How the shooting drafts feature works
//Get the object of the previous shooting
record = [TXUGCRecord shareInstance];
//Start shooting a video.
[record startRecord];
//Pause the shooting and cache the video segment
[record pauseRecord:^{
NSArray *videoPathList = record.partsManager.getVideoPathList;
//Set `videoPathList` to a local path.
//Get the object of the resumed shooting.
record2 = [TXUGCRecord shareInstance];
//Preload the locally cached video segment.
[record2.partsManager insertPart:videoPath atIndex:0];
//Start the shooting
[record2 startRecord];
//End the shooting. The SDK will splice together the two video segments.
[record2 stopRecord];
Note:For detailed instructions, see the
class in (Demo) Source Code for All-Feature UGSV Apps.
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