tencent cloud


Last updated: 2022-11-17 16:50:16


    Basic shooting APIs

    API Description
    getInstance Gets a shooting instance.
    setVideoRecordListener Sets the shooting callback.
    release Releases resources.
    setVideoProcessListener Sets the custom image processing callback (not supported in UGSV Lite).

    Shooting effect APIs

    API Description
    setWatermark Sets a global watermark (not supported in UGSV Lite).
    getBeautyManager Gets the beauty filter management object.

    Camera and mic APIs

    API Description
    startCameraSimplePreview Starts the camera preview (simplified parameters).
    startCameraCustomPreview Starts the camera preview (custom parameters).
    setVideoResolution Sets the shooting resolution.
    setVideoBitrate Sets the video bitrate for shooting.
    stopCameraPreview Stops the camera preview.
    switchCamera Switches between the front and rear cameras.
    setMicVolume Sets the mic volume.
    toggleTorch Turns on/off the flashlight.
    getMaxZoom Gets the maximum zoom factor. You can also use this API to check whether zooming is supported.
    setZoom Sets the zoom factor.
    setFocusPosition Sets the focus position manually.
    setVideoRenderMode Sets the video rendering mode.

    Shooting APIs

    API Description
    startRecord Starts shooting. The SDK will automatically generate the video path and thumbnail, which are returned by ITXVideoRecordListener.
    startRecord Starts shooting.
    startRecord Starts shooting.
    stopRecord Stops shooting.
    pauseRecord Pauses shooting.
    resumeRecord Resumes shooting.
    setAspectRatio Sets the aspect ratio.
    setRecordSpeed Sets the shooting speed (not supported in UGSV Lite).
    setMute Sets whether to mute audio.
    setHomeOrientation Sets the orientation (in relation to the Home button).
    setRenderRotation Sets the rotation for rendering.

    Background music APIs

    API Description
    setReverb Sets the reverb effect (not supported in UGSV Lite).
    setVoiceChangerType Sets the voice changing effect (not supported in UGSV Lite).
    setBGM Sets the background music (not supported in UGSV Lite).
    setBGMNofify Sets the music playback callback (not supported in UGSV Lite).
    playBGMFromTime Plays the background music (not supported in UGSV Lite).
    stopBGM Stops the background music (not supported in UGSV Lite).
    pauseBGM Pauses the background music (not supported in UGSV Lite).
    resumeBGM Resumes the background music (not supported in UGSV Lite).
    seekBGM Sets the start and end time for the background music (not supported in UGSV Lite).
    setBGMVolume Sets the volume of the background music (not supported in UGSV Lite).
    getMusicDuration Gets the duration of the music file (not supported in UGSV Lite).

    Screenshot APIs

    API Description
    snapshot Sets the preprocessing callback.

    Disused APIs

    API Description
    setMotionTmpl Sets the animated effect (supported in UGSV Enterprise and Enterprise Pro).
    setMotionMute Sets whether to mute an animated effect (supported in UGSV Enterprise and Enterprise Pro).
    setGreenScreenFile Sets the green screen (supported in UGSV Enterprise Pro).
    setFaceVLevel Sets the V shape effect (supported in UGSV Enterprise Pro).
    setFaceShortLevel Sets the face length (supported in UGSV Enterprise Pro and Enterprise Pro EX).
    setChinLevel Sets the chin length (supported in UGSV Enterprise Pro and Enterprise Pro EX).
    setNoseSlimLevel Sets the nose size (supported in UGSV Enterprise Pro and Enterprise Pro EX).
    setEyeScaleLevel Sets the big eyes effect (supported in UGSV Enterprise Pro and Enterprise Pro EX).
    setFaceScaleLevel Sets the slim face effect (supported in UGSV Enterprise Pro).
    setBeautyStyle Sets the beauty style.
    setBeautyDepth Sets the beautification and brightening strength.
    setFilter Sets the color filter.
    setFilter Sets multiple filters.
    setSpecialRatio Sets the filter strength.


    Segment-based shooting APIs

    API Description
    TXUGCPartsManager The video segment manager.
    setPartsManagerObserver Sets the callback for processing video segments.
    removePartsManagerObserver Sets the callback for deleting video segments.
    addClipInfo Adds a video segment to the end of the list.
    insertPart Inserts a video segment.
    getDuration Gets the total duration of all the video segments.
    getPartsPathList Gets the paths of all the video segments shot.
    deleteLastPart Deletes the last video segment.
    deletePart Deletes a specific video segment.
    deleteAllParts Deletes all the video segments.


    Custom video processing callback APIs

    API Description
    onTextureCustomProcess The texture processing callback.
    onDetectFacePoints The facial keypoints.
    onTextureDestroyed The texture releasing callback.


    Preview callback APIs

    API Description
    onRecordEvent A shooting event.
    onRecordProgress The shooting progress callback.
    onRecordComplete The shooting ended.


    Screenshot callback APIs

    API Description
    onSnapshot The screenshot callback.


    Background music callback APIs

    API Description
    onBGMStart The background music started.
    onBGMProgress The music playback progress.
    onBGMComplete The background music ended.


    Definitions of key types

    API Description
    TXRecordResult The shooting result.
    TXUGCSimpleConfig Preset shooting parameters.
    TXUGCCustomConfig Custom shooting parameters.

    Error Codes

    Shooting result

    Message Code Description
    RECORD_RESULT_OK 0 The shooting was successful or was paused (stopped).
    RECORD_RESULT_OK_LESS_THAN_MINDURATION 1 The shooting was successful. The duration is shorter than the minimum duration allowed.
    RECORD_RESULT_OK_REACHED_MAXDURATION 2 The shooting was successful. The duration is longer than the maximum duration allowed.
    RECORD_RESULT_FAILED -1 The shooting failed.
    RECORD_RESULT_SUSPEND_FOR_NO_TASK -2 An API was called to pause (stop) shooting, but there wasn’t a shooting task.
    RECORD_RESULT_FILE_ERR -3 The file does not exist or its duration is 0. This is usually because the interval between when shooting is started, and when it is paused (stopped) is too short. This error does not need to be handled.
    RECORD_RESULT_COMPOSE_SET_SRC_PATH_ERR -4 The source video path is invalid. Call mTXUGCPartsManager.getPartsPathList() to check whether the file is empty or its duration is 0.
    RECORD_RESULT_COMPOSE_SET_DST_PATH_ERR -5 The target video path is invalid. Check whether the path is empty.
    RECORD_RESULT_COMPOSE_START_ERR -6 Failed to generate the video because there is an ongoing task.
    RECORD_RESULT_COMPOSE_CANCEL -7 The video was canceled.
    RECORD_RESULT_COMPOSE_VERIFY_FAIL -8 Verification for video generation failed because the file does not exist, the file duration is 0, or the video parameters are inconsistent.
    RECORD_RESULT_COMPOSE_INTERNAL_ERR -9 The video failed to be generated due to an internal error.

    Starting shooting

    Message Code Description
    START_RECORD_OK 0 Shooting started.
    START_RECORD_ERR_IS_IN_RECORDING -1 There was an ongoing task when a request was made to start shooting.
    START_RECORD_ERR_VIDEO_PATH_IS_EMPTY -2 The file path is empty when a request was made to start shooting.
    START_RECORD_ERR_API_IS_LOWER_THAN_18 -3 The version is earlier than v18.
    START_RECORD_ERR_NOT_INIT -4 Initialization was not finished yet when a request was made to start shooting.
    START_RECORD_ERR_LICENCE_VERIFICATION_FAILED -5 License verification failed.
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