tencent cloud


Last updated: 2022-11-14 18:22:09


    The Tencent Cloud RT-Cube Player for Android is an open-source player component of Tencent Cloud. It integrates quality monitoring, video encryption, Top Speed Codec, definition selection, and small window playback and is suitable for all VOD and live playback scenarios. It encapsulates complete features and provides upper-layer UIs to help you quickly create a playback program comparable to mainstream video applications.

    If the Player component cannot meet your custom requirements and you have development experience, you can integrate the RT-Cube Player SDK as instructed in Integration Guide to customize the player UI and playback features.


    1. To try out all features of the player, we recommend you activate VOD. If you don't have an account yet, sign up for one first. If you don't use the VOD service, you can skip this step; however, you will only be able to use basic player features after integration.
    2. Download and install Android Studio. If you have already done so, skip this step.

    Content Summary

    1. How to integrate the Player component for Android
    2. How to create and use the player


    Step 1. Download the player code package

    GitHub page: LiteAVSDK/Player_Android

    You can download the Player for Android by downloading the Player component ZIP package or running the Git clone command.

    Go to the Player GitHub page and click Code > Download ZIP.

    Step 2. Integrate the component

    This step describes how to integrate the player. You can integrate the project by using Gradle for automatic loading, manually downloading the AAR and importing it into your current project, or importing the JAR and SO libraries.

    1. Download the SDK + demo package for Android here.

    2. Copy the Demo/superplayerkit module to your project and then configure as follows:

      • Import superplayerkit into setting.gradle in your project directory.
        include ':superplayerkit'
      • Open the build.gradle file of the superplayerkit project and modify the constant values of compileSdkVersion, buildToolsVersion, minSdkVersion, targetSdkVersion, and rootProject.ext.liteavSdk.

        compileSdkVersion 26
        buildToolsVersion "26.0.2"
           defaultConfig {
           targetSdkVersion 23
           minSdkVersion 19
           dependencies {
           // To integrate an older version, change `latest.release` to the corresponding version number, such as `8.5.290009`
           implementation 'com.tencent.liteav:LiteAVSDK_Player:latest.release'

        Import the common module into your project as instructed above and configure it.
    3. Configure the mavenCentral repository in Gradle, and LiteAVSDK will be automatically downloaded and updated. Open app/build.gradle and configure as follows:

      1. Add the LiteAVSDK_Player dependencies to dependencies.
        dependencies {
         implementation 'com.tencent.liteav:LiteAVSDK_Player:latest.release'
         implementation project(':superplayerkit')
         // Third-party library for integration of the on-screen commenting feature of the Player component
         implementation 'com.github.ctiao:DanmakuFlameMaster:0.5.3'

        If you need to integrate an older version of the LiteAVSDK_Player SDK, view it in MavenCentral and then integrate it as instructed below:
        dependencies {
        // Integrate the LiteAVSDK_Player SDK v8.5.10033
        implementation 'com.tencent.liteav:LiteAVSDK_Player:8.5.10033'
      2. In the defaultConfig of app/build.gradle, specify the CPU architecture to be used by the application (currently, LiteAVSDK supports armeabi, armeabi-v7a, and arm64-v8a, which you can configure as needed).
        ndk {
         abiFilters "armeabi", "armeabi-v7a", "arm64-v8a"

        If you haven't used the download cache feature (APIs in TXVodDownloadManager) of the SDK v9.4 or earlier and don't need to play back the downloaded files in the SDK v9.5 or later, you don't need to use the SO file of the feature, which helps reduce the size of the installation package. For example, if you have downloaded a cached file by using the setDownloadPath and startDownloadUrl functions of the TXVodDownloadManager class in the SDK v9.4 or earlier, and the getPlayPath path called back by TXVodDownloadManager is stored in the application for subsequent playback, you will need libijkhlscache-master.so to play back the file at the getPlayPath path; otherwise, you won't need it. You can add the following to app/build.gradle:
        exclude "lib/armeabi/libijkhlscache-master.so"
        exclude "lib/armeabi-v7a/libijkhlscache-master.so"
        exclude "lib/arm64-v8a/libijkhlscache-master.so"
      3. Add the mavenCentral repository to the build.gradle in your project directory.
        repositories {
    4. Click Sync Now to sync the SDK. If mavenCentral can be connected to, the SDK will be automatically downloaded and integrated into the project very soon.

    At this point, you have completed integrating the RT-Cube Player for Android.

    Step 3. Configure application permissions

    Configure permissions for your application in AndroidManifest.xml. LiteAVSDK needs the following permissions:

    <!--network permission-->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
    <!--VOD player floating window permission -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

    Step 4. Set obfuscation rules

    In the proguard-rules.pro file, add the classes related to the TRTC SDK to the "do not obfuscate" list:

    -keep class com.tencent.** { *;}

    At this point, you have completed configuring permissions for the RT-Cube Player application for Android.

    Step 5. Use the player features

    This step describes how to create a player and use it for video playback.

    1. Player creation
      The main class of the player is SuperPlayerView, and videos can be played back after it is created. FileId or URL can be integrated for playback. Create SuperPlayerView in the layout file:

      <!-- Player component -->
      android:layout_height="200dp" />
    2. License configuration
      If you have the required license, get the license URL and key in the RT-Cube console.
      If you don't have the required license, contact us to get it.

      After obtaining the license information, before calling relevant APIs of the SDK, initialize the license through the following API. We recommend you set the following in the Application class:

      public class MApplication extends Application {
      public void onCreate() {
          String licenceURL = ""; // The license URL obtained
          String licenceKey = ""; // The license key obtained
          TXLiveBase.getInstance().setLicence(this, licenceURL, licenceKey);
          TXLiveBase.setListener(new TXLiveBaseListener() {
              public void onLicenceLoaded(int result, String reason) {
                  Log.i(TAG, "onLicenceLoaded: result:" + result + ", reason:" + reason);
    1. Video playback
      This step describes how to play back a video. The RT-Cube Player for Android can be used for VOD and live playback as follows:
      • VOD playback: The Player component supports two VOD playback methods, namely, through FileID or URL.
      • Live playback: The Player component can use the playback through URL method for live playback. A live audio/video stream can be pulled for playback simply by passing in its URL. For more information on how to generate a Tencent Cloud live streaming URL, see Splicing Live Streaming URLs.

        A URL can be the playback address of a VOD file or the pull address of a live stream. A video file can be played back simply by passing in its URL.

        SuperPlayerModel model = new SuperPlayerModel();
        model.appId = 1400329073; // Configure `AppId`
        model.url = "http://your_video_url.mp4";   // Configure a URL for your video for playback

    2. Playback exit
      If the player is no longer needed, call resetPlayer to reset the player and free up memory.

    At this point, you have learned how to create a player, use it to play videos, and stop playback.

    More Features

    This section describes several common player features. For more features, see Demo. For features supported by the Player component, see Feature Description.

    1. Full screen playback

    The Player component supports full screen playback. In full screen mode, users can lock the screen, control volume and brightness with gestures, send on-screen comments, take screenshots, and switch the video definition. You can try out this feature in TCToolkit App > Player > Player Component, and you can enter the full screen playback mode by clicking the full screen icon in the bottom-right corner.

    You can call the API below to enter full screen from the windowed playback mode:


    Features of full screen playback mode

    Tap Back to return to the window playback mode.

    // API triggered after tapping

    2. Floating window playback

    The Player component supports playback in a small floating window, which allows users to switch to another application without interrupting the video playback. You can try out this feature in TCToolkit App > Player > Player Component by clicking Back in the top-left corner.

    Floating window playback relies on the following permission in AndroidManifest:

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW" />
    // The API triggered by switching to the floating window
    // The API triggered by tapping the floating window to return to the main window

    3. Thumbnail

    The Player component supports customizing a video thumbnail, which is displayed before the callback is received for playing back the first video frame. You can try out this feature in TCToolkit App > Player > Player Component > Thumbnail Customization Demo.

    • When the Player component is set to the automatic playback mode PLAY_ACTION_AUTO_PLAY, the video will be played back automatically, and the thumbnail will be displayed before the first video frame is loaded.
    • When the Player component is set to the manual playback mode PLAY_ACTION_MANUAL_PLAY, the video will be played back only after the user clicks Play. The thumbnail will be displayed until the first video frame is loaded.

    You can set the thumbnail by specifying the URL of a local or online file. For detailed directions, see the code below. If you play by VOD file ID, you can also set the thumbnail in the VOD console.

    SuperPlayerModel model = new SuperPlayerModel();
    model.appId = "Your `appid`";
    model.videoId = new SuperPlayerVideoId();
    model.videoId.fileId = "Your `fileId`"; 
    // Playback mode, which can be set to automatic (`PLAY_ACTION_AUTO_PLAY`) or manual (`PLAY_ACTION_MANUAL_PLAY`)
    model.playAction = PLAY_ACTION_MANUAL_PLAY;
    // Specify the URL of an online file to use as the thumbnail. If `coverPictureUrl` is not set, the thumbnail configured in the VOD console will be used.
    model.coverPictureUrl = "http://1500005830.vod2.myqcloud.com/6c9a5118vodcq1500005830/cc1e28208602268011087336518/MXUW1a5I9TsA.png" 

    4. Video playlist loop

    The Player component supports looping a video playlist:

    • After a video ends, the next video in the list can be played automatically or users can manually start the next video.
    • After the last video in the list ends, the first video in the list will start automatically.

    This feature can be tried out in TCToolkit App > Player > Player Component > Video List Loop Demo.

    // Step 1. Create a loop list<SuperPlayerModel>
    ArrayList<SuperPlayerModel> list = new ArrayList<>();
    SuperPlayerModel model = new VideoModel();
    model = new SuperPlayerModel();
    model.videoId = new SuperPlayerVideoId();
    model.appid = 1252463788;
    model.videoId.fileId = "4564972819219071568";
    model = new SuperPlayerModel();
    model.videoId = new SuperPlayerVideoId();
    model.appid = 1252463788;
    model.videoId.fileId = "4564972819219071679";
    // Step 2. Call the loop API
    mSuperPlayerView.playWithModelListNeedLicence(list, true, 0);
    public void playWithModelListNeedLicence(List<SuperPlayerModel> models, boolean isLoopPlayList, int index);

    API parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    models List Loop data list
    isLoopPlayList boolean Whether to loop video playback
    index int Index of SuperPlayerModel from which to start the playback

    5. Preview

    The Player component supports the video preview feature, which allows non-member viewers to view a preview of the video. You can pass in different parameters to control the video preview duration, prompt message, and preview end screen. You can try out this feature in Tencent Cloud Toolkit App > Player > Player Component > Preview Feature Demo.

    Method 1:
    // Step 1. Create a video model
    SuperPlayerModel mode = new SuperPlayerModel();
    //... Add the video source information
    // Step 2. Create a preview information model
    VipWatchModel vipWatchModel = new VipWatchModel("You can preview %ss and activate the VIP membership to watch the full video",15);
    mode.vipWatchMode = vipWatchModel;
    // Step 3. Call the method for playing back videos
    Method 2:
    // Step 1. Create a preview information model
    VipWatchModel vipWatchModel = new VipWatchModel("You can preview %ss and activate the VIP membership to watch the full video",15);
    // Step 2. Call the method for setting the preview feature
    public VipWatchModel(String tipStr, long canWatchTime)

    VipWatchModel API parameter description:

    Parameter Type Description
    tipStr String Preview prompt message
    canWatchTime Long Preview duration in seconds

    6. Dynamic watermark

    The Player component allows you to add a randomly moving text watermark to protect your content against piracy. Watermarks are visible in both the full screen mode and windowed mode. The text, font size, and color of a watermark are customizable. You can find a demo for this feature in the TCToolkit app: Player > Player Component > Dynamic Watermark Demo.

    Method 1:
    // Step 1. Create a video model
    SuperPlayerModel mode = new SuperPlayerModel();
    //... Add the video source information
    // Step 2. Create a watermark information model
    DynamicWaterConfig dynamicWaterConfig = new DynamicWaterConfig("shipinyun", 30, Color.parseColor("#80FFFFFF"));
    mode.dynamicWaterConfig = dynamicWaterConfig;
    // Step 3. Call the method for playing back videos
    Method 2:
    // Step 1. Create a watermark information model
    DynamicWaterConfig dynamicWaterConfig = new DynamicWaterConfig("shipinyun", 30, Color.parseColor("#80FFFFFF"));
    // Step 2. Call the method for setting the dynamic watermark feature
    public DynamicWaterConfig(String dynamicWatermarkTip, int tipTextSize, int tipTextColor)

    API parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    dynamicWatermarkTip String Watermark text information
    tipTextSize int Text size
    tipTextColor int Text color


    To try out more features, you can directly run the project demo or scan the QR code to download the TCToolkit App demo.

    Running a demo project

    1. Select File > Open on the navigation bar of Android Studio. In the pop-up window, select the $SuperPlayer_Android/Demo directory of the demo project. After the demo project is imported successfully, click Run app to run the demo.
    2. After running the demo successfully, go to Player > Player Component to try out the player features.

    TCToolkit app

    You can try out more features of the Player component in TCToolkit App > Player.

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