enter the above expression in the Set Payload component. If the input message of the component is in JSON structure {"realData": 123}, the calculation output result of the Python script will be as follows:

        "square": 9,
        "data": 124

    Basic Dataway Syntax Description

    The Python code mode is implemented based on Python 3 syntax. This section describes the basic syntax of the Python code mode.


    The Python code mode supports the following keywords. As reserved words in Python code mode, keywords won't be treated as any identifier name.

    Keyword Description
    True Boolean value. True indicates true, which is opposite to False.
    True Boolean value. False indicates false, which is opposite to True.
    None Null.
    and Logical AND.
    or Logical OR.
    not Logical NOT.
    as Creates an alias.
    assert Uses an assertion to test an expression.
    break Stops a loop statement.
    continue Jumps out of the current loop.
    def Defines a function.
    if/else/elif Forms a conditional statement.
    for Forms a loop statement.
    global Declares a global variable.
    in Checks whether a value is present in an object.
    is Checks whether two variables refer to the same object.
    lambda Creates an anonymous function. A function can be implemented in a single line.
    nonlocal Declares a nonlocal variable in a nested function. This keyword can modify variables defined externally.
    pass Null statement, which can be used as a placeholder.
    raise Throws an exception.
    return Returns the value of a function.

    Line and indentation

    The Python code mode identifies code blocks based on indentation. Different numbers of indentation spaces indicate different code levels. The number of indentation spaces at the same level must be the same.


    The Python code mode supports the following common operators, including arithmetic, comparison, assignment, logical, and bitwise operators. Suppose variable a is 5 and b is 3, the examples are as listed below:

    Operator Description Example
    = Assignment. c = 3
    + Addition. a + b = 3
    - Subtraction. a - b = 2
    * Multiplication. a * b = 15
    / Division. 15 / a = b
    % Modulus, which returns the remainder of a division. 16 % b = 1
    ** Exponentiation. a ** b = 125
    // Returns the greatest integer less than or equal to the specified value. a // b = 1
    += Addition assignment. c += a is equivalent to c = c + a.
    -= Subtraction assignment. c -= a is equivalent to c = c - a.
    *= Multiplication assignment. c *= a is equivalent to c = c * a.
    /= Division assignment. c /= a is equivalent to c = c / a.
    == Checks whether two values are equal. a == b returns False.
    != Checks whether two values are not equal. a != b returns True.
    > Checks whether a value is greater than another. a > b returns True.
    < Checks whether a value is less than another. a &lt; b returns False.
    >= Checks whether a value is greater than or equal to another. a >= b returns True.
    <= Checks whether a value is less than or equal to another. a &lt;= b returns False.
    & Bitwise AND. a & b = 1(0101 & 0011 = 0001).
    | Bitwise OR. a | b = 7 (0101 & 0011 = 0111).
    ^ Bitwise XOR. a ^ b = 6 (0101 ^ 0011 = 0110).
    ~ Bitwise negation. ~a = -6.
    << Left shift. a << 3 = 20 (0000 0101 << 3 = 0001 0100).
    << Right shift. a >> 1 = 2 (0101 >> 1 = 0010).

    Conditional and loop control statements

    • The Python code mode uses if, elif, and else statements for conditional control. For example, the value of a is checked to return different strings:
      def dw_process(msg):
        a = 100
        if a < 10:
            return 'a is lower than 10'
        elif a <= 100 and a >= 10:
            return 'a is between 10 and 100'
            return 'a is bigger than 100'

    The execution result of the Dataway expression is a is between 10 and 100.

    • The Python code mode uses the for loop for loop control. For example, a for loop is used to get the product of elements in a:
      def dw_process(msg):
        a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
        num = 1
        for i in a:
            num *= i
        return num

    The execution result of the Dataway expression is 24.

    Function definition

    In Python code mode, you can use the def keyword to define a function as follows: the def keyword is followed by a function name and parameter name list, the function definition line ends with a colon :, the next line is indented by default, and the entire function ends with a return statement; if no return statement is used, None will be returned.

    After defining a function, you can call and execute it in another function. In Python code mode, the default entry function dw_process doesn't need to be declared manually. To customize a function, directly define it below the dw_process entry function. For example, a function test() is defined to calculate the sum of the list elements and is called in the dw_process function, and a return statement is used at the end to return the result:

    def dw_process(msg):
        a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
        return add_list(a)
    def add_list(alist):
        sum = 0
        for i in reversed(alist):
            sum += i
        return sum

    The final output result is 10.

    Module call

    The Python code mode has various built-in third-party modules, including time, json, math, base64, hmac, random, hashlib, Crypto, socket, struct, decimal, and datetime. When using a module, you can directly reference the module name without using the import keyword. For the specific function description, see Expression Mode Appendix. For example, a JSON string is received and converted into a dictionary:

    def dw_process(msg):
        jsonStr = '{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}'
        jsonDict = json.loads(jsonStr)  # Convert into a `dict` object
        num = 1
        for k, v in jsonDict.items():   # Traverse the `dict` object
            num += math.pow(v, 2)
        return num

    The final output result is 15.0.


    In Python code mode, single-line comments start with #, and you can use multiple # symbols, ''', or """ for multi-line comments. For example, execute the following code:

    # Dataway comment
    Dataway comment
    Dataway comment
    Dataway comment
    Dataway comment
    def dw_process(msg):
        return 'Dataway Hello World!'

    The output result is:

    Dataway Hello World!

    The Python code mode provides the syntax check feature to check the syntax in real time and prompt errors when you write code. For the detailed syntax description, see The Python Language Reference.

    dw_process Entry Function

    dw_process is the main entry function in Python code mode, which acts like the main function in C or C++.

    dw_process only accepts a parameter of the Message type, and its returned value is the output value of the script in Python code mode.

    As a stage in the data processing process in iPaaS, the dw_process function currently supports core types for its returned value.

    For more information on the data types and returned value in Python code mode, see Data Type System.

    Data Type System

    Type Description Unique to Dataway Example
    str String, i.e., native str type in Python. No "abc"
    None None in Python. No None
    bool Boolean, i.e., native bool type in Python. No True/False
    float Float, i.e., native float type in Python. No 123.123
    int Integer, i.e., native int type in Python. No 123
    bytes Byte array, i.e., bytes type in Python. No b'this_is_a_bytes'
    set Set, i.e., set type in Python. No {1,2,3}
    list List (a sequence container), i.e., native list type in Python. No [1,2,3]
    dict Dictionary (a key-value pair container), i.e., native dict type in Python. No {1:1, 'key': 'value'}
    Entity Entity data in iPaaS, which represents a binary object and is accessed as an Entity object in Dataway. It contains information such as blob, mime_type, and encoding. Yes payload in a message constructed by the HTTP Listener component, such as msg.payload
    MultiMap Multi-value map. Like xml but unlike dict, this type supports duplicate key values. Yes Object obtained after data in application/www-form-urlencoded format is parsed
    FormDataParts Array + list data structure, which is similar to orderDict in Python. Yes Object obtained after data in multipart/form-data format is parsed
    Message Message in iPaaS, which is accessed as a Message object in Dataway. Yes msg parameter in the dw_process entry function

    • The above types can be used in the Python code mode, but the data type of the returned value of the dw_process function must be a core type.
    • If the output value of a Dataway expression is the final result returned by the flow, the types supported for the returned value will also be subject to the flow components. If an HTTP Listener component is used as the first component in the flow, the final payload value must be of Entity type.

    Script Debugging

    The Python code mode supports script debugging to help troubleshoot problems and verify the result. With this feature, you can manually define the input parameter msg and click Test to directly view the script execution result, debugging log, and error message.

    1. Enter an expression in the script textbox.
      In Dataway debugging mode, you can use the print() function in the expression to print the information to be observed. The printed message will be displayed on the UI after the script is executed.
    1. Click the Debug icon in the top-right corner of the script editing window. In the simulated data configuration pop-up window, you can set the payload, attributes, and variables of msg. After completing the configuration, click Start test, and the system will automatically assemble a msg parameter and pass it to the dw_process function as the script input.
    1. After the dw_process function is executed, the execution result and printed debugging log will pop up at the bottom of the editing window. If errors occur during execution, error messages will be displayed.

      • Output: It displays the execution result of the Dataway expression.

      • Error: It displays the script execution error message. If no errors occur, a green tick will be displayed.

    Other Support

    The Python code mode provides various built-in functions and third-party modules for you to choose as needed to quickly implement predefined features. For more information, see Python Appendix.





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